If You Own Any Kind Of License, Permit or Insurance, You Are Automatically A Slave Of The Matrix - Without Exception

Smart People in this world, despite the sophistication of our modern civilizations, do not own Licenses of any kind in their lives.

Whether it be a License for your profession, or to run a business, or to operate certain types of equipment.

Most people in this life, without question from the time they are born and go through childhood, simply follow all the songs and dances they were taught in life to obey and abide by, without realizing the slavery they were sold into.

If you open a Mortgage ever in your life, you become a slave, at least during the entire years of that Mortgage's length. Even if it was the only way you could ever afford a house.

Better yet, a society ought to question why things have established such a point with low affordability in society that they actually need to even take out mortgages and pay interest to even be able to "afford" a house, or even a loan for a car or what have you.

You want to open a Business and purchase a Business License!? LOL, you are a fool!

You need a license to become a Forklift Operator, or a CDL or whatever they call it in your country to drive a truck!?

Even a "Street Busker" or "Street Vendor" in many places these days, needs a license and to pay a fee.

Even if you go Fishing and got yourself a Fishing License, you are definitely a slave...

However, I'm not saying it's easy to just go out there and go "Fish" without getting caught.

But you've already become a total slave.

Sad, but true, my friend...

It doesn't matter how successful you become as a result of these lifestyles or your skill, because what ends up happening is that you shed the "Human" self of you to become the "Person" that Governments want.

This "Person" is of course established the moment you are issued a Birth Certificate in your country of origin, but it becomes all that much more real once you establish yourself as an entity.

Throughout this process in life of becoming a "Person" in the Matrix, you become the Egg Shell, and the actual Egg White and Yolk are completely siphoned out and stolen from you, or you've given it up.

If you go to a university and get a college degree, you are an "entity", particularly, a corporate one at that. And your life with utilizing that degree in any profession, will be one in total servitude towards Corporate Interests, which by and large, mostly fulfill the will and desires of the War Industries, and at the benefit of the International Bankers.

You are seen from the Business world as a "credential" and an "entry" in the system, not a Human Being.

And these credentials extend FAR beyond anything I am even mentioning here, but just giving you the general idea.

For example, if you have ever registered to "vote" or registered for any kind of government service, even things that are allegedly "required of you" by a certain age, you are most definitely automatically a slave to the Matrix.

You can actually get a way of "avoiding" these things through some really seriously twisted loopholes and fights, but it is possible to do so and still live a life in our modern pathetic civilizations.

Most successful people you see in this world nowadays, and I have nothing wrong or against it as such if someone obtains it somehow, but the fact is most of these people do not live a life of tranquility or enjoyment, and often the very few ones who do, are ruining the lives of others, at their expense.

The fact is, most people who decided to "play the game" in life, by going according to the ropes, and getting "Licensed" in their profession or a business, have "given up" so-to-speak in life and with who they are, and yet almost never realize it, only sometimes once they retire and realize how much they hate life.

A smart person hires a chauffer, and does not obtain a driver's license to get around.

Driving a car, even owning one is actually one of the stupidest investments you can make in your life, but I suppose it would be one thing if you buy it for the intended purpose and have a chauffer who drives it and other people to manage the repairs and liability costs and issues pertaining to it, or otherwise have it in someone else's name where you simply only subsidize the access use for it.

Licenses are for people who acquiesce and compromise, it is a very bad deal from the get-go, but they still do not see it that way because they see things such as "Licenses" or even "Mandatory Insurance" as institutions they simply must become a part of to have any access to life in this world.

These type of instruments, even college degrees, essentially weaken a Human Being and completely divert them from their most inner primal senses and instincts which make them Human.

This is why you notice, that all people who are essentially a part of the "Matrix" system if you will, cowardly rely and depend upon institutions and credentials including social status for their entire existence, and cannot "make due" outside of it.

Why do you think Illegal Immigrants for example, have so much security and prosper in the way they can completely force Legal citizens out of the market, and yet aren't required to have things like Insurance or Licenses, especially say like Construction workers who maybe repair roofs or do things for houses?

Along with that, they also do not need to pay taxes. This is because they enjoy more freedom, of course, "at your expense".

