My Response to Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen's Video About the Dehumanizing of Russians.

Some many know that I find this man Bjorn to not be wholly authentic or earnest in ambitions, as he has a track record of being far behind the times, and quick to fall into stereotypical "Viking" weaknesses, of course that can only expected of him, but nevertheless, he posted a controversial video, and while he is certainly correct in his statements, I question why he posts this now of all times, since it was obvious from the beginning of the War in Ukraine in 2022, that the US/NATO et al had dehumanized Russians.

I can answer this from the standpoint of a German, and particularly a "Prussian" response to our relationship and history with Russia.

As most may know, Teutonic relations with Russia has for centuries been turbulent and always shifting on both sides between us and the Slavic rival of the East.

However, Russia is a very difficult country not only for its leader to manage, but also to be managed by an External power, particularly one in Europe [Germany], which would be capable to do so on many levels.

As for us Germans, who generally dislike the Slavs, at least more collectively at times than on an Individual basis, do recognize that Russia and the Russian people has rights to its own land and Sovereign Territories that belong to it accordingly, with the exception of disputed lands that in fact do belong to us Germans, which have not yet been properly restored.

It is a tough position for us Germans because we are dealing with a country and various regimes that have changed, and also in terms of its attitude towards Germany.

In the passage of time, we also deal with people alive, who may not have been involved or in any particular association with specific atrocities, so that also must be kept in mind.

Russia has done Germany a lot of damage, and on this one hand, we believe that what goes around comes around that in the end, Russia may have to deal with what its fate shall be in store for it, even long after the passing of the USSR, of which it still has not recovered.

This damage cannot be overlooked or ever forgiven, but it is something Russia must understand and account for someday. Nevertheless, the American/NATO involvement against Russia and within Ukraine of course, have absolutely nothing to do with our interests, and while the conflict had great tendency to spread further into the heart of Europe, it has become clear that the US/NATO Policy is interested to keep Ukraine as a bottomless pit for the center-front of that conflict, and is committed to expending the entire resources, arsenals and Men into the conflict.

Russia has also demonstrated that they are as equally committed to the conflict.

The Slav, is by nature, Barbaric in the truest sense and have a tendency to curb very easily towards corruption, mediocrity, duplicity and laziness. They do not always adhere to what they say, and this is even a fact known internally about themselves as a people, as much as it is in Russia, Ukraine, Poland or anywhere else.

We Germans have the right to make sure they eat their words and live by them, and other than that, we can pretty much leave them alone instead of bothering them in the way Anglo-American Imperialism does.

Managing Russia, is a matter of keeping the Government there "uncertain" at all times as to how or what a German response could be, so that they lose interest in getting to ambitious either against German Ambitions or with Europe, however those ambitions are not as great or concrete these days as they were in Soviet Times, simply because they are not in position for it. But China would / will be, if it were up to them.

In fact, with the conflict in Ukraine, it is a demonstration of Brother against Brother, when they technically ought to be united, even though a faction of their own people and government are more or less behind the conflict, the fact is that they have been duped into engaging in this war.

We also recognize that the Modern Russia is a Zionist state, albeit a "confused" Zionist power.

Nevertheless, confined to his borders and if we have our resolutions and demands met, we couldn't care less what Russia does in its lands, and we wouldn't have any business dictating to them who they can do business with, or what countries or people can do with Russia.

Economic isolation is an extremely wrong move, and these types of events inevitably bring about World Wars, as was the case for Germany, as Germany was economically isolated in the lead up to World War II.

It has always been historically a tradition with Germany to exhaust the best possible relations with Russia and not to get "too close" so-to-speak, outside of what necessary measures, including trade balances or other specific interests that ought to be managed with that country, or in modern times what is referred to as the "Russian Federation".

For reasons we reiterate consistently, it is absolutely wrong to tell lies even about an enemy, or in this case, a Nation deemed a foreign enemy by the Western powers.

It is important to note that our Prussian Interests concerning anything with Russia, have to do with them being forced to relinquish our stolen lands, along with the Polish territory as well that belongs to us, and yet the Russians will someday realize one way or another that the land is cursed for them until it is given back to us. Along with reparations for what was done to Germany.

Outside from that, we Germans have never had a systemic elimination for the Slavs, but have resorted to the ambition of walling them "off" from the European Frontiers in a way, for the sake of our differences as people, and we had to resort to using brutality in the occupation zones in dealing with these people.

Yes, it can be stated about the Russian people that they are definitely friendlier and more open-minded / down to earth than most European people are today, this is definitely without a doubt, largely due to the fact that they are not as inundated or corrupted in the same way all Western Nations have become.

They also are one of the least vaccinated nations with C-19, compared to others, and come what may be with the tatters left of this earth, that one day will largely define their fate and future among the other peoples, since the majority of this world outside of Russia and African Nations, are heavily vaccinated.

Interestingly enough, Ukraine was also the least vaccinated country in Europe leading up to the time right before the 2022 invasion, so it is interesting how the timing commenced with it all and that fact alone.

Removing all biases, prejudices and history from the mix, a largely Unvaccinated Race in our Modern Times with that "specific kind", has complete implications for that Racial Body's future and also in terms of fitness and fate, whereas those who took the vaccine are absolutely "condemned" without exception, even if a Superior people in one way or another.

