Stop Falling For Ideological Nonsense About Being "Alone"

There are so many of these channels around lately promoting being "Alone" or "Without Friends" and even "Without Family" such as in this case, to be a "positive" thing or even absurdly as a "Superpower".

The only people I seem to find who believe in this bullshit, are almost always exclusively Millenials and Gen Z.

And they will always tout their defense by the standpoint of "Having No Company Is Better Than Bad Company".

While that statement is of course true, it does not automatically make or elevate "Having No Company" to a level of suddenly become a positive thing, or seeing the "grass as greener" or maybe the "glass half full, rather than half empty".

This is a really twisted mentality, and it's actually nothing more than a major form of "Cope", and these individuals tend to automatically be self-destructive because they are medicating themselves through a form of complacency and adherence, rather than seeing something for what it is.

The best someone can say is that if they are in a circumstance where they have no friends or family, then it's a "misfortune" and "curse" for them that they have had to accept into their lives, but in no way should it ever be exhalted.

It is even more surprising to see an Asian who thinks this way, since in Asian cultures, they are usually much more about social cohesion and collectivism, but as of late I have seen a good amount of increasing Asian Influencers who are coming out about such things, so that shows that influences from the West are surely permeating their people at a rapid pace.

The problem is that these Influencers leave no questions to ponder, such as how or why things have become this way, and then there is the aspect about how Friendships are becoming more "obsolete" because of the NPC problem, or "Human Replacement Program" as I call it, which expanded greatly in the 1980's and whereby almost no Humans with souls are being born.

I suppose the only thing that could be given to his credit in this video is that he does recognize that this factor of being "Alone" is a Double-Edged Sword, as he has put it.

Nevertheless, another interesting thing, I am not much of an "Entertainment Buff", so-to-speak, but I had been watching some re-runs of a favorite old Horror Series of mine, along with also Interview Documentaries of some Music Bands.

I've been doing this lately on my leisure time when I get in my super Nostalgic mood from a lot of great stuff that still came out in the 90's.

And what I have noticed even in the Fictional Sense (in a message by the director) but also in the Non-Fictional Sense such as with these Band Documentaries, is that I have been hearing a recurring theme even from these popular figures, that much of their own lives actually feel "Alone" despite how popular they are, or how well "loved" they are by their fans or so-called "friends" and other "colleagues", what is interesting is that these figures had repeatedly admitted that most of their friends aren't "real" but that they just keep them around as a support base because they don't know the real person they are and would never accept them.

Not because there is something "bad" about them as such, but it's because NPC's compromise most of Humanity, and when it comes to seeing someone for who they are, they will then begin to despise and resent that person, then mock, humiliate, or even destroy them.

I have experienced this countless times in my life, and I have also witnessed it happen to other great friends of mine including Sv3rige / Goatis. People do not accept the real person, because they are not interested in that, but rather from what they can get.

Interestingly enough, one of the Music Documentaries I had watched was of a German Band, and the members admitted outright that as they got into the industry, that they noticed their actual Fans did NOT care for them or have any interest in them as a person in the least, but only as far as what "role" they could play and being seen in that "role" at all times, and if the role isn't there, they became completely uninterested and turned off.

When I watch and learn these things, it just further disappoints me but also shows a stark reality for the Human Condition and what reality we are really living in here, because by and large, people do not have anyone's best interest in mind and do not care for the "individual" inside of them.

They see them as a utility or machine that is to serve a purpose for being "used".

If for a moment that they cannot deliver, that person is viciously attacked.

In fact, the more virtuous someone usually is, the more often it tends to go hand-in-hand with them being attacked, especially in groups, especially opportunistically and without valid reason.

A lot of people also have this view of Popular Celebrities and Musicians in their personal lives, so hence they will judge them based on something they wear, or where they are spotted in real life when they actually "living their life" outside of their so-called "professional" or "public" life, and it's just absolutely astounding how many people lose respect for them even over nothing.

It really enrages me, in fact. It is not to say I just have an equal love or appreciation for every Musician out there, but there are some whom I find very inspiring and fascinating as people and just cannot get past the beauty or profound talent or vision they have in what they've made, and also how it has even been inspiring for my own life, and in where I also even feel a debt of gratitude to them.

