Don't Ever Expect That You Will See A Day That Women "Wake Up" Or Begin Defending Men Legitimately

That day will never arrive, and for reasons I will get into much more in a future post.

But XX chromosomes are a container, not designed to have empathy or concern for container types with one Y chromosome.

Look at Women around you, and notice that they never do anything for Men or take Men into consideration ever on any level.

Women don't notice or think much about what goes on in a Man's life, and this is part of the genetic alteration of the Human Species, since Humans are a species being used as a Slave Race.

There is nothing "good" or "evolutionary" for these traits.

Women are nothing more than a Container Vessel for some many Demonic spirits to get their way, all under the guise of being "weak", "disadvantaged" and "vulnerable", even though they exude strength and have all the advantages.

Even as bad as things will get, no matter how desperate the situation even gets for Women in coming days, you will not see Women budge even a bit. Mark my words. It won't happen.

They will rather self-delete themselves before having to come to that.


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