Proof which Courtney Ryan even demonstrates that what they like in a Man's Leadership, is not based on True Attraction

As I've been explaining in many different contexts lately, never trust or judge what a Woman says based on what is considered "Attractive", "Sexy" or makes a Man desirable, particularly when it comes to a Man's ability to Lead or his Strength.

They don't admire these things in you because of your talent or skill, it's just because they love the idea that they don't need to think or make efforts and do any work. The same women, will also not do any work in the bedroom either but expect you to do it all, and fake an orgasm for you.

Women spend their lives acting like this, to "get by" and "save face" in every social situation and participation in life.

CALLOUS / DRY HANDS... Do you honestly think a girl would want to have her body and breasts caressed and to be "fingered" by dry, callous and cracked hands? Think about that one... You're being gaslighted to the highest degree. Either that, or they are "speaking woman code-speak" for having a Man who is a provider who has those types of hands, with the objective of having little to no sexual involvement with him. This is all about a Man doing workhorse slave labor and being a provider. Nobody would want to have hands like that, not even the guy himself...

While you are busy at work getting your hands dry and calloused, she is at "home" getting her ass blown out by the Man with good skin and hands who she really wants touching her body.

I really think it is also ridiculous with this notion where a Woman even has to be catered to when you go out to eat, not only where you are expected to pay, but also to "order for her" because she doesn't know what she wants!?

Such interactions between couples are supposed to be "fluid" and "unfolded", sure maybe in a specific situation a guy may want to introduce to his lady some sort of new place or specific food item maybe she hasn't tried before, that's completely understandable and acceptable.

But for it to be expected that a guy should just pick and choose every single thing and that she can't even be bothered to voice what she wants from a menu? It's ridiculous.

Also, never take seriously the whole thing that Women find it sexy how a many finds ways to fix things or gets turned on when a Man is fixing a flat tire, or finds solutions from a certain problem.

Notice at 11:44 in the video...

They even want you to drive the car while they get to be "driven around", even though Powerful Men are always driven around either by a Chauffer or a Woman. Yes, Women are bad drivers, but even Gang Members and Mafia Bosses are sometimes driven by Women, rather than driving themselves.

Women aren't getting turned on by these things as such, it's just that it's a relief for them so they don't have to do any work or think. If you were in doubt, look at the facial expressions of Courtney Ryan and the girls in the video she features.

The Expressions do not show a girl who is getting "hungry" and full of "lust", but show senses of utter relief in the idea over the Man taking charge and not letting her having to be bothered about anything.

In my view, Women who are forced to come up with solutions, fix things on their own and get themselves "dirtied up", become better people as a result and are forced to use parts of their brain that are not flexed enough from this lazy life they live all because some foolish Men out there think that.

Women in the Soviet Union, especially towards the end of its existence and also afterwards, were forced to take on such roles, and I do not like Communism whatsoever, but the fact is that Women were at least exempt from having to take on burdens. They were expected to get their hands dirty and needed to put up with situations that today's coddled Western Women don't.

Especially during the tougher times, those Women in the USSR countries had to come up with creative ways and workarounds for doing things, especially if there was a product or food shortage / ration and other issues.

Today, Women want absolutely no responsibility to do anything at all.

They think that simply looking good and showing up is all they ever need to do, and sometimes they don't even fulfill one or the other of those requirements either!

What we can be thankful and assured of however, is that this world of where the Man is doing all this work and finding out problems and solutions, is rapidly coming to a close, and Women in the future will have to understand that they will be "out on their own" in the future and will have to learn to cope and deal with these things for themselves, for better or worse, even if it means an utterly horrible existence and living in a backwater society.

For those of you paying attention to the writing on the wall, you see that Women have very few things they claim to like in a guy, that somehow are not related to his ability to Provide, Protect and do all the work, while they do absolutely NONE of the work.

Men who are "desired" always have Women willing to drive for him, and will even be offered by Women, even "Grandmother" types to be driven somewhere. If you haven't experienced it, you have no idea how this world really works outside of what you see or think around you, by the "Provider Class" of Men.

Even Adolf Hitler didn't drive, he wasn't stupid.  He has his own personal Chauffer.

Prominent, Powerful, Important "VIP" Men, do not drive cars, and have others do it for them.

An Important Man who drives his own car, has no self-respect and does not value his life.

Driving a car, and even owning one in most cases, is one of the most emasculating activities a Man ever becomes bothered with in his life.


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