Even Ozzy Osbourne doesn't understand Tavistock Language like "Based"

A Rock Legend as him, even is not part of this "Modern" society with the high levels of degeneracy that now exists, which makes the degeneracy of Ozzy's era seem like cake.

This goes to show you why this slang along with "Ebonics" does not slide or ever become acceptable in mainstream society, and this is concrete proof of what I'm talking about where this type of language is all from the Internet and people who are raised behind "screens" and who are anti-social.

Normal people don't use this language, or the Ebonics either with the new word I constantly hear "cap".

Makes it sound like it a slang for "limit", how the hell am I or anyone supposed to know what that means?

Same thing with all the other terms like Red-pill, Chad, THOTs, and all these other terms.

Nobody who uses this language will ever be taken seriously, and likely doesn't get out of the house much but exists as a loser basement dweller playing video games.


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