Don't Trust A Lot Of Men Who've Claimed They Were "Lucky" In Landing Their So-Called Perfect Girlfriend / Wives

My response about disingenuous Men, such as the following channel videos:

While it would be to their credit in being honest and forthcoming, you must take it with a dose of suspicion when you hear about Happy Men with their girlfriends or wives who claim they had "lucked out" in meeting their significant other, especially if they are particularly under the age of 70 years old or so, around these times we live in.

It is important to understand that the Standards of Most Modern Men today is far different and much lower compared to times past of Men who had even greater  requirements  and demands upon Women and what made for a Quality of Wife, and had a more seasoned understanding and experience with such Matters.

For example, many Modern Men consider the "perfect" wife to be a wife who just is a stay-at-home Mom who cooks, cleans and takes care of the children, but that nothing other than that exists.

If that's all you also care for, well, then we can say that's "your" prerogative. But there are Many Men out there who want more, and who are seeking for something much more unique than this.

But a Lot of Men, I mean very Many of them, are extremely unhappy with their wives and put up a lot of crap.

There are also many Men who just don't know any better, and may not consider the "deal" they have with who they landed with to be all that bad, even if it is.

This is because, they were sold from their "Fathers" and "Society" to roll with a Woman's punches and nonsense, and that this is to be "expected" as the price to have  access to "pussy".

I've seen many of these countless situations.

I've known of Many Men who consider living a shoddy life, even full of nothing but alcohol and tobacco in the house but barely any food, and a wife or girlfriend who cannot cook or is otherwise a horrible brat, but somehow consider maybe 1 puny little "convenience" thing they have in common to be the "be all / end all" justification for why they fit perfectly together.

There are so Many Men out there who are like that, and they are in America, especially, but I have seen many of them in Europe as well, especially even in Eastern Europe.

In general, Eastern European Men have very little expectations from their wives, outside of the normal wife duties.

But American Men by far have the lowest standards without a doubt.

Keep in mind, that these same type of Men would also be the type to shame other Men for ever asking a "Woman's Age" as if it's something "disrespectful" to ask for. This also gave an early support platform for Women to feel entitled and invincible about their age, well after 25 in life that we even witness all around us today.

It's not to say there are no happy relationships or marriages out there, but they are so extremely few these days, even around the world, however the majority of them that I know of are almost never in a Western Nation these days, unless they are really high up in age, when things were different. People were different.

The thing is, Most Men are obsessed with holding up a reputation and "belief" in front of other Men, and this naturally will mean they will overblow their own conquests, and greatly exaggerate them.

But it is getting harder for many of those Men to do that with the awareness that has gained steam over the last few years.

In  years past, Men would pretend to act "dumb" or "not know what you're talking about" or somehow try to shift the blame on it being a Man that isn't trying hard enough or just not having the right "tact" with Women in order to attract or retain them.

But the truth is, the side of the story here that is never told is just how much the Men who "do" have these Women, have gotten them and maintained them by Simping, Desperation and being a Total Slave for them and even handing Women  hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for no reason, and not having these Women "earn" their way with the Man.

There are countless Men like this out there, and essentially they make Women collectively more expensive and unattainable for the majority of Men out there.

These Men will book free First Class Flights, Including Cruises, along with all kinds of other escapades for Women whom they barely even know and are even mostly "total strangers", or maybe a co-worker at work.

And these Men expect nothing in return.

As these Women, while yes - NPC's for starters anyway - become used to these lifestyles, they can never "go back" from that once there are Men around who don't live these kinds of lifestyles.

But the Women do not evaluate whether they are really happy in those relationships or not, or whether they like the Man, because if they are indeed with these Men, it's only to use them as a utility. They never thought much about him as a "person".

The Man in the video who has the channel above, is a perfect example of these types of Men, and he blames Men's issues with Women more on the basis of being an issue with "Urban Men", however if you listen deeply to the Man, you will notice that he admits in some words or another, how much of a glutton for punishment he is, and that he lives to serve, but really gets nothing back for it.

He tries to empathize with Men in his videos, but it is mostly an act, because overall he is still much more in favor with being on the side with Female arguments.

Also, never trust when you hear a Man say he enjoys being a "Provider" for Women, that it gives him joy to give and not necessarily receive. This is what simps do!

