Evil is not as simple or explained as "doing something wrong" or "immoral".

The concept of Evil - a topic that is highly debated - is something I also want to address more in depth as time goes along, because the fact is that people have far too much of a religious understanding of this concept, rather than understanding it for what it is.

This is by design by the writers of these religions, because it makes Good Men not have the tendency to seek out revenge or retributions towards an enemy, and of course to even entertain the idea of "loving your enemy", "forgiving him" and even "praying for him", comically.

There are even some ridiculous notions out there, that actually existed in some phrase or another from many thousands of years ago, that suggest to even kill a person or exchange "tit for tat" is akin to killing God or killing the entire Humanity! Absolute Dogmatic Nonsense!

The notion of what makes someone evil, is based principally on the total lack of empathy, but in a way that is driven by almost a mechanical and darkly driven idea or impulse, which is why it is so evident in Psychopaths, but also in Narcissists.

The only difference is that Narcissists have certain biases and prejudices with some people and even in their own self-reflection, whereas as Psychopaths just do not care whatsoever.

Morals also vary across different Peoples and Cultures, so there are no fixed "morals" as such.

As for us Germans, we even consider a person who is not punctual to be lacking moral decency and also "inconsiderate", whereas this is not seen as the case with Barbarian Races.

But it is too simple to just write off a "bad deed" as such, to be something that sizes someone up as Evil, per se.

Another fact however, is that it should not be assumed that, Pure Humans, or Humans who have Hearts, are "Angels", because we are not, in the most truest definition of the word.

An Angel is actually another word for a "Servant" or "Slave", because they have no Free Will of their own.

Angels, as such, as programmed entities and do not have a separate consciousness, they operate off of their own scripts and timelines, and Angels are more like Computers than anything.

The Angel cannot do anything outside of this fixed programming and identity or purpose for that it has been given.

Humans have no fixed or programmed purpose.

The difference however is that is a Decent person, if they do something "wrong" or make a "mistake", do so from a standpoint of either being misinformed or an error.

People who are Evil by nature, have very specific routine attributes to their personalities which demonstrate that decency and not lying or manipulating, is not a native "function" of their character, and this is what makes them by essence, "Evil".

Evil has a "knack" for using probing mechanisms to find and plot against their victims, because they are always seeking for vulnerabilities and to try to make common cause with them.

Evil people view all forms of kindness and altruism as a "weakness", and seek to exploit it from others, yet they will always talk about how much they desire kindness.

All Evil Forces have very fine-tuned psychic faculties, of how they discover information of their victims, and are usually very quick to immediately establish rapport in order to manipulate them.

While you may not believe this, some Evil people can also pick up on vibrations from their victims through the Internet, and can manipulate them easily enough through these means.

This is why many people who have been victimized by Evil people, often report that they became so comfortable or otherwise "duped" into even considering or doing things that they normally never would have, or at least not so fast off when getting to know the person.

The fact that they wish to gain things or be positioned in a way to be entitled to things that they do not deserve, and need to resort to deception to obtain it.

Most Evil People also perpetually paint themselves as "victims", so as in order to be able to manipulate others  and not be seen as a threat.

This is why you will often hear evil people constantly try to tell you that "I'm not perfect", or practices things like "Virtue Signaling",  often talking about "trying to be/become a good person" or how they "Found God" and started to become religious and how it made them a "better person" and how they used to be this "selfish person". Virtue Signaling is in fact a huge trait of Evil and Dark Triad types, because they subsist off of garnering sympathy and support from the masses.

Without sympathy and support, they cannot get ahead in life because they are unable to build anything on their own without manipulating others into doing their dirty works.

Evil people love to abuse their victims, and then "nurse them back to life" by making it seem like "they didn't mean to do what they did and am sorry."

Evil people, are Natural Hypocrites. But when you call them out on their hypocrisy, they don't see it as being that way and in other cases will just play with plausible deniability... "What are you talking about? I don't understand...

And they will usually just have the tendency to laugh everything off and make you feel crazy, known as "crazy-making" or will tell you something like "you're funny"!

They can even manifest these reactions and a perfectly straight face even if you caught them right in the act of something, and they remain unaffected and in denial.

Evil people, also have a very negative radiation of energy from their auras.

If you are capable of reading auras to any degree or are sensitive to energies from others, you will detect the Evil vibrations from them within their auric field, but also from the voice, eyes and even the flesh.

The system we live under, and even going back for many thousands of years, has been very cleverly crafted in order to disguise evil and also to paint decent people as "evil", especially if they choose to fight back or defend themselves.

Evil people also tend to be cowards at every level, and do not like to endanger themselves in any regard.

This might seem noble or just about survival at first, but you will notice that they are pragmatically obsessed with survival and not assuming risks, but instead want others to take the risks for them.

This is not to say that every instance of someone trying to protect themselves or avoid risk is necessarily evil, because a circumstantial situation by a decent person may demand it.

But I will give you a short example of what I am talking about, and this is a common trait in the "Little Hat Wearers".

These creatures are always checking any establishment they enter and look for Security Cameras, and mark all Entrances and Exits and Windows, because they operate under the mindset of if they need to escape or enter a conflict with someone, they need to have those bases "covered" before they might even participate in a transaction or activity in said establishment.

Some of them are so paranoid, so obsessed with this survival of theirs and inability to assume risk, that if they sit at an establishment, they will only agree to sit in a direction where they can see and watch the Entrance at all times for anyone who comes in and anyone who goes out.

This is what I am talking about.


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