In These Times, Ambition Will Only Enslave You. Get Comfortable With Not Being a Go-Getter

Then again it could depend on your type of ambition!

My Ambition!? Passion and Pleasure, and finishing of the bulk of the Human Species meanwhile.

There is no greater goal or desire that burns within me other than sex, but to see the total decimation and reduction of most of Mankind. They need to go!

But if you are thinking to do something that requires the integration or involvement with others in the hierarchies in place today, you are setting yourself up for pure hell!

Even an Aspiring Musician today, not necessarily ones from the past, but especially ones today have to go through even more bullshit with the systems of  life and also their NPC fans than ever before.

Such industries were never easy to begin with anyways, because they always deal with stupid fans and rules, but the thing is we are in a whole different level playing field of life.

All the talk and hoopla about Hustle Culture and chasing Ambition, Getting on your grind, Making Things Happen, if you actually go out in the real world to do these things today, you will find what kind of Toxic Bullshit and people and all kinds of rules, expenses and nonsense you have to deal with constantly!

It doesn't matter what your ambition or path is either!

Everything today is pure hell, and you will only sell your soul and burn yourself out and live a total regret in life by pursuing it.

This is all part of the Dystopia.

The powers at the top get to feed off of the Loosh energy and also the money from the Obedient Slave who bought into all the lies.

So I would say, it is better not to bother yourself with these Social Media Influencers who are making you fear you are missing out or not being a Man or what have you because you choose not to play the game.

If you choose to participate in Modern Society even out of the conventional needs such as buying food and other essential things to life, you will have to become a fake person and also pat other people's back, of people you cannot stand. You will have to become fake like them, and speak in rhetoric.

This is all exhausting and cringey for an authentic person!

If I were a young guy today, I also would not play the game at all. I'd have none of it.

You have to understand and recognize the concrete fact, that we are living in a time of WAR!

Start acting like it!


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