My Advice To You? Quit Playing The Game Of Life

It used to be that there were enough rewards in this life or something to rejuvenate you to make you resilient enough and motivated to still function through whatever life has handed you.

But I'm here to tell you that it's pretty much now gone.

It began dying after 1945, but I would say the last fumes of it existed between 2008-2016 by some stretch, but it still hasn't been good for awhile.

Somewhere between this time, anything worth living to experience, even a really good concert, has mostly been lost.

People also do not talk the same anywhere in the world. Conversations are more shallow than ever, robotic, glib and cut-throat. Most people are living in Auto-Pilot and living in a Meme mindset.

Go to see a new music concert somewhere today, the energy is not there like it used to be and the performers are aging.

It was only good on a relative basis, because after WW2, Humans become far more materialistic and shallow and the process whereby only the most wretched specimens of Humans began to really outbreed the better stocks.

We are living in a shit show.

There is no adventure to be had and no stones left to overturn.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a dumb fool.

It's not because of my age either, because I have the energy but the world is no longer what it once was.

Only a total freak lunatic could make logical sense or find enjoyment in this place anymore.

Someone lacking in real awareness.

The best thing is to no longer participate in anything in this life. Most people are out to take what you have and to use and destroy you.

The world and life is not beautiful.

This place is entirely rigged, but most people think they are free.

Most people are lying to you in life about literally everything, even trying to convince you of the so-called "joy" of having and bringing children into this world.

Most of the reasons almost without exception that people desire to have children are rooted in selfish, narcissistic or other really twisted reasons to benefit them.

Always be suspicious about anyone constantly pointing to their biological impulses or evolution to justify the way they feel or to justify their behavior. Only NPC's do this, and all of them are Narcissists.

Don't buy into any of it.

The Casinos stay in business because the house always wins. They may let you win a few peanuts now and then, but they robbed you of your time and sanity.

There's nothing left in this world. Nothing, it's only illusions.

It's fighting an uphill battle and losing bet to try to adapt or seek victory in a world that has already been thorough conquered and depleted.

This is not a nice world, and it's a prison for nice people. Your Niceness will be used and exploited mercilessly. It is important to not take anyone or anything too seriously and recognizing that most things are a joke.

We are now living in a world chock full of broken losers, and there is nothing more alienating and demoralizing than living among this filth and knowing that we are sharing a journey with this filth for the rest of our time here.


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