And yet it is so dehumanizing that people can just "detach" the Human element of these performers, where they just only reduce them to this certain "role" or "idea" in their heads, and if they suddenly see even a normal life in the day of that person, they become completely put off and then begin floating rumors about them.

When Sv3rige / Goatis was "victimized" by a psychopath he was made out to be "weak" and people did not accept him having a rough period from moving on in that period, and yet at the same time it's like this for all Men especially after a divorce or breakup.

I became absolutely disgusted and outraged with the turncoat behavior some of Sv3rige / Goatis followers had suddenly fostered, pretty much throwing caution to the wind and throwing out many years of established reverence for this great Man, all in the midst of suffering.

Then they begin to invent stories, fake drama and all kinds of autistic drivel, and then a whole gang of these losers will start acting like a pack of hyenas, devouring all of it.

Men never have support from other Men or Women, ever, yet at the same time for the "Woman" party in the breakup, the Women are always there to offer her support to "move on" and to tell her "how much better she can do than him", and all this other vomit and to convince her that "she did not wrong", and what's even more nerve-wracking is that the Man has to witness even fellow so-called "friends" or colleagues of his try to get "next in line" to scoop up his ex.

I've had it happen to many times in the past, but what's worse is how many times I've seen it happen to others. I've been confronted by Men who've inquired about whether things might "not be working out so well" between my friend and his girlfriend, and wondering if I could "put in a word" or "keep him posted" on developments, and in this one particular situation, it demonstrated that the control sequence of information was completely kept out of the loop from my friend's knowledge of what his girlfriend intended to do to him, and yet this other friend of his had MORE information than he did, and was willing to go behind his back and even risk bringing up a topic like that to me.

People are absolutely vicious, and this is absolutely Classic NPC behavior, as I've stated, NPC's have their own inner social hierarchies that remain invisible to Pure Humans and this prevents Pure Humans from having any justice in these situations, and always being "kept out of the loop" to other things going on.

But one should never get it twisted to believe that being without friends or family is a normal circumstance. It may be "normal" considering the times we live in where it is the only way to survive or not invite trouble in life, but in the whole Macro perspective of things, it is not normal whatsoever, and it is really the harbinger for the Extinction of the Human Species.

It is not normal, and it is not healthy, and it should never be seen as a positive thing when in reality you are just dealing with a miserable deck of cards that have been dealt.

Nevertheless, it's my opinion that today even people who seem like they may have a lot of friends, actually don't. The people in their lives, are often pretend friends, but this differs depending on one's age, country and environment.

But the younger someone is, the far less likely they are to have friends, I mean real friends.

And of course, family is also going the wayside, but especially for Caucasians.

However, what is most telling in what I have noticed now more than ever in our Modern Society, is the concrete evidence that people don't care to actually have quality friends or of like interests.

Because they are willing to associate with people who don't resemble them in some form or another, if even energetically or in the same style with common interests.

You always end up seeing the most unsavory types hanging out with each other, or even a skinny or average girl who has a morbidly obese "friend" she brings along with her to a nightclub, or racially mixed specimens that looked like they were "dragged along" for an appearance of clout.

Most so-called friends just use each other for some sick or devious purpose or maybe even as a drug supplier or to get free tickets or some kind of benefits, even though they cannot stand the person, and it seems these modern people who hang out with these losers have no shame to be seen in public around these people.

Most people only want to be "seen" a certain way in public, but not for who or what they really are, and once again, this is why if you'll notice, they never are really concerned with whether someone is authentic or a decent person.

Chances more often is that the most scummy and fake the person is, they will have more and more friends and earn even greater respect. Which makes no actual sense on any level.

But this is the NPC World / Future.

Another thing I notice is that these NPC's will always have each other's back over these losers, no matter what they say or don't say, or even if they say something that comes out wrong or was bad form.

They defend each other at every whim.

Pure Humans are never defended, and are relegated to a situation where what they say or do is never enough, they are just used as "doormats" by the NPC world, that is, if they engage with the NPC's.


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