I've Always Broken Off Most Of My Relationships With Women

One thing that surprises me about Life, however it may be more due to the changes of society, or just a glance at looking back with how people have formed their lives, but it's not only when it comes to Divorce...

Most Men, are not the ones who break off relationships with Women, and I find this stunning.

In almost all Relationships or Entanglements I've had with Women, I often broke them off, however I have to say that in about the last 15 years, I began to see Women become FAR more aggressive and out of line in disbelief when the Man breaks up with them, almost as if "that cannot happen" and as if a Man is not allowed to break it off with them.

Most relationships with Women begin to sour within 2-3 months, and this is because Women need to begin letting their "facade" down, as they become frustrated to keep up the act they do for much longer than that, but it can even extend up to about 6 months or even a year, but rarely over a year.

In at least a couple of these circumstances, the Women became very problematic and threatening and even began to go completely psycho in things they began doing, and this is something I never remember being the case decades ago.

But it speaks to me, that Men have been far too more lenient with Women in not breaking things off or showing them how easily we can separate them from our lives, and this is wrong.

Men need to learn to tell Women NO.

Men need to become more comfortable with cutting a worthless Woman out of your life and punishing them with the most cruelest form of torture imaginable when they refuse to let go of you.

One Woman I knew of even tried using Munchausen syndrome on me, and it's not the first time I've had it happened either.

Munchausen syndrome is a practice many Women use to fake illnesses, or even Emergency visits to the hospital from you breaking up with them in an attempt to "guilt" you into getting back with them.

What's worse, I've also known Women who have Munchausen syndrome which have tried to use it as a means to get sympathy out of me as a stranger, to give them "money" or "support", even as recently as a few weeks ago.

Never give them anything or fall for it!


  1. Why do girls think it’s ok to not be a virgin? It’s sickening and seems insane to me they usually say it’s my body and I can do want I honestly think being with someone will never last if she’s not a virgin.

    1. All the female empowerment and promotion about them being "Sexually liberated", they are completely oblivious to how much it damages them. All Women who aren't virgins are completely useless and worthless trash. They should either be made as worker slaves, be euthanized if they can't make due for themselves.

    2. I have heard a few young men say they don’t care about a girl being a virgin and I find that sickening why wouldn’t they care? and of course it’s gen z men saying it they make me sick

    3. As a Gen Z guy, them saying that is stupid. The world we live in, man!

    4. Yeah it’s stupid and crazy. Majority of gen z girls aren’t virgins and a lot of girls lie about being a virgin they usually lose their innocence once they lose their virginity for what I’ve seen.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm a woman, i want to say it before. And i'm not here to provoke a conflict, but to make clear what I want to say. Since at least I'm not part of that modern society of the 21st century.

    How did I get to this blog, is it your question? Because I found a link on a page that is censored in VK today. And because I have been related to Germany and Europe on these sociopolitical issues.

    I'm a Finnish woman and I have been married to a Russian man for 6 years. I myself had to experience how in Finland it was almost a taboo subject to be married to a person from Russia. And also having to have been living in a country where the social democratic party reigns in every sense of Finnish life.

    Feminism has been an unfortunately transcendental phenomenon in our country, and it isn't at all strange that today the number of feminist women grows like in Sweden. It's not at all strange to meet women who are similar to Zara Larsson and are romantically associated with foreigners of other races. Because at least I'm married to a man of Irish-Russian descent (because my husband's grandfather was an IRA militant who married a Russian woman in Germany) and not a black or center Asian.

    Honestly, it's not that I hate those people, but I don't belong to those races and I don't need to be tied to them either maritally or bloodwise. I am a Nordic woman married to a man of mostly Nordic proportions.

    This man to whom I have been married is a gift for me, since it is a blessing to have that person that you love so much and you would give everything for him to be well and with you. Because every time I remember the best moments of my 20's, he was there. And it is something that I feel and that I cannot describe here, and that makes me cry with happiness. Having found your first love and falling in love with everything you liked about him. Just his beauty and character were something for me that I'm grateful to be living once again.

    That is why I will never leave him alone, and I take care of him in various ways and respect him, because although today modern psychologists and philosophers tell us that we should not base our lives on a person, they don't know that magical passion that the soul experiences by living with that greatest gift that life and the universe gives you: love.

    If tomorrow he leaves this life, either I will go with him or I will never marry or get together with another person again. To do so would be a betrayal of him. He is my life and is over.