The reason that governments permit these individuals and import them into our lands and do not demand them to have these things, is because even the government knows all too well that these people that they import would not accept it and would riot it, and can be prone to getting angry, plus are more unified, and it's the same reason they weren't required to take the COVID vaccines.

If you own a License of any kind or have become beholden to insurance, doesn't matter which country you live in, I have to say it, the system basically already "has you" whether or not you see it that way, and it doesn't matter how well off you are.

You may even lack some self-awareness about yourself to realize entirely life-long implications of owning these instruments in how they have robbed you of what it means being a Human, but chances are you probably don't mind that all too much, just as most people have become accustomed to Security Cameras and even Airport Pat-downs as a daily life measure, "all in the name of safety and security".

It is important to understand that people who live in the Matrix, are unhappy people, and although mostly NPC's are the ones active in it, we unfortunately exist on the Matrix Playground, but not participating "of it", or at least I speak for myself.

When you are a part of the Matrix system, you can never live a life of true reflection and solitude, ever. You are constantly on-the-go, always have something you must worry about, always are owing someone money.

It is really a miserable existence.

Someone who routinely works even 30 or more hours per week, hell even 20 hours per week EVERY WEEK, lives a miserable existence, no matter how much they may say life is great and that they enjoy it.

The bottom line, is that if you really really take a deep look at the world around you, even your parents, peers, friends, basically everyone, who has adhered to this world of Licensing and Insurance and getting "credentials" for anything, you will see that they are no longer this fun or passionate person, and usually never have time to hang out or do anything exciting, except for when they have vacation time or holidays. They essentially turn into losers at everything in life, outside of their "careers".

Of course, these same people will then accuse "you" for not participating in their system for living in "Peter Pan Syndrome" or "refusing to grow up / taking responsibility" even though your healthy instincts should tell you not to become part of this nonsense. This is only because they are depressed and envy you and want you to share in their misery. NEVER FORGET, that MISERY LOVES COMPANY, and this is absolutely an underrated statement in terms of the times we live in.

The fact of the matter is that these people never had the courage or even the inquisitive aspect in them to question these things early on or try to raise hell about them ever.

Why do you think these people in the big career / corporate world are always smoking cigarettes or marijuana, and go heavy drinking after work or on weekends!?

It's because they hate their lives and what they do for work. Make no mistakes, ifs ands or buts about it.

One thing, I suppose we can be thankful for, is that there IS a HUGE information war going on right now to challenge all the "old" systems or Status Quo, for example where former generations believed Stress, Trauma and Pain life were "good things" and "made them strong".

These things are being ruthlessly challenged for a change, and the older generations are having a tough time holding up their puny, cognitive dissonance based responses.

In the "Boomer Days", the Boomer Mantras always were "Never rock the boat!" "Always do as you are told" "Go along to get along" "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

All of this language makes a self-aware person want to vomit in their filthy faces!

Never "envy" the wealth or so-called "prosperity' these people build and accumulate in their lives, because if you understand them deeply, they spend very little of their lives actually enjoying anything, and spend 80-90% of it in total misery and servitude, and using coping mechanisms, some even psychological, to convince their sorry asses everyday that "LIFE IS GREAT!"

It's just a matter of them having what's called "Stockholm Syndrome", look it up.

Most of these people in the Matrix, have little to no awareness about anything going on in the world, outside of their own profession or daily life involvement, or what is spoken on TV, and they cannot see any worldviews or understanding outside of their own, because of this fact, and because they sold their life over to the Matrix, not even realizing it. To them, this is all "just life" and "something you just gotta do".

Mark my words, if I lived in Germany today even as the Insurance Capital of the world, I would craft my life in every way possible to make sure I never pay or become a part of any Insurance Plan.

It's why Germans today have become like Zombies.

If Germans were what we used to be, we would have all of our people rioting over the streets and refusing to pay any Insurance and abolish all forms of Insurance as "racketeering" schemes.

Today, Germans have a sick obsession with Insurance. After all, Germany is a Modern Welfare State, and one whereby all Non-Germans get an even freer ride through life, at the expense of the German citizen who also pays into the system and works for these Barbarians.

If you had a strong sense of self and wisdom at a young age, even if you were eventually forced into these things, the whole thoughts that surround school, careers, licensing and insurance, should have been a very depressing thought and something you found suspicious and felt natural reluctance towards.

