Flat Chested "Boyish" girl Keira Lhotan Wants To Become A Model + Simps

Look at the disgusting superchat donation in the chat. Some sore loser spends $19.99 all to give encouragement to a girl to become a model!

All the other simps in the chat also just show how disgusting and blind so many guys are.

Pretty much, it's obvious she wants to be on the road to selling her "body" since she knows she is totally worthless and has nothing of value or to offer, doesn't surprise me in the least. But she isn't even model material!

Women love selling their bodies because they are mostly all sluts.

What amazes me though is Men who are willing to pay for Women, and even for NOTHING like that SIMP!

Like, why does even the thought cross their minds to just randomly send them money for nothing!?!?


  1. Well, being that most models today either look like, or are tranny's, she should fit right in.

    As for the simps...their grovelling and degradation knows no bounds. So, you get what we have here today

    1. This is so true models today look like shit! Like what the hell? Models back then used to have hips and smaller shoulders with an 8+ face “usually”but now the models today have wider shoulders than hips and they aren’t even exotic or beautiful! Majority of the models today are fake lip below average no hip Hannas! Anyone can become a model.I didn’t even know it was possible for a girl to have no breast at all and maybe models are average and below now a days because they can’t really find that natural beauty anymore. it is becoming more rare than ever sadly the 90s was the last to find a exotic natural beauty now everyone looks below average and their genes are terrible plus terrible food.

    2. Modeling is like one of those professions that ought to be paid at Minimum Wage. But yeah, the standards are super low nowadays, and that boils down to everything even as far as Strip Clubs. Some years ago, Women were also not allowed to have tattoos or even cellulite and other things. From what I've seen/heard, all those requirements have been dropped.

    3. Are you saying they aren’t allowed to have cellulite in modeling? If so yes that’s been dropped I see models who are overweight with cellulite it’s very gross and women think it’s powerful to have cellulite lol? I don’t think they know that that’s not natural and is caused by plant oils.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It's a fucked up world we live in! It's gross seeing obese women on the cover of magazines. You don't see an obese looksmatched guy on any magazines. Americans really are dumber than a second coat of paint as the late George Carlin puts it in one of his stand up routines.

    6. Yeah it really makes me uncomfortable seeing obese women everywhere not only that but they promote albinism,weird skin conditions and “equality”.. it’s disgusting

  2. She needs to shut up and face reality she’s not a model she needs to get the hell offline and look around because she looks like every other gen z girl alot of gen z girls are below average yeah but she probably got her ego boosted by some simp saying you should model ugh if I saw her on the street I wouldn’t even look at her who the hell would? LOL she’s no Cindy Crawford these girls are so delusional this slut pisses me off 98% of women in the USA are sluts! And it’s always the average and below females if I ever saw a girl that looked like young Cindy Crawford or young Monica Bellucci she would most likely be covered up and shy sadly there really isn’t women with good genes like that anymore especially gen z women around the world I think gen x was the last generation to look decent.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's crazy what this world has come to, especially in the US. Modeling agents look for tall and slim women and not naturally beautiful ones. Regarding the sluts, women are getting used up by guys that won't commit to them long term and are only used as their personal fuck toys before going on to the next girl and some shit. Once these same women hit their 30s, they are either gonna be miserable single mothers or they will use and abuse the men that they didn't give a chance in high school or their early 20s if they end up in a relationship with these poor men. Young Crawford would be ostracized in our modern society.

    3. I hear women in their 30s talking about wanting husband lol?? Even women with children!

    4. It's funny, like these women will be all ugly and worn out yet they still want a man which they'll probably end up using and abusing anyways.


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