Even The Mainstream Media Cannot Let Up With "Matrix" Programming


That fact that they even publish such an article like this, and in these times, just goes to show you how much more they want to pique your curiosity about such things.

Of course they do the same when they bring out Elon Musk from time to time, or talk about anything to do with AI or Aliens.

All of this is throw you off course.

In addition to "piquing your curiosity", they must also give an edge to make it seem like they are potentially also concerned or working towards educating or informing others or to make you even feel that AI is not as well underway as it all is.

They must give you hope that Humanity will somehow "self-correct" and realize the error of their ways or maturely implement AI, which of course is not going to happen.


  1. What state do you think is best to live in in the USA? Do you recommend leaving Florida? I honestly can’t take this world anymore and it’s getting worst I want to have my own farm land and get as far away from cities and society I would want to stay on the east coast what are your thoughts? I don’t live in a city but I live near an hour to 3 hours nears cities I live in a small town /small city I guess.I smell weed everywhere there are more drug addicts than ever walking on the side of the road and people screaming and yelling for driving slow also drunks everywhere I just don’t fit in this society and have thoughts of disappearing and having my own farm land it breaks my heart that the only people left in this word are lunatics that are having these children that are already degenerates.Thank you

    1. @JunkieAmerican, It really is a tough call, and a constant bother among many of my thoughts as thing worsen, but to be honest I don't think there is a concrete or true answer. It really depends a lot on one's own circumstances, work scenario, affordability and so forth...

      I've been wanting to move to Florida, but I have sat back to see what has unfolded since the time of everyone moving down there in 2021-2022, and I'm seeing a lot of things go wrong, plus everyone I talked to about checked into Real Estate down there has been a total "flop" and some kind of true charlatan to extreme degrees.

      One thing that "does" bother me about Florida, is I have found it to be the State that has the least amount of Public Trust compared to most of the other larger States, such as NY, TX or CA. Along with the snow birds and just the very transient and other attributes about the state, it tends to run into many cyclical problems and chaos in addition to Hurricanes. Those are actually my biggest concerns moving there, but it is probably one of the Top States that interest me. If it weren't for those hang-ups, I'd probably definitely be there already.

      The problem with America is that in general, most people still are more or less "all the same", especially when it comes to your born and bred red-blooded 'Murican.

      Just a different regional accent or some small nuances, but the rest of them I've found to be fake as fuck.

    2. Yeah the people are the problem it seems like the South Americans who come here have this American fakeness when them come here I just can’t stand the fake smiles and fake conversations. I really don’t know what to do Florida is great I love the weather and I love all the fruit trees like mangos I collect every summer but I really want to be away from civilization or have my own farm Florida is too expensive to have farmland.what do you think I should do?should I stay in Florida and stay in my house? Or move somewhere else someday and have have farmland.How do you get by everyday with this world and people? Do you ever feel lonely and an outcast compared to the people living today?

    3. @JunkieAmerican, I had traveled in very various parts of Florida and my god how different people are in so many parts of it. I can really only speak from my own experiences there, but I've found many of the so-called "Southern" types who live there to be some super sketchy people, far more so than other Southern States. Why that is? I haven't an answer, but then again Florida is a State known to be a criminal hide-out, plus the meth-heads and concoctions of drugs down there, it really is horrific. I've seen so many weather-beaten White Women down there as well, really weathered skin from sleeping around and drugs, and maybe the sun trying to "detox" their skin, bringing the toxins to their most superficial skin layers.

      I also love the weather.

      I wanted to spend more time in Miami even as much of a messed up place it's supposed to be, however I found in Southwest Florida and even in places around Miami, the last time I was in the area in 2018, I found a lot of negative energy and just very "zombie-like" appearance to many of the Hispanics I had seen down there, especially even in places like Walmart and elsewhere.

      The place where I found people to be the friendliest and most "normal" actually, happened to be in Key West.

      I can't tell if that's just my own experience or because of who I am or a luck of the draw, but I had absolutely an amazing experience with everyone I encountered and places I frequented in Key West.

      I am also currently deterred by the skyrocketing prices going on down there, especially since the Assholes from up North, had moved down and are bringing their Political Objectives with them.

      I am sure as you are also aware of it, Florida is technically a "Purple State".

      If you are Native to Florida and have Family there along with most ties, it may be best idea for better or worse to stick it out, unless you can find a more suitable situation AND people that are ideal to move in with such as in a community or neighborhood.

      This is one thing most people that move around never think about, because they move on the basis of like 1 or 2 reasons, such as a new job opportunity, lower housing costs or some "idea". But in my view, none of those things are as important as it is about finding a group of like-minded people who are in line with one's values completely, before getting up and making the move.

      Of course, I am the Outcast of Outcasts! Most Outcasts cannot bear to even be seen around me because of becoming spooked, and with how uncontrolled my cannon is in every day life. People cannot handle hearing the truth, or vocabulary that they do not view as being appropriate or correlating to "the times we live in".

      My responses also are seen as outlandish or bizarre to most people, since I had not assimilated into the American culture and typical behavioral patterns. It freaks people out.

      I was even stared at yesterday at some local café here by some High profile Contractors, and they just cannot stop "staring", as if I'm some sort of alien.

