You're A Total Fool If You Invest In Anything In This World Or Still Believe In It / Plan For Its Future

It doesn't matter what country you live in, either.

You could be a Chinaman, and if you still believe in "China" having a future, you'd be making a really foolish bet.

No doubt, the Chinese are "positioning" or "posturing" themselves for the future, but the direction the world is going will still ensure negative outcomes and results for things.

If you were to ask me what years I believe our "civilization peaked", at least by a definition of the last years that anything was really still worthwhile living in this world for, I would say this period ended somewhere between the Years 2008 and 2016.

After 2016, everything has changed, including people and AI is now officially a part of people's lives whereas it only existed in the backdrop for thousands of years before.

But, when I say there is nothing left to live for on this planet, I mean it.

It doesn't matter if you're Super Rich either. What good is that when you cannot source anything good with your purchasing power?

Or you go to a concert or on a cruise that is full of nothing but vaccinated losers and parasites.

Most people in this world, are absolute losers and failures, to the highest degree of what I mean by the words.

They are absolutely are, and the thing is while you could essentially "Live For Yourself", this brings nothing fruitful or any value to one's life to live that way and it also means being further perpetually at risk the longer you live that way in the world.

Everything after the period of 2008-2016, through different phases, has essentially become totally worthless.

Even seeing this with my own eyes abroad. Europe is not even European these days from my point of view, nothing about it. It's long gone, and it has become evident how much that is the case now.

I am planning only ONE specific Trip to Europe which will likely be my last trip there until I officially call it quits including all International Travel, if I get to make that trip in time before it becomes impossible to do it as Existential situations will become tense.

But also, there is simply not much left to see or do in Europe.

The world doesn't make sense, and although it never made sense to one degree or another, everything about it completely without sense now.

Only a Madman would be comfortable, content or somehow motivated to participate in this circus.

Very soon you will see just how much this world is fully gone, it's hollowed out, there's no substance in anything or anyone, certainly not the Food, People, Education, Music or any activity anymore.

It's a Loser's Bet to invest or place hope and faith in such a system, of a so-called "Better Tomorrow" which makes me sick that people actually believe in such things.

When I look back at my own life, my best experienced had all commenced prior to 2016 and not because of my age, but because of the world conditions and changes. Before 2008, many other great memorable moments had occurred, and these events will never reoccur because of reprogramming and conditioning of People and Society.

We are living in one gigantic wasteland of a world, and I honestly find it disturbing that anyone can any longer say they Love this place or are grateful for anything about it, because you have to be some really big time Coping Artist who is a serious Masochist to find anything beautiful or worth living for in the Modern World.

Even a Cartoon show is more rewarding.

I mean, you young people have to even pay to attend "Wine and Cheese" Tastings... $25-$50 or more per person, and you get limited tastings.

Vegans want to also sell you "Vegan Food" at a High Premium as if Vegetable Foods are "delicacies" and a "luxury", something that would never EVER have gained steam until say the last 15 or so years like it has now...

I lived in a time when Wine and Cheese Tastings were totally FREE and you could consume as much as you want, you'd be able to even take extra wine that wasn't consumed "home" with you as a gift.

All Good Music that was ever made, had died with Gen X, since Millenials and Gen Z hardly produce anything substantial or noteworthy in that arena.

Even all forms of Entertainment are now watered down and subverted with SJW Themes or Influences to promote certain agendas, that did not necessarily exist in times past.

You people alive today have no idea what kind of shitty deal you have! On one hand you do, but on another hand, FUCK you have it thousands of times worse!!!

Fellow White People are also mostly a burden to live amongst, because ever since the 1980's, they began to completely acquiesce towards Negro Cultural Influences and began to take an envy stance towards them, trying to emulate them in all ways, including their Music and Habits, and we have no longer any majority of Caucasians anywhere in America or Western Europe that aren't taken in by this Energy, even in the Club and Music Scenes. Never mind social media.

What I find absolutely insane about all this too, is how compelled more and more people are these days to fight for their life and survival, in a world that isn't worth to survive and live for, and the people alive today cling to it more greedily than even people of the past did when life was much more manageable and worth living!

Just like what we saw during the launch of the COVID Agenda.

What really is it about this world that you are so attached to!?!?

When I one day leave this world, I won't miss this place. It is a garbage pit.


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