Jesus Christ's "Return", God, Evolution, Heaven and Hell... Traps To Keep You Believing In Hope, Faith, Here and Now

If you really understood the truth about the Creation of the Human Beings, and this Universe, you would understand very well why these very Hypnotic religions like Christianity and a story line about someone named "Jesus" and how he would one day "return", and all kinds of stories, including Evolutionary Beliefs, are designed to perpetually keep Humans under a spell.

This religion also constantly makes claims that when Bad or Inconvenient things happen in your life, that "God is testing you / Wants to know your level of faith in him."

What they do not want Humans to know, is how and why they have a symbiotic relationship with us, and also the fact that they depend on Humans for their own ability to "thrive", but particularly the Humans with Divine Spark. The rest they just use as slaves and for harvesting.

This "spell" they keep Humans under, is by design a method of programming and hypnosis, because without this, Humans would probably kill themselves off in droves, and the Entities which are Farming Humans for Loosh, Blood and Organs as well as for use as Slaves particularly in Mining and other covert activities, this would not be possible if they do not keep their Human Slaves alive and asleep so they do not question this world or life itself.

It is imperative that this programming also sustains a type of belief in a given "purpose", even though there actually is no objective purpose to life or anyone's individual life on this Earth, except for what one himself attributes.

Part of that "lie" about our creation, also means making it look like Humans are "changing" or "evolving" in a way to where we are becoming something new or advanced as a species.

But this is false, because even the Entities in charge of the universe, know that Humans are the same as they were Millions of years ago.

As I've said, if Humans were really just "planted" and allowed to just do things on their own without Mass programming and influence of these other Entities, and whereby the conditioning could be allowed to see negative things as "good" and even good things as "negative", it is doubtful that the Human Species would have ever properly "seeded".

Sure, it would have largely attempted it maybe on the basis of the biological drive to procreate, but it would meet far too manage challenges, especially in the primitive form, and without technological help to even be able to cope and survive in this world.

I'm telling you, everything you know about who and what Humans are, and also how we were created, but also more importantly, how a bulk of Mankind has had their genetics "hacked", all of these things have been largely kept from the public and much of everything you know is wrong.

In addition, these beings created Reincarnation, because as energy cannot be destroyed but only transferred or relocated within this "closed" system we live in on an on-going basis, it perpetually keeps the cycle going on and on, without Humans having any real understanding of what this existence is all about, or how they are being used [farmed].

Reincarnation is part of the evil makeup of this system, yet most religions do not describe it as that and simply tout it as something positive, or a revelation that life really is forever, but they do not explain the actual process that takes place when someone dies and reincarnates, because it is extremely cruel what it done.

Religions like Hinduism among others like to paint this lofty image about reincarnation as something spiritual, even like a spiritual journey, when in fact it is more like ended up in some underground laboratory and containment facility where you will once again be "reborn".

The Hindu belief also make it seems as if every new incarnation is beneficial to ones spiritual growth and accumulation of experiences, so even this proves that Hinduism has it's own secret agenda.

Because there is no benefit to reincarnation as ones memory is wiped each time and it's all about perpetually enslaving a souled being.

When a soul reincarnated too many times, it begins to become very "tired", "jaded" "restless" and "impatient" they become in each new incarnation as it is making up for the many former lives it has spent in struggle and stress, which have carried down into their soul genetic lineage or memory.

Most souled people alive today absolutely are sick of this place.

These religions will claim that people reincarnate because they still have new lessons to learn, but that's also religious nonsense just like "God testing you".


  1. Life is indeed suffering, especially for men. The problem is there is no solution to escape the torture of existence. As a young man myself, I enjoyed my life a lot until I turned 18 years old. Once I turned 18 years old, I came across the dark truths of life such as the elite, the importance of genetics, the blackpill on women, the process of entropy (whilst always aware of this as a child, I deeply realised that one day old age would arrive for me should I survive long enough). I became an antinatalist and realised life is pointless. I wish I was never born and deluding myself into believing life is wonderful doesn't work as my mind realises it is false hope.