Yes, sure, Men may enjoy doing something with someone on the basis of enjoying company and just trying to "treat" someone, but wouldn't this be the same way you feel about the friends you hang out with?

It wouldn't be any different with Women just because they are "Women".

In recent years, even with the Example of the Man in this video, they have only become more "hesitant" to outrightly criticize Men, because of the growing significance of this problem, along with the fact that these Men are hiding their own pressures, stress and also the effects of higher costs burdening their relationships and marriages. So they are indeed losing their tenacity and energy to be able to hold up arguments as much as they used to, which is why this guy is willing to discuss the topic at length.

But I can assure you back in his earlier days, he would be someone who bullies Men who did not put  up with Women's BS.

Men are typically self-aware, but never forget that there are Men  in this world who are blind to their own enslavement, and  can even see their own enslavement as a positive thing, or just not see it that way at all.

These same type of Men are always quick as well to deny that the so-called "Nature" of these Women are evil, and will often times try to suggest you just need to adapt or go along with it, and that it's "just the way things are".

Because of such Men, and the fact that these milktoast types, along with their Tyrant significant others are the ones continuing to have children, they are polluting much of the gene pools around with more and more specimens of their caliber.

Many Men have done some extremely dishonorable things, including proverbially putting their balls on the chopping block to be at the entire Mercy of a Woman, all so he could have "access" to her, and maybe wife her up.

I once saw a guy who would show off in his Motorcycle in the most cocky ridiculous ways to some girl he was trying to get with, and eventually got her, but he basically become "her bitch", and it makes me sick every day, because he kept pulling on an act every day and it just looked so ridiculous in what he did to get her.

Also, don't trust most Men [Or Women], whom, while they may talk ill about their significant other that they became unhappy with or things didn't work out with, that they still say their "children" were the best thing that ever happened in their life!

Trad-Cucks are truly a lost cause!

In addition, make no mistake about it, in 9.9 times out of 10, they don't really Men that, it's only because they see their children as "Life Insurance Policies" and Little "Mini Me's" whom will be there for them and to help them and also because they believe if they failed at life at everything else, that their "child" is a Success, even though it was only a biological function that is natural in them that made that success happen. It's usually people who feel like failures and losers at life who will always make these statements, because even though they failed at their own life, they have "hope" in their children and then want to live vicariously through the life or potential success of their "children", and if their "children" do not meet up to that image, those types of parents usually abuse them.

I've grown up for Decades seeing these types abound, and it's equally as much Men as Women who go around doing that, almost always divorced White Men from Middle Class Families, broken, and often with an "alcohol" or "former alcohol" problem.

Even the Men who are now chasing Women in the Phillipines or Thailand, especially the much Older Men and who have had wives there for a while... Believe me, they have to do a lot and support the entire family to keep those Women.

A lot of them gave up A LOT of their own personal happiness and personal lives and other wants, to get those Women, and to move their entire life to those countries.

Yes, some of them do enjoy some rewarding experiences here and there with them, but the relationships they often form are not as authentic or true and Romantic the way you think they are.

Many Men will put up with a lot of shit to get some, it doesn't even matter whether the sex is good or not, or whether she will even fulfill his most wildest fantasies. This is the case, for "Most".

In actual cases where a true, romantic couple is happy and actually in love, and where their story may be credible, in almost all cases, these are couples who met in their Teen years and have been in love ever since.

There is something to be said about the significance of "building your life with someone" from the earliest of years in life, because as you get older, you cannot live the legacy and meaningful early / developmental moments in your life which are where the most crucial bonds in life take place between Lovers but also Friendships as well.

This is partly why Friendships and Relationships are much much harder, to near impossible by 30 or Later. Even if you do make Friendships or a Relationship after 30, the bond will likely be far less, and it will be most turbulent.

Meanwhile, you have endless online influencers conditioning Men to believe they should wait around in their teens and twenties and forget the notion of "Women" until their 30's and 40's.

I am not saying that you can just go out there and get these "Women", because most today are promiscuous, broken NPC's, but the thing is these Men are continuing the vicious cycle of this insanity going where Women ride the carousel in their early years and become damaged goods, incapable of pair bonding.

The Early Years in someone's life are the most formative years, and the experiences one makes in these years, especially with others, become lifetime memories that can never be relived again.


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