If you never felt any such reluctance towards it, the chances of you being an NPC, are pretty high.

It is a wiser decision in life to have the right type of people around you to go out and do your bidding in many things of life, so that you don't have to deal with the nonsense of this stupid Matrix System, which hardly ever rewards.

This is not to say that there are not some very high profile individuals in the system who are getting everything they want and living very freely, there surely are some, but these are highly protected and low profile individuals, and they really are a very small number of people.

A lot of you may not agree with this entry, and understandably, but it is a forced reality that you must accept with what comes along with it.

Surely, if your contributions and credentials are "minimal" compared to others, then you are far less of a slave, or at least are maybe a very passive or inactive slave, I guess it could be said as.

Playing by the rules of this system are only ensured to enslave you and lead you to ruin.

For example, most people who get started in the Business World, are educated to believe the first thing they should go out and do is establish themselves as a "Corporation" rather than other choices of what they register as, even though it would be far better not to register anything at all.

But did you know, if you identify as a Corporation, you have to pay regular fees and file a tax return even if you did not earn any profit or earnings? Such things like these are nonsense.

I will leave you with this. Despite whether you believe anything in this entry, what you will not believe but will witness very soon with how the NWO will take over, is that you will soon find in coming months and years (if you haven't experienced it, already), every single way these Licenses, Insurances, Taxes and what have you will come to eat you alive and crush you mercilessly.

Unbelievable things are about to commence in this world, and you will find that at every new announced "advantage" or "innovation", especially with automation and new technologies, that while this will all sound like great news and relief, you will find every step of the way that the Corporations and Governments will only implement these things to make life far worse off for you once you see what the intentions really are.

Free Men don't believe or adhere to these kinds of things, that's why it's only slaves who jump right at them, because slaves never question anything, always they just go along with what's expected of them by an early age.

Now you understand how truly very few "Free Men" still exist in this world.

If you believe any of this is nonsense or outrageous, take one thing into consideration...

Queen Elizabeth II never had a driver's license, never needed to take a driving test or pass anything or even or even have a license plate for her motorcycle and other vehicles, or any other required "credentials" as the State Sovereign for the UK.

As an "Elite Figure", she was considered to be "Above The Law"... Something you should read about and take largely into consideration when questioning why people do these things like obtaining "Licenses".

Owing to the fact that of course, you cannot just go out and drive a car without a License, and I am by no means ever suggesting you do that, not at all. Just do not drive one at all and get someone else to drive you or take a train or something else.

And do not get into a career path of any kind that requires you to have a "license" or some other type of credential for even getting your foot in the door.

I understand this may make you seem like some sort of "weirdo" or "social outcast" and others will of course look down upon you, but not as much as in a country like the "USA", but who the hell cares about these peoples? They only do what they do, because everyone else is /was doing it and they feared the consequences of not participating.

You should not be getting a License or Insurance or a Permit for anything in this world.


  1. Is it too late and over for me if I am 22 and already have a drivers license and car insurance? Is it possible to live without money because money one of the ways we are enslaved? I understand money doesnt exist but if my man made bank account has a low number in it or I lack that 'special' man made paper, then I cannot afford to 'buy' necessities.

  2. Well, the truth is at best, you could just not participate in using them and abandoning them, but the system still rates and assesses you on the basis of owning them. In some cases, owning them makes you automatically a candidate for mandatory Jury Duty, and can also prioritize you if there is a Draft, etc. I actually will be doing a second series to this entry where I break down some more miniscule details as to what really is happening and the implications for participating in society and the institutions or instruments / credentials they are expected to obtain. Understandably, one usually needs a bank account in this society to get a lot of things done. The issue comes more down to "how" and "the way" you conduct business or operate in this society which makes you a slave, because the way the system is geared, is to force everyone else to share the same fate with the rest of the slaves. I'll get into it more in the next entry.

    1. It seems like the owning a license mistake is a mistake I will have to live with. The next course of action is to take the train or a taxi. I look forward to seeing your article on the monetary system but I wont get my hopes up for a solution as I am sure the elite have covered their asses well to ensure we remain enslaved no matter our level of awareness to their agenda.


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