  4. You are right about the disbelief women have when you end things, it's almost as if they think a man can be their punching bag and he will never leave because she is a woman. I had an ex girlfriend who thought she was better than me. When I broke things off from her, she had a hoe phase and slept with 7 different men in 2 months. She tried running back to me after. It may of worked as I still liked her and I wasn't aware of her hoe phase, but I had my suspicions as you do with women. Despite me being unaware of the hoe phase, this woman told me about her hoe phase within 5 minutes of talking to her again. I just don't understand why a woman would tell a man that and expect him to willingly take her back. I guess she thinks that a man should accept her for who she is. If I was a woman and done that, the last thing I would do is tell a man that I slept around and I would try to appear as pure as possible. I've had different women lie to me in the past by telling me they are virgins when they aren't. When she told me about the hoe phase, I hung up the phone and never spoke to her again.

    1. It's really insane how much of a thing it's become like this. Of the 3 girls I ever fell in love with, one remains a persistent negative memory that I want to totally ruin her even more than everything I've done already from many years ago. When I initially broke up over the phone with her (as I couldn't do it in person because I was out of state), you should've heard her whimpy cries and shock, even after the shit she pulled on me, and actually I felt a major sense of relief of also executing my wrath of disdain for her in how I coldly ended it with her like that, I dumped it all onto her. This one girl in particular, If I could have any last wish in this world of something I can fulfill, is to have every individual body part of her dismembered so she can experience every element of pain, down to every fingernail, bone and segment of her body.

      This has been something for over 10 years now that is a daily memory after what she did to me and how she also derailed my life for years afterwards, and I will never be satisfied until she experiences that horror.

      But Man, if you never fall in love with the girls and break up with them, MY GOD what kind of shit they begin trying to pull, I have had endless Women in my life constantly cause me logistical problems and expenses because of drama and chaos they pull in trying to derail either my plans or trips coming to or from them.

      One time when I had to leave a location immediately in Europe, the girl ended up trying to locate my "trails", called every single local Cab company, of which one replied that they took me to the airport, then she called the airports and airlines, and began looking up all of my personal contacts including friends, family and associates online.

      Just remembering these experiences and how creepy they are with the things they will do, strikes a nerve in me.

      I do not know what it is with their fucking bullshit they pull with fucking up my logistical plans, but I can say that where Women have costed me the most in life, has not been with even spending money on them directly, but because of constant adjustments, changes of plans or unexpected things that they have done which I have constantly had to rebook trips and even changes at hotels.

      They are fucking pathetic lunatics!

    2. And yes, the Hoe Phase is a real thing Women do after relationships. Self-Destructive activities. That's how far from "evolution" they are, if evolution were to ever even be a real thing! They are despicable, going around to use Men for sex to feel better about themselves after a breakup!

    3. I understand why you feel resentment to your exes after they took advantage of you. I also want revenge on my ex. I do hope your ex is living a miserable life and you got your revenge. Funny enough my ex tried contacting me again and when I replied to her message she blocked me, then unblocked me an hour after asking how my dating life was going. She was playing very silly games. Also another time she contacted my mother to say I had suicidal thoughts when I literally said I think existence is pointless and I wish I was never born. It's been 6 months now since my ex last contacted me so I assume she has now found another man to leech from.

      The fact your ex was contacting every cab company and taking on very detective behaviour shows you must be some very good looking man as I doubt women behave this way when an average looking man dumps them.

      People underestimate how much damage women do to your potential in life. It's not just the money, but it's the time going shopping with them where they spend 2 hours choosing things, it's the silly things they get you to do if you are a weak man, it's the constant need to spend time with you whilst doing nothing productive.

      I wasted 100s of hours on my ex. The driving 20 mins each way to see her, the time spent cuddling and talking about NPC shit, the shopping trips and the texting. To the woman she doesnt need to be productive as everything is handed to her. But those 100s of hours, I could of used better. The trajectory of my life has been pushed back by 2 years because of her, not to mention although its hard to get rich in this world, if getting rich with money is the goal, then working on that goal as young as possible is crucial and wasting 2 years will cause a huge amount of damage to that potential. I was only with my ex for 6 months but the damage was 2 years, maybe even a lifetime!

      The only thing a woman can offer me is sex, which is risky and hard to get if you are average looking. They could also offer money, however getting Gen Z women to spend money on you is even harder than getting sex, which shows just how worthless women have become.

      Can men be used for sex? I would assume most men would gladly have sex with women. What causes the hoe phase? My ex also started smoking cigarettes and marijuana after I dumped her. I hope me dumping her caused her some damage but it seems like women can't lose in life.

