No, Women Are Not More Sexual Creatures Than Men

There seems to be a substantial increase in the narrative out there trying to suggest that Women are far more sexual or that they love sex more than Men.

This is absolutely false and debunked totally by Science and even Anecdotal Experience of Any Man.

The amount of Sex Women have or give is not an indicator of them being more "sexual", unless you define this on the basis of them doing it for Money.

 90% of Women have sex drives by and large that are over 9 times reduced to that or a Man.

The Influencers who are trying to convince you that Women are more sexual are trying to make you feel jealous and give you hope or an adrenaline rush that you aren't on track and want to give you FOMO "Fear Of Missing Out".

Women, by and large, only dish out sex when Money is involved and almost exclusively for money and favors (which could include you paying for her rent, fixing her tire or drugs) and rarely ever give Sex when money is not involved.

If a Woman does give you Sex when Money is not involved but on the basis they she thought she'd later get money but didn't, will accuse you of using her and even try to suggest or even use deceitful ways of getting pregnant and to make you think you owe her something for getting pregnant even if the child isn't yours. French Women even do this a lot. It's a huge problem in France just like the USA and Canada.

Only Women who are true to themselves and their sexuality will have Sex with a Man based on natural attraction and mutual interest, and I can assure you these types of Women are scarce, even keeping in mind that All Women , even NPCs would absolutely prefer someone to be attractive even over Wealth.

So they are just having sex for your financial support.

If you don't Believe, go out and travel and do things whereby you almost pay for nothing or pay for nothing besides yourself, and see where you get.

There surely are some who will, but not many, and they are becoming fewer and fewer.

Beware of the nonsense that Influencers tell you.

Wise Men, and especially Men who have proper mindsets who are not governed by their egos, will always prefer quality sexual experiences over the quantity and do not care about going around talking about notch counts.

Mediocre sex is not worth it, and this is what I see most Men are aspiring for.

Many Women are draining the life force energy of Men along with his wallet, when they have sex with them.


  1. I was reading how there are more lesbian women than gay and there so happen to be a pride parade in my area I looked up some of the pictures from the parade and it was mostly women around 80% women.Women really dislike men I came to a conclusion that majority of these women who are “lesbians” really aren’t

    1. @JunkieAmerican, It's true. Actually Lesbian Women and the other Alphabet Soup types have been much more prominent over the years, replacing the position of the Gay Men. The only difference though is Gay Men usually stick together much more long-term and are happier, whereas the Lesbian, Bi-sexual and what have yous, have far more unhappiness, turbulence and domestic violence in their relationships.

  2. The lower sex drive of the female is clearly shown in how modern dating apps are used. Any woman profile on these apps will be bombarded with messages from men. Most of these messages are in a sexual manner, yet women who use these apps do not do the same thing as most men almost never get sexual messages from women. Also men are asking women for sexual photos of womens bodies, yet women never do the same. The dating apps are usually a 4:1 ratio of men to women which shows just how much more men want sex than women.

    One thing I am not sure on though is that women only have sex for money. I have seen women get very horny over attractive men who are in the top 5% of male looks. I have also seen time and time again, attractive men doing very well with women. I used to sleep with some fat ugly chick and she knew I had no money. She made more money than me and she always went 50/50 on costs and sometimes bought me the food and drinks. I didn't test her limits as I felt bad using her for money but I reckon I could of got more out of her. I would conclude she was sleeping with me because of my better physical appearance than her and not because of money as I have none. However I am still aware a broke man can still become a slave to a woman so perhaps because of her unattractive looks, she had to try make a broke man be her slave, as middle class and rich men were out of her league.

    I do see women using unattractive and average looking men for money, but a lot of average and ugly men I know aren't even getting any female attention or sex so I feel like women are sleeping with the top 20% of men (in terms of looks but also some monetary arrangements could be happening).

    1. @Kyle I find Women with low sex drives to be completely uninteresting and worthless. They are ghosts to me.

      Now, granted, there are two components to it.

      First of all, they have to be highly visual in order to have a Higher Sex Drive.

      Secondly, the existence of actual sexual attraction also has to exist, meaning they must be sexually attracted to you.

      Visual Women, however, are far less likely to deny their own visual needs of an Attractive guy that they also find sexually attractive, so for starters, they are less likely to have Sex for reasons other than attraction and pleasure.

      When you notice a Woman who clearly lacks self-awareness, that is an automatic given that they will horrible in the bedroom and are not visual, because being visual is a prerequisite to self-awareness in general on any levels.

      The Top 5% or accurately 4.5% of Men that Women are pursuing, is not on the basis of Looks per-se, but only in terms of wealth. Look into it. As the information has been coming out that even these "Top 4.5" of Men don't even make $500,000 USD annually, it's actually begun to suddenly shift to where Women really only truly want the Top 1%. That right there should show you this is more about money than looks, even though the money is not what truly satisfies them.

      The other factor in this though is that Psychopathic Men who also happen to be handsome, will always Rank #2 in priority of their choices before Men with Money and Status who are at the very top of the Pyramid. I am currently working on a Pyramid Chart to give a total breakdown on how Women choose Men, even though it's not based on Natural Selection.

