There Will Be MANY More Waves of Backlashes Against Women Coming

As I've stated, Women have barely even felt 1% of the suffering and decline to come for what they will soon have to endure.

Some suggest that these Women may turn to prostitution, but in the Western Capitalist countries, I do not see this being as feasible as is thought typically during the previous fall of former great civilizations.

Most Western Women have unbelievable amounts of STD's and smelly genitals, along with the fact that the level of Starvation and Survival Necessities for Men, especially with how much Women have done Damage to Men and Society, Men will rarely even be able to tend to the "moment" with how dire conditions will get, for the most part.

In times past, Women were not as involved or powerful in the elemental destruction of society as they are today, and that also de-incentivizes Men from having further involvement for them.

I also have explained about a biochemical / physiological change that occurs in Males, in previous entries, by which the Male libido can be shut down by the body systems in order to focus on survival, and that if a Man is traumatized repeatedly by Women or if even on a subconscious level his own survival is put in question, that these changes will naturally "shun" his libido.

For example, even when the USSR collapsed, this "condition" did not erupt in the Men on a basis like that which would shun his desire for procreation.

I am not saying this exists in each and every country today, but it certainly exists in the Anglo-Saxon countries, and at least some parts of Western and Central Europe. It is definitely the case in Germany.

But the thing is, I see a major problem in the West, with the fact that society largely only wants to keep the discussion about the Gender war between Men and Women, as something as an "online sphere" but yet not discussing it in public.

Nevertheless, I have been approached much more in recent months by Men, especially Married Men in public, even Eastern European and Balkan Men from those regions and ones living in America, who have admitted they are Slaves to their ungrateful wives.

The thing is, Women have a lot to answer for in what they've done to destroy society, and the thing is they have been banking on their manipulation faculties to "get out of jail free" every time on every issue, along with the White Knights who are also all so willing to participate in this, and to enact Witch Hunts on innocent Men and also to impose Bachelor Taxes, or other Blame for the Collapse of society on the large gamut of Men.

I believe they will continue to try to blame these things on Men, but the problem is that even the government and the systems, hell, even nature itself, cannot any longer deny the imploding forces that very obviously demonstrate that the problem is with Women specifically, by a long shot more than Men.

Yes, there are some very lousy Men out there, but even out of those, Women are at least by magnitude 10X or more worse as people, and with lack of accountability.

Even a gang member eventually would come around to admitting something if even in shame and defeat when finally forced and interrogated to do so, but Women have demonstrated that they are unwilling to do this, and prefer relying on hysteria, outbursts and crocodile tears and other clever mental gymnastics in the attempt to outwit Men's judgment.

Society soon will become enormously violent and also enormously ugly, and very very ugly and absurd in ways that would have not manifested if a civil war were to emerge where Men finally beat Women back.

Women think they were clever in being able to dupe Men out of everything even Sex and that somehow Men will just conform and that Women can live lives of total freedom and no accountability, and never owing something.

Men will continue to quit and throw in the towel but not without first dabbing it in gasoline before tossing it into the fire of this civilization.

Since Women have totally weaponized sex over Men and removed everything for Men, even Male Spaces, Men have the only choice but I would say as far as a DUTY to let this civilization rot and help it along the way by pushing it off the cliff and giving the middle finger to it.

Men need to remove all perks, benefits, institutions or even allowance and participation that Women currently are entitled too, and deny them rights to civilization altogether, and reduce her to something like a Roma gypsy.

The civil war between Men and Women is imminent, and it's even more imminent than the Racial Wars and Conflicts. Those are really miniscule in comparison to the problems between Men and Women.

One must always remember that the only reason Men ever have anything to do with Women is because of the axe wound in between their legs, and aside from this, we would never even want them or have any associations or communication with them on any level outside of this.

This is known and understood by both Men and Women, if even only on a subconscious level.