    4. @Kyle, Thanks Man... Indeed, I hope her life is also miserable, from what I know the last time I had heard from her, it was pretty bad. She had the nerve to try contact me a couple of years after the breakup trying to apologize and make things on a "soft note".

      Yeah Women are really dangerous in these manners, is that they seem to have no qualms about contacting anyone you know. I've pretty much called it quits with Women in general since about 2014-2015, I went on 2 dates after that which amounted to nothing and that is it. I've seen nothing but garbage around, and based on how I remember things from the decade prior to that and before, I've begun to understand that Women are really changed from the way things were in the 80's and 90's, drastically, and I have seen every interaction with them to be a high level risk and danger, constantly.

      I can't imagine what it must be like since the COVID Agenda (2020 up until now), I've heard and seen stories, but have not involved myself with anyone because they are worthless and dangerous, and then now you have to also worried about whether they are "COVID Vaccinated".

      It's so true, people do underestimate the damage Women do, because it's all encompassing. For example, the last girl I was in a relationship with, though I never loved her, she was impossible to love, I was so excited to actually plan for going to some Farewell Tour for a favorite Musician of mine in Germany, and the plan was we were going to go together. In any case, it's almost as if she fucked up plans on purpose on a whole other level along with screwing up my flight times, and because of it, not only did we not go to the concert but I was unable to make it or any few subsequent concerts that took place after because of her and the terms I left her on.

      So I missed out on a phenomenal show or what I could otherwise have had as a memorable experience, one you'd think someone else would want to be along there with you!

      For the last 10 years, I feel like I've been totally re-grouping my life and trying to get back into so many things I've wanted to do that somewhat have been pushed to the side because of Women, and this also includes meeting certain people or seeing certain shows I've wanted too, including travel to certain cities, and when I think and reflect deeply on this, I am just absolutely stunned how much Women preoccupy a Man to keep him distracted and hold him back on so many things in life, and it angers me to the core that I even bothered, because there were so many great things that commenced in those years that I ended up missing from being out of the loop.

      Yes, Women can and do use Men for sex all the time, just not for the same reason as Men, because we like to have sex for pleasure and what not. Women use sex for attention and validation but above all, for getting money.

    5. Dating is for sure done, sex is the only reason I bother with them. I have trust issues with them and never see myself getting into another relationship or having kids. I enjoy the freedom of being single. I wish men would wake up to the truth about women and realise how much of a scam being with them is. The feeling of being in love is amazing, however that same feeling leaves a man blind and easily manipulated.

      That's such a shame you couldn't see the tour and concerts due to a woman's 'mistake'.

      What makes it worse is that the only real reason why men waste time and money on women is because they want sex. Some men will let a modern woman make them wait 5 dates and $500 down the drain before having sex, meanwhile that same slut has given out her same product to the better looking guy for free and not only that, but she invited him round her place.

      To unattractive men, women will tell a man that they need to get to know him before she has sex, this is a complete lie as that very same woman invites an attractive stranger around her place. Women will demand and complain that you need to spend time with them. Yet she lets the attractive man have sex with her and leave straight after he finishes on his terms. They will say how they hate men that do this, yet they will keep allowing it to happen. My ex said she hated hookups for this very reason, yet had a hoe phase.

      Spending money and time on women is just a tax for a mans bad genetics as attractive men never pay at first, until they fall in love or/and have a child. It is also a double standard as women rarely pay for men or take their time to help men. Women will happily invite an attractive man over her house for sex, no need for any dates or weeks texting on the phone, no waiting months for sex. These are modern sluts we are talking about, who are very clever at what they do as it is their 'profession'. Why date and spend money on a product some men got for free?

    6. Women look deformed now a days anyways LOL! Gen z women especially they are in for a big surprise also these gen z women and men just aren’t attracted to each other because people are really declining in looks I mean who wants a green haired hook nose girl?Girls who look like πŸ€₯ πŸ‘©πŸΏπŸ€΅πŸ»‍♀️are the nastiest girls alive.

    7. @Kyle, Exactly Man, it's all you can do. And most of them are really bad at the sex now too, especially college-educated ones. They are all losers. Yeah I definitely hope you and many others stay clear and forewarned about how they can really suck the lifeblood and years of your life, because this is what they do to Men. The only way you can avoid that mostly is if they are the ones paying and doing things "for you", that you enjoy and that they are treating you, wining and dining you, doing all the legwork. I will NEVER do any legwork for Women ever again.

      Women also never say what they mean, ever.


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