    2. In my opinion, mens sex drive is activated around 95% of women and it is an intense one. Whereas womens sex drive is activated around 5% of men (best looking ones) and it isn't as intense as mens. At the same time, women will still look for money for their selfish reasons, but they wont get horny over an unattractive man who has money as it's all down to looks.

      My ex girlfriend appeared to love having sex with me and she knew I was broke. My ex would initiate sex as often as I did and would orgasm. So I assume she was actually attracted to me. However I will never know for sure, she could of been sleeping with me in the hopes she will baby trap me. Like I told you in a previous post, she had a hoe phase right after I dumped her so I assume she is a very sexual creature. She said I was very attractive but that could just be down to her trying to control me. I think I am average looking, I lack strong masculine dimorphism, I am 5'11 in height which is the bare minimum for women these days as I feel like womens primal nature likes men in the 6'2 - 6'5 range.

    3. @Kyle Generally true about Men towards Women.

      Don't believe in the hype about the 6'2 - 6'5" thing. It's mostly an Internet Meme. The only girls into that are ones who are looking for a Trophy Husband. Most Infrastructure in the world does not support Men who are over 6'2" and they will face far more disadvantages and problems even down to clothing and fitting in cars.

      Only 10% of Men Globally are 6 feet or taller, and when it goes to 6'2" or greater, the percentages go even far far, lower.

      There is no such thing as Women's nature desiring only Men 6'2" or higher. This is a psyop.

      It wouldn't even be possible on a primal level, because what girl would want a Man who is too tall to kiss him without him bending over and also during sexual acts?

      It would be one thing if the girl is 6 Feet Tall herself.

    4. Do women get horny over the top 5% of men lookswise?

      I have seen a lot of women into tall guys and say they dont want short men. 6'5 may be overkill but a man under 5'10 seems to be mocked by Gen Z women. The girls who want men over 6'2, do they feel a sexual attraction to the actual height of the man? Kind of like how men appreciate a nice ass on a woman. Or is it just a status thing? I agree that infrastructure doesn't support men over 6'2 however I feel like it's a worthy trade off for the advantages of being tall which includes being attractive to women, intimidation, and easier to defend yourself in a fight.

      Globally it may be under 10%, but in Europe and the USA its around 14% of men are over 6'0.

      What is the natural human height? I have always theorised women like tall men as it's a sign of good nutrition in youth, it's a sign of sexual dimorphism as men are taller than women, it signals dominance and the ability to protect. But there is a limit somewhere. My uncle is 6'8 and he completely emasculates me when I stand next to him as every body part of his is so much larger than mine. Surely this is highly dimorphic?

      Does nature think about bending over for kissing? I don't think sexual acts would be an issue as when laying down, height differences aren't as much of a problem.

      Funnily enough, Ive noticed taller women are not fussy about my height. Ive had a better dating experience with women my height than shorter ones. I see a lot of 5'2 women going for men taller than me! Also shorter women are always the ones who say the most about my height.

    5. @Kyle, Yes if we are going by Looks-wise, then sure they would get horny over the Top 5% Lookswise, but that would also probably at least taper down for another 40% or so at least to some degree.

      This whole thing about only the Top 20% or Less of Men in society having Access to Women or getting to reproduce is a Huge Lie. That reality only started with everything surpassing the Boomer Generation, but even Gen X had reproduced far more than that.

      In general, even average Men in a society, will typically reproduce or have chance at Women at least. Under this Capitalist system, almost No Men have chances except the Top Earners, regardless of looks, and typically those Men have to be extremely socially integrated and high status in the pecking order.

      Men's natural height is between about 5'7" - 6'2". Most Men tend to be 5'8" - 6'.

      " I don't think sexual acts would be an issue as when laying down, height differences aren't as much of a problem." You bet it would be a problem. Different torso lengths and so forth.

    6. That's reassuring as I reckon I am in the top 45% of looks but not in the top 20%. Still though, women aren't worthit regardless.

      I think dating apps and social media have ruined dating and access to women for most men. These women get so many messages on these apps and easier than ever access to men. Without the internet, dating would be like you said, most men having a shot with women.

      I can get bottom of the barrel women in terms of looks but good looking women are off the radar for me when it comes to sexual access.

      Yeah I have noticed most men are 5'8 - 6'0, men shorter or taller than this stand out. I am surprised I reached 5'11 as I ate a vegan diet at age 14 years old and my diet before that was heavily plant based.

      At 5'11, I found it easier having sex with a 4'11 woman than a 5'11 woman. The 12 inch difference was actually better than having no height difference. I think the 5'4 woman felt the best in terms of the ease of sexual acts when laying down.

    7. I mean it may vary a little bit based on the country, but in general, at least most countries should have about 50% or more of its male population that looks decently attractive. Some countries are bad. The USA is pretty bad with genetics in general, plus 70% of the entire population is Obese and ages really badly, so this country is a nightmare from every angle when it comes to good looks and Natural Selection.


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