Whether this may change in the future in terms of how many Russians and Ukrainians are vaccinated, we can only guess, but what is certain is that the NWO agents who call the shots will eventually want to have their way with all the other Nations after they entirely bring the West to its knees.

I don't see much of a future for Russians as a people, as I don't with the Human Species in general, it is facing ultimate Human Extinction from its own devices, but, for what it's worth, they are at least not spreading degeneracy and do not want the degeneracy in their lands and that is respectable.

To unnecessarily inflame them as a people and for all the wrong reasons, and especially over lies with what has absurdly been the case of what's been done to them since the Ukraine war, has been unjust.

But, as with anything, we too are Humans, and so are they, even if a Barbarian, and once in a while a Barbarian does impress or do something cute.

There are some talented Artists in Russia including many Musicians and especially Pianists, we will absolutely give them that.

The bottom line is, destabilizing and even dehumanizing them the way that the West has done, is absolutely a despicable act, it should have never been done like this, since it shows that there is an even greater interest at hold with the Western Powers over that country.

The Russian is not an ultimate "culture destroyer" such as the English and Americans and the Little Hat Wearers.

We don't hate the Russians for being "Russian", they just need to sometimes be kept in line because of their tendency to act without thinking and to become more ambitious than what they know their own people are truly capable of or can manage.

A German must never show a sense of lower place among a Russian or any Slav, just as the Russian knows that the German / Nordic is his natural superior, and that in the correct order, this is still ingrained in their senses, whether or not they wish to admit it. It's only a matter of Nordic Peoples asserting this fact, but not in the way with governmental institutions or NATO, but on a man to man basis.

But it also is a country that Germany can only co-exist with in a way, that historically has always required Security guarantees and understanding between the two Nations, and at the same time, both Germany and Russia, largely depend on each other for various trade purposes, it has been that way for a long time, and still is, and will continue to be, despite what comes of this world.

What Russia needs to understand is that our land belongs to us, but also that Russia knows very well it depends on German ingenuity even for its own survival or greater existence, and that this historical relationship has gone back for many centuries that way.

So we do not insist that Russia should be entirely denied rights, at the same time our sympathies for them are somewhat limited, because of past history and unresolved conflicts.

But we in no way endorse how the Western leaders have handled the situation, and the consequences it has brought.

I am not a hopeful Man by any means ever, but if Russia does intend to have anything left for itself, it would need to quickly awaken to realize that it must finish the war in Ukraine rapidly and just conquer it all for themselves immediately and move on with it, because otherwise it will not be favorable for them.

German Policy has always been fair towards Russia historically, but a lot of inner grievances between each other are due to being two powers with immense ambitions, and one which is geographically poor and limited with high industriousness, versus one which is geographically blessed and with resources it has, but less industriousness.

Russian People could never become a "Master Race", and they will not ever be able to become a Big Empire as the Chinese are preparing themselves to be and they know this, but the Russians would have to be content with where their history places them in the long run of all this.

It has long been prophesized, even Russians will one day wake up to the entire truth about Germany, its role with Germany, and also what we had tried to prevent, and that our efforts actually would have essentially been in the interest of their own people as well, in particular with what surrounded the events of World War II.

It is too bad with what has happened, because even despite the downfall that Europe has had for decades after World War II, and even with the former DDR in how it split Germany, in more recent years, relations with Trade and Industry between Germany and Russia were quite stable and mutually in harmony, and the destruction of what was there, is not likely to ever be repaired or resolved.

At least not unless we were fully in charge of both Germany and Europe. And we are at a very late stage now.

The destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines done by the British and Americans is an absolute criminal act, and it should be something taken to International Courts and a Tribunal to swiftly punish those responsible behind it.

What is absolutely astounding is how many people in the West are totally blind and ignorant and refuse to believe or accept that the British and Americans have been behind destroying these Gas pipelines into Europe, and that it is obviously a deliberate attack to further devastate relations between the West and the East.

Germany is a Nation that has many very specifically tuned policies and interactions with ways it deals with Barbarian Nations. We have some that we may not like for some reason or another, but the historical role of Germany has never been to invade or cause problems and destroy, that is what the English and Americans do.

In the end, the world has a major lesson to learn, and that is going to be the awakening to Germany and our role in Both World Wars, and to live with the consequences that are to come from the outcome of Germany's fate, because Germany's fate is to become the world's punishment.

There can be no chance for any peace, stability or proper "leveling" of this world in a way where there can be an Established Order that works, if Germany is not the active Beacon of this role in the world.

Only Germany can do it. No other power can, and so long as Germany can never be what it is meant to be, the world will only know the hell that is to come.

The phrase and song "Deutschland über Alles" exists for a reason, and it is not an error or some kind of egotistical notion in the spirit of our people, and its writer.

Russians are a half-way European Race, and our understanding must be precisely of that nature and in our conduct towards them.

My belief is that in the end, Russia will one way or another have to cut her losses for herself, and this includes restoration of our German Lands, and also with other unexpected consequences that have arrived between 1945, now and the future.

In coming days, I also will be publishing my review of the Interview between Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin, as I just need some time for it to fully go over it, but it something I believe we owe it to address to others.


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