Women know they have no value to offer besides sex, and increasingly that has especially been the case, since they have no passions or skills in life towards anything, not even intellectual curiosity.
Most of them are utterly worthless little bratty pathetic shitbags who lick their lips constantly, and there are not even enough words in the English Vocabulary for my to describe my absolute hatred and disgust for Women, and how much satisfaction I get in seeing their own self-destruction coming about, and the fact that I do not respect them as people, except for literally several I can count on only one hand of mine.

Other than that, I cannot stand listening to their voices, and also their constant concerns about "security and safety" and how they can barely do anything, and even when they do, they almost never do anything right. They are mentally handicapped.

Women throughout history have always brought defeat towards Great Men and waste their time.

They are like a flea or a tic or some other nuisance towards a Man's life.

Women have been playing a very dangerous game of risk and gambling on a false premise of what they are doing, and I really look forward to how Men, the system itself, governments and society will be forced to finally smash the pies in their faces.

Many Women will seek out retributions towards other Women, and I intend on enjoying this show.

You need to entirely forget about "The West" coming back. It will never come back.

How can you possibly expect that, especially when you weren't even willing to salvage anything worth saving in it!? Not that there was anything much less to save.

Nobody did anything during COVID. So why would anything be different now!?

Sit, and really think about it, plus all the hordes who took their lovely injections.

America and Europe are completely finished. There is no hope, it's done, and the delaying of recognizing this will only worsen the fall. You weren't all that concerned yesterday, be honest.

Everything we have seen and carefully monitored over many years, has proven to us that there will be no actual revolution or renaissance for Europe, and as I said, if it were to even happen, it could only come from a Prussian revolution, namely, from us.

Sure, you will have some uprisings in the UK and France like we see now and then, but that's about it.

How many years have we seen protests and riots in the UK, France, Greece and elsewhere!? What changes!? Nothing. Everything continues onward.

Even the Farmer situations and protests in Europe, nothing changes over it.

The collapse needs to happen, and while over 90% of the world sees our views as disgusting and scary, from our Prussian Standpoint, it's all about hygiene and simply cleaning house.

A lot of people need to go, but I regret that the NWO has decisively won, without people really realizing that yet.

When the West falls, you will see the Sleeper Cells activate, and then you will come to know what REAL Barbarism looks like. Something you people have not known in your ancestors consciousness since about the 13th century.

You will see how they will have their way with your Women, not like the Women are really worth much anyway, but all I can say to this is Que SeraSera! They will force you to watch, then they will have "their way" with you after. If you know what I mean... I bet you thought Elliot Rodger was bad!

Wait until you see how the Muslims will have their way when "the dogs are let out".

It was a nice run, Europe and America, but you put us Germans down too many times. Now it's time you experience what we went through, in the process of your own demise.

You stole our own Nation from us and have permanently displaced our people all around the world to become "Orphaned", as even the German people today in Germany are subject to this fate.

In my view, since the COVID lockdowns, with the economic downturn and anti-social behavior that has ensued, along with Feminism plateauing, I cannot possibly see America and much of the West surviving past 2025-2026 period without some cataclysmic die-off of Mass Millions of people.

May all the worst forms of hell, chaos, torment and torture come to the containers with the XX chromosomes!


  1. I feel like the backlash will not happen as too many men are simps and many women realise they can weaponise sex to get out of trouble and accountability.

  2. There will be more backlashes to come but they will manifest in different ways. Sure, simps are simps, but even the simps can no longer afford to keep sending their simp cash to Women. The thing is, Women cannot build things, and they are living absolutely out of touch with reality. But Women are rapidly losing their ability to weaponize sex, it has already long peaked, as more Men are becoming indifferent towards them, or are outright willing to mete out violence towards them. Remember that the only reason Women can or have ever been able to weaponize sex, is because of Simp Men who have enabled the notion of such possibilities and allow it, especially in terms of economics. It is also a MAJOR feature of the Capitalist System. I am against Socialist Economies of course, but the problem is Capitalism eventually evolves / morphs into Socialism.

    The reason why a backlash is imminent is because even the Structures of society, the Institutions and Natural Law are beginning to have a problem with Women.

    If we assume that Men do not backlash whatsoever, rest assure that the Chinese, Russians and Arabs will be taking care of all that very soon for them.


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