    4. North and south Florida are like 2 different worlds but in south west Florida the Hispanics are nasty and are more zombie like I live in south east Florida there are a lot of Hispanics here and they are zombie like how it is in south west also there are a lot of people from Haiti all the white people either died or are wealthy old people there are also alot of Jews in boca raton I will never ever go there again just a bunch of women who look like Darcy and Stacy those monster women on tlc and influencers. Another thing about Florida is the drugs are rampant here and kids as young as 13 are doing them I can’t stand the smell of weed everywhere there are also a lot of ghetto whites in south Florida.

    5. It's really true, I kind of view Florida by these regions myself in terms of the people: North Florida, South Florida (West Coast, East Coast and the Keys, particularly Key West).

      I have met so many unbelievably freakish people down there though, that it's scary and I question the sustainability of living there long-term because of the transient nature, fake people who are very wealthy and hurricanes.

      Of all places, I thought I would meet the most fake people in Key West, but a lot of people I've met and known from there seem to be more laid back and down to earth compared to the Mainland. Unless I'm just biased. Naples also was a very place. Cape Coral and Fort Myers is boring, and I met so many drug addicts and mentally insane people down there and got really irritated with it myself especially with the traffic and bad drivers.

      In most States, I usually can judge based on the feel of it or various areas to get an understanding of the people, but Florida seems to have no fixed identity because of how different it is.

      I am suspicious of so many people down there, and I guess that also accounts why Public Trust is so minimal down there. There is some pervasive kind of fearful mindset in people, and that could play out dangerously during even worse times.

      FEMA has a special strategic outlay for that state, and Florida is one of the only states that the Chinese have minimal to no investments / interest in in terms of buying up the Property, probably because it's Swamp Land...

    6. One thing I noticed that you pointed was the sun and skin and I noticed whites have very bad skin in Florida compared to up north most likely from their terrible diets and drugs but it’s just looks off on a lot of people with fair skin also in Florida there are a lot of broken families have you ever seen that movie the Florida project? That’s what Florida is really like for families living here.That movie shows how every mother from Florida acts you can find clips of the movie on YouTube the people are trashy like that here.

    7. An interesting discussion about Florida by you both. I live in the UK which is also a terrible place to live, I have been to Florida as a child for the DisneyWorld and did like the place. But that was 15 years ago, it must be hell now with the tiktok fried NPCs, the race wars, and the social media damaged women. I would go back but I know it won't be the same.

      PSA you made a point about the sun damaged white women in the Florida sun. I have always wondered about the sunlight and UV radiation on whether it is healthy or not. Some people say it causes skin cancer and aging whereas others say it is healthy. What is your stance on the sun and sunbathing? I think Goatis loves the sun and since watching his videos, I will sunbathe.

      In the UK, I can't sunbathe all year round as it would be too cold and probably pointless in the winter, so whenever it gets to about late April to late September, I sunbathe in the UK for about an hour in the midday sun. If I sunbathe on one side for over two hours in the middle of June then I get sunburn so I avoid staying out for longer than an hour.

      I never wear sunscreens as I have heard they are endocrine disruptors and cancer promoting. However perhaps I need to avoid sunbathing and wear clothes to cover up in the summer. But it is natural to be in the sun, yet I have noticed people who spend lots of time in the sun do get more wrinkles, so I usually wear a hat to cover my face.

    8. The sun is healthy and should be in it regularly.

      It only only ages skin or causes skin cancer insomuch as it draws the toxins out of the body and into the skin. If you're living a toxic life the sun will be brutal to your skin. If you're living healthily then the sun will only increase your health and appearance of your skin.

    9. @TikTok is so annoying, I can barely stand to even load the website if I need to look at a certain video. I don't know how people have patience with the platform, as I always have trouble logging in and getting the videos to play properly. It's an annoying website.

      We've been lied to our entire lives about the so-called "Toxicity" of the Sun or the notion that UV rays only exist from the "Ozone Layer" because of pollution, all of that was bunk.

      UV rays have always been an elemental aspect of the Sun, especially since it's a form of radiation rather than say, the light from a lightbulb or another illuminating source.

      The skin cancer, as "Here for the apocalypse said" or other bad aging is just a reflection of the poor diet and living conditions, if even being couped up in offices day after day over many years.

      For me, the Sun has always made my skin more vibrant when I am out baking in it, rather than becoming detrimental like it does for people who are highly with toxins inside of them. I am pretty sure though even living in America, I have more toxins inside than someone in Europe or elsewhere, it is inevitable here, but I try to eat and live well as much as possible.

      Many times when I've traveled within Europe, I've had bad luck constantly with cloudy and rainy days in the Northern regions, and it's ruined so much of my plans. Even as much as a few years ago, some locals I had talked to would tell me how the rain and clouds they have, while they are always common in the north, because of the chem trails and what not, they get abnormal amounts of rain compared to how it used to be.

      It's just like that here in New England as well.

      Yeah, a person should never wear sunscreen. If one really needs to create some sort of a "sun shield" on their skin, so-to-speak, then they would ideally rub it in animal fats, olive oil or coconut oil. Only thing is the benefits of the sun will be diminished, but a lot of people don't know how to adjust their sun exposure to gradually accommodate it into the season.


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