YouTube Probably Won't Really Be A Thing By 2030

While YouTube may still exist by 2030 and beyond, it will lose its relevancy but much more so because of the Nature of these platforms, and people who dedicate their entire lives to it, and have become anti-social dimwits as a result.

It will probably become more of a relic like "MySpace" had become.

The thing is, when you expose yourself entirely on YouTube, and especially if your Full Name is on there and you are known to the public, all sense of Mystery and Privacy is tossed out the window.

This is not true in every case of course, but it is more so for people who put their on personal display or reveal things about themselves that otherwise may harm their chances at other things in life which are not on YouTube.

Then there is the "burnout factor". As it is, most content creators cannot keep up with the demand of their subscribers, who really don't give a damn about them in reality and would treat the channel creators they meet in public very differently than they do online.

It's hard to imagine how people could dedicate much more than about 10-20 years at most on such a platform, where it does not begin to impede in some really negative way on their life, and especially if much of their world or income revolve around it.

In addition, YouTube Guidelines, censorship and demonetization and Lower Payouts of course, can only be continued to increase all the much more in years to come.

It is unfortunate, but while there are some very good channels on YouTube that are infinitely invaluable, the majority of YouTube Content Creators are absolute "Scum" and very Sketchy people in the real world, many of them who are actual Losers or would-be Losers, if it were not for the platform.

This is especially the with the younger the generations are who are promoting content on there.

So you will see many regret and burn-out issues and other unintended consequences that will manifest for many of them, if not already, for sure into the years soon ahead.

Even if you delete your content, even content you may regret, you never know who has made backup copies of things, and reposts it or edits it in their ways they wish to do, even making caricatures out of certain people to mock and humiliate online.

This is why it's not really a good idea to get "too involved" or "invested" online.

More and More, as I've explained as well, I find the Internet to becoming more of a burdensome, annoying place, compared to years ago.

It's really only useful now for research, running a business or online shopping (E-commerce).

I find it to be pretty much useless for anything else, including meeting new people, which it used to be far more useful for back in the early days once it first was released to the public.


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