Identifying Covert Gangstalking

I still have much I want to publish on actual legitimate cases of Gangstalking, but perhaps what also is not looked into or all that understood by many are the "Covert" Methods of Gangstalking.

There are generally only 3 Classifications of Human Beings who are subjected to Gangstalking, and this is:

1. Pure Humans
2. People who are genetic relatives of Elite or Influential Figures or Family Circles (Especially Elite)
3. People Who Join Freemasonry.

If you are someone who is being gangstalked in a covert way, you will often find yourself approached either by total strangers or even former friends or classmates or others who will somehow make it known to you that they are "keeping tabs" on you, usually by a very creepy manner, or claiming how they see you here and there, but yet will never "talk to you" like normal, cordial, friendly and social Human beings would do when they see someone in public that they know or remember or that maybe strikes "curiosity" in them.

Humans, generally like to seek out others who are like them or who they suspect may share interests.

To the victim who is being gangstalked, they will find themselves put in a more isolationary environment no matter where they roam on this earth. You can move to another country and will still have the same results.

People will also make it a point, it could be even a random worker or stranger on the street, to "approach" you, and then suddenly try to use sarcasm or flippant behavior to make it seem like you are somewhere where you don't belong or somehow they make it seem like it's almost a "problem" where you are, or what you are doing, if even shopping or grabbing a pizza or a beer at some bar.

They might approach you in a very brazenly way but try to crack a joke and be like "I SEE YOU HERE ALL THE TIME!"

"What's your ride?"

Etc, Etc.

A lot of times, a person who is part of a gangstalking operation, which may not be officially even employed in it, but just is following a script based off of AI programming, may even try to appeal to you to something they suspect you like or are into, to get information out of you or test how you react.

They are not naturally trying to build a connection.

They want to get you to be "at ease" to reveal any personal information about yourself, and usually love to start up conversations with you when you are off-guard or distracted.

This is all a part of the gangstalking program.

No, these people are not some innocent stranger "folk" trying to break the ice with you and becoming friends or just have their curiosities piqued.

The aim is to find out who you are, such as your Name and Age, often where you live and what you do for a living.

These will usually be the key elements of what they want to find out about you, if it even gets that far.

Sometimes their conversations just basically go out as if to inform you in some sort of a way that they are watching you.

But they will never make any true genuine effort to establish a connection or build rapport, in the way you will see that other humans do all the time.

For example in the case of a normal random encounter, a stranger may at least even invite someone they idolize to come stop down at a show or some event. This will never be the case with gang stalkers, at least almost always not unless it is part of the plot to entrap the victim.

Because gang stalkers do not want to be personally involved with whom they victimize.

When you begin to really understand these things and what gangstalking is, you will suddenly begin to see it around you everywhere.

There is nothing that can put an end to gangstalking either, despite what you may be told or hear from others, you can move to a new Province or country, and it still will not change.


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