Legion Of Men Posts Video Showing Men Having Bad Experiences Abroad

Bo Refec who runs Legion Of Men, is a known "Grifter" and "Red-Piller", but anyone who knows his deal and has seen his mood in recent months, it just goes to show how even Romania is not delivering not much promise for him when it comes to Women, nevertheless we cannot argue that he belongs there and that it is a better choice for him since he is also Romanian himself, and one is always suited best to live in their homeland.

The comment section is perhaps more interesting, because it also demonstrates others who show that Women are mostly the same everywhere and most being NPCs.

A comment about Latin American Women when they see "gringos" how the only thoughts in their mind is about money and for him to have his babies, shows you typical NPC thinking of most Women.

Brainwashed or fellow NPC Men think that baby-crazed Women are a good or positive thing when it is a negative. It means they live for their biology and biological role.

What kind of Man wants to be with a meatbag based entirely on hormonal and chemical impulses?

There is no higher self. Even a Woman indifferent or unsure about having children is more sane.

But anybody who would willingly want to bring children into this world now is inherently lacking empathy and sensibility.

Nothing new or improved will come to this earth and we are long past the point of even those scarce arrivals.

I still believe Filipina girls serve as the best canary in the coalmine, so-to-speak, when it comes to a barometer check of all International Women, because they are the least desired, especially in the Oriental world. They also have least attractive features compared to other Asians, so this sets the bar for just how much worse money-getting, deception and horrendous personalities are elsewhere.

Several times in my life, I had been propositioned / introduced by other Men towards Asian Women without ever asking for them. What I can tell you about them is that in less than 5 minutes, I find no interest in them and become put off from glib facial expressions and positivity. I have even seen it in Men I know dating Chinese Women, and I have no regrets. These Men spend their entire lives introducing foreign concepts or even passions trying to get their wives to be into what they are when the girl really doesn't understand it but will pretend with smiles. That will drain a Man of his energy.

How a Caucasian Man can feel and be himself around those girls is quite something, because I cannot get over the false facial expressions, plus there is something cold and distant that activates in them at times.

In any case, the truth about these things will come out sooner or later. I've traveled around a lot, and have been around long enough to see how things have changed and degraded.

Men have such a bad deal in life, it's unreal.

Keep in mind that people long in the past who have had children did so for slightly more altruistic reasons but not entirely. But now, only the worst specimens have children, and it usually is from feeling like a failure at life, so they feel like they have become something by having their children and raising them.

There is absolutely no doubt that anyone having children now will have to face questioning by their children why they brought them into a world like this, especially since it cannot be hidden that things were all that much better even some years ago.


  1. Do people like Asian women because they are small framed ?Goatis said one time that they are most preferred for a reason and I knew what he meant .Asian women have the least desired facial features but have small shoulders and a small frame like a young teenage girl is that why these older desperate men 50+ like them? because it reminds them of a teenage girl? I saw this guy wrote about him having a sex doll he was 55 ish very ugly and I was digging deeper into these sex dolls and the most popular sex dolls are dolls that have a very petit body and it looks like ) ( with medium boobs and a teenage girl face. it reminds me of a small framed Asian girl but with bigger boobs LOL

    1. @JunkieAmerican, Perhaps. The child-like appearance of Women is definitely a major component of Male attraction to Women, without a doubt. Asian Women do have a cute, dainty appearance and that might tempt some Men towards them, ignoring all other attributes if they do not have as much of a keen sense. They are too "alien" to me as a European. Some of them do a lot better than others, but I don't think the child-like preference of them that Men could have is based on anything predatory, unless there was a super extreme case.

      The Men who embrace sex dolls, beware of those Men, because if a Man can be comfortable with that or embrace the notion of it, that is pretty much equivalent to Necrophilia in my view.

    2. I don’t know if it’s as common but I found video online of men talking about replacing women with sex dolls I found it really creepy because it does seem like they like dead bodies apparently it’s very popular in Japan and some Americans are talking about having them.


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