My Own International Experiences Have Also Demonstrated How Much Money Men Waste Or Give To Women For My Reason

Especially after going to what would be called "so-called" "Second-World Countries", you begin to see the reality of just how low and worthless Women can be.

One Experience I had in the Balkans some many years ago, the Woman tried to cleverly assert out of nowhere that she had an "issue" with needing to get something printed for her job, but that it costed $8000 USD, but that she did not have the money and needs to somehow "come up with it" or "find a solution".

So what they will do is not ask you directly but will simply see if you are willing to offer up.

Problem is, because of guilt programming in Men, Men have this reflex or just giving in, when in actuality he should be just shrugging his shoulders.

This girl was shocked I wasn't even slightly interested in spending the money.

I stuck around for some weeks, but suddenly she tried coming up with excuses about why she cannot come visit me in the US, even though I know about VISA rules, she came up with a very lengthy woman-splaining thing about why it would just be easier if we were married.

It's a very long story how it came to that, but I basically compelled her to come with me to an Embassy to get information and talk to an official there, and she then saw a way of trying to leverage the idea that the best thing would be just to get married.

When I had seen the look in her eyes of how nonchalantly and with the approach of assembly-line procedures this idea was to her, I saw through it immediately and I just only can see how many Men out there fall for these traps, even abroad.

I thanked the official for his information and insisted we had to leave.

A few days later, I came home to the apartment we were living in while she wasn't home to find a trail of those really small ants coming up on my bed and we're coming in one after the other, and I could not understand it for the life of me.

I looked under the bed, and I saw a couple of peanuts that the ants were ALL OVER!

I threw the peanuts away and got rid of the ants.

I came home to the apartment a couple of days later to the apartment while the girl was there, and I saw her eating the peanuts from those gas station size packs on the bed and she was biting her nails as well. After realizing where things are really going.

We had some major fights over these past days of course too, but she had admitted to me that every time she was home and I wasn't there, she was inside the bedroom eating peanuts and crying.

After I left with surprise, I never heard the end of the whole nightmare of her tirades and online stalking / harassment from her for 2 full years and how she believed I used her and this and that. She did a lot of fucked up things and lied about many stupid and outrageous things to me which I found to be a fraud about her as a person also, just to lure me from the get-go. She could not believe I didn't just play along like other gullible Men do.

All because she did not gain financially and could not trap me by marriage to also do so! She was so sure she would get it.

Generally speaking, Most Women do not see Men outside of anything but a financial utility completely. They despise Men who have emotions and wants, because they know such Men may not function as an ATM for them.

It really pisses me off how Men so easily drop money for Women.

Many Women I have also hung out with, like to take us "shopping", which is just a shit-test to see if you will buy her what she wants. Even if she hasn't earned anything!

I never just buy them things.

If Men knew how this world really works or how Women live so high on the hog and if Men understood they only feel this compulsion because of programmed guilt and inferiority, he would never drop all this money for Women!


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