All The Years Of What Americans and Europeans Have Done In Exalting Women, Will Come Back To Bite Them

Most Races in the world have always been quite content with their Patriarchal Systems and whereby the Men rule everything and own their Women as Property, and never Elevate the Women in society.

All of the Experimentations and Ambitions of changing this, absolutely have come out of European Lands, regrettably. Most of it comes from the influences of Chivalry, but also with certain sects of Paganism and Christian and of course the Capitalist Influences who have been largely been behind Female Empowerment, Feminism and Liberation of Women and even to the point of Empowering them over Men, and in the process of Emasculating other Men and leading other Men to ruin.

This is a Tradition that comes from these people.

We Prussians had always opposed it, and we believe that only Effeminate Men believe in "Liberating" Women or putting them on a pedestal, especially in a most UNNATURAL manner.

We are worse than Arabs, in our views and treatment towards Women, admittedly, because we are not Merciful towards them, and we do not subscribe to religious dogmas in how to reprimand our Women, and if I ever had any doubt about, the facial reactions I have seen in the presence of Muslim Men regarding these views, had spooked them quite a bit.

Oweing to the fact that if the Women do not misbehave, then they have nothing to worry about.

Traditionally, German Women were extremely obedient, not all of our Tribes, some were not, but after the Reich, they become like American Women.

But I will enjoy the haunting reparations that soon the Western Men will have to endure, the Simps particularly, especially Capitalists because these Men have absolutely Made Women a very expensive "commodity", and they are in fact a commodity because of the Capitalists, and the damage they have done to society and other Men over this course, is going to completely backfire on them very soon.

I will look forward to it, including the payback that all the Lawyers, Court Officials, Police Officers and other types of Agents or Parties or even associates who have blindly tried to defend Women over lies either through the system because of deriving profits from the system, or if they are guys hoping to obtain sloppy seconds, I really cannot wait to see these Men converted into "Pulp".

And they will become Pulp, along with Western Women.

The days for Caucasians are long over. Totally finished, and irreversible.

This is the handiwork of your ignorance and complacency, and at this point, from the standpoint of us Prussians, we pretty much just nod with indifference and shrug our shoulders over this fate.

What makes me the most bitter and angered are the very few remnants of valuable people of European Stock who either do not understand what's going on, or maybe they do, but are basically reduced to silence and are not recognized and are given no protections or voice or anything in society and live like refugees in their own countries.

Only somewhere between about 5-10 Million Caucasian people in the world have any value to them.

Amish people still have more collective value than any other Caucasians on earth, by a long shot.

The rest of Caucasian people today are just slimy racketeer artists, losers and opportunists who ride the Anglo-American Imperialist Empire. They have been promoting all sorts of degeneracy and are responsible for turning the world into a Consumerist Nightmare and Corporatizing everything, with the help of their Little Hat Wearing Masters whom they worship like no other people do except for maybe people from India. They are the only other major worshipper by far next to Caucasians, and as I've said, the English and the Normans have been some of the longest-standing and biggest defenders of their Semitic Overlords and particularly with Feminist Agendas and Female Empowerment.

As the Celtic Race is a Semitic People, they also have been staunch defenders of Empowering Women, and they even arm their Women. Such Stupid Men!

I look forward to the hatred, the threats, retributions, blackmail and even public assassinations of entire families that will soon come.

I also look forward to the methods that will be used and the surprise / shock situations that will form out of nowhere with how these events play out.

Threatening one's family is one of the best things you can do and to make them live perpetually in fear, because it was even an effective tactic that the Bolshevists use but also the Mafias use it as well, and I believe that this should be practiced by any Honorable Men who were wronged by Women and especially Simp Men who threw Men under the bus and ruined their lives, if even through the Divorce / Court systems or even Child custody cases, so on and so forth.

There can be no forgiveness for the crimes and damage done.

Whatever your case may be. These people need to have their families and entire lives destroyed at any costs, and it is why I have long proposed the idea of forming these Punishment Battalions and Vigilante groups, which more or less coincides of course with Militias.

Let go of your fear. What are you waiting for!?

I want to see a Future in America and Europe, where Men are afraid and can have their lives put at risk to ever defend or protect any female specimen who is not his significant other or family.

Men will need to think twice, before ever coming to the beck and call of a Woman, especially a stranger, and I think Latin Americans could also use this too in their societies, because they are extremely Matriarchal, and I have seen many Hispanics violently respond to defend Women at any costs. That should change in those cultures.

From everything I hear in even countries like Colombia and Brazil these days, everything points to the direction of these countries, that this behavior needs to be threatened somehow, but it can only be done with unity of sorts between Good Men who are determined to protect themselves and regain their well-deserved justice.

At this moment what I am at least pleased about, is that we have confirmation from many American Armed Forces and the majority of various Ethnic and Demographic groups in the United States of all ages, that they will not defend Women when things become dangerous here, even once the foreign invasions erupt on our soil by the takeover. It will not happen, and many Men will be immediately dispatched for attempting to rescue Women. Only very few Women who just happen to be exceedingly lucky will be defended perhaps by their significant other, but the problem is that most of these types who live on Homesteads or Large Estates and other suspicious arrangements, come from Religious Cults and also have very suspicious backgrounds, many of whom trace to family clans from Northern Ireland who were all criminal classes and undesirables who fled there because even the English despised them.

We keep records of these family lines, just as the English have done for centuries. All of them are scum.

Simps are ABSOLUTELY Dangerous, and Not even the slightest bit of Mercy or consideration should ever be shown to them, they need to be ravaged in the most cruelest of ways and methods, and be used as an example for what will happen to all the rest.

Men these days should be FURIOUS beyond resolve with Simps and all the things they do, as they are the Prime Enablers of Women's Bad Behaviours and Shenanigans!


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