    I come across to people as a highly negative person but I actually enjoy life from time to time. However I fear for the future and realise that existence isn't for me. I enjoyed my childhood a lot but then again as a child, I wasn't aware of the dark truths of life, nor aware that non existence is bliss.

    Right now life is manageable but like you said, it will only get worse in the future. As a youngster ever since 2018, life has gotten worse year by year. I could only imagine the glory of a pre 1945 society considering I was content with the 2010s, I realised what I missed out on. But ultimately life doesn't seem worth it. To then be told that reincarnation is a thing due to the fact energy cannot be destroyed haunts me further.

    We are eternal prisoners to the elite and if you try telling people this, they think we are insane or they will discredit our views without doing any critical thinking on their part.

    1. Yeah, life is hell for males in the USA 🇺🇸 women think they are queens especially those deformed looking women with fake lashes they think they deserve a crown it’s pathetic how these young males are so desperate they complement any women the more they do that the more their life will be hell with extra flames I mean these deformed black girls think they are hot shit lol they just look like those black rapper girls with pounds of makeup on looking like a fat ass clown.

    2. Yeah, life is hell for Western guys. At this point, I don't know if I should geomaxx or something.

    3. What does geomaxxx mean??? commit suicide?a lot of people will be committing suicide soon I see young women committing suicide and young people drinking away

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It means moving to another country, but I don't think it would be worth it.

    6. It wouldn’t be worth it you should just stay in the us because American ideas are already everywhere besides women from different countries see you as a meal ticket and would use you maybe abuse as well

    7. Yeah, you're right! It sucks to have never been in a relationship, but that wasn't why I wanted to move overseas. At least, not the only reason. I just thought that maybe my life could be better in general.

    8. By the way Junkie, you're also right about calling Western women deformed especially black ones because they are. At first glance, some random everyday person would think maybe these women aren't that bad looking. That same person would think they're beautiful or maybe average in looks, but they would be wrong because when you take away the fakeup and fake eyelashes it's obvious that something is off about their faces. In fact, I think most Americans nowadays and not just the women are facially deformed to some extent whether they're slightly or severely deformed.

    9. I usually see a lot of slightly deformed women calling themselves queens and pretty LoL! it’s really funny how people simp over these fake up faces even though they look like clowns and its obvious they are hiding their facial features for a reason!

    10. It's laughable that these women say they're beautiful when they're actually not. All that makeup oughta be rotting their brains and what not.

    11. All the makeup they wear is actually very bad for their skin makeup causes skin tumors

  2. Yeah, sadly I think moving to another country, is mostly out of the question, unless you have a unique situation or group of people you know. The NWO is everywhere, and most countries will be taken down. Even the ones which survive, will still be "leveled" and their lives won't be that good once the Anglo-American Empire Falls. America is a horrible place, I could move elsewhere, but I did not find the right circumstances and people for it, from what I've seen in the world, most places are really all the same. Countries aren't what they used to be. In general, I don't see much of an escape from anything, plus the majority of people in the world everywhere are Loser NPC's.

  3. As far as Women go, I can tell you guys that you aren't really missing much abroad. I mean relatively speaking, yes, but the Women abroad are not mind-blowing, just they are not as much infected with this sense that they get to do literally "Zero" in life and have the world handed to them, and they tend to the regular feminine duties. But they still are out for the bottom line, which usually means money overall. They are not romantic or looking for love, but will "pretend to love you long time". It's all a ruse. In a lot of cultures too, especially Eastern Europe or 2nd World Countries in general, Women tend to actually be very boring, dry people, and it gets to be a real pain in the ass to hang out with them after a while when you have a mindset for thrills and adventures, if that's how you are. The Women in those countries are for Men who are "set in their ways" and want mechanical routine relationships with someone who fills a "role" in their life. And I saw this stuff many years ago, even over 10 years ago it was pretty bad, so the thing is it is obviously much much worse now.


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