Remarks from Dr. John Koury about Women's Promiscuity and exactly what happens when Women lose their virginity.

 "If a woman has even one premarital sexual partner she will not be able to be happy in any relationship. I have spoken with over 50 older women who have been married for over 30+ years to the same man who are happy and were pure when they were married...They back all these findings.... I am an M.D. PhD and I have been in transplant medicine and endocrine research for more time than not. I have explained this before but I will be happy to do it again. Sperm in a female body (whether from oral, anal or vaginal) finds it way to soft tissue. It seems to have a high affinity for the soft tissue behind the eyes. When it enters the tissue it starts a cascade of events starting with immunological changes so that the female can carry this man's fetus without rejecting it. It also has effects on the girl's personality making her more like this man to make interactions and communication better and stronger. It also makes her more submissive to this man and research has shown that she will reject other men in favor of this one. It could be called imprinting. There are many more changes that make a long life together possible for the man and woman. The research was a smell test and only the man who was her mate was attractive to her. If even one premarital sexual partner is had then all these systems start to fight each other. The more DNA samples this female gets from her original mate the stronger the bond becomes. Add different DNA samples and her immune system starts to attack itself and she will get infections and eventually present symptoms of lupus or other autoimmune disease but the exact etiology will not be able to be pinned down so it is just treated and hopefully gets better. The worst things are depression and multiple personality disorder. She will present symptoms of BPD and multiple personality disorder. I can only speculate that she will have different voices in her head From the different men. Have you ever seen how masculine some girls who have had many partners are? Truly something we need to inform the younger girls of so maybe they will protect their virginity. It is a problem because it is usually up to the father to instill that thought and to help her protect her honor until he hands her over to her husband. All this sexual freedom really messes females up badly. It is absolutely essential to find a virgin to marry or you will have problems in the future. The amount of time you have with her before the problems start is directly related to the number of partners before marriage.

My colleagues and I are seeing rampant autoimmune disorders as well as sexually transmitted diseases in biblical proportions. It is like Sodom and Gomorrah. I cannot go into how young we are seeing these things manifest but young girls are asking not when to be sexually active but when to see a doctor after being active for several years . They are coming in with purulent discharge that smells so bad you can smell them from a few feet away. Really disgusting state of affairs."


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