Playing The Game of Provider and Protector, Expect To Get BURNED. You will be crying and self-loathing Between Now and 2030

Many Men are going to be in for a rude awakening to keep this Obsolete / Irrelevant Notion that they are to be the Providers for Women.

Women, in general, are a pretty bad investment even solely from a Financial Perspective.

They are a huge liability, they have high health care expenses, they are lazy workers and people, and are highly immoral.

They cause gossip and drama.

They are never reliable or straightforward about anything, even on the job.

I view Women are a Completely Destructive Force to a Man's life, like a "Rogue State" and they operate as a total Weaponized Enemy of Men and Businesses, in this time we live in.

For me as a Prussian, it is truly remarkable (in a negative way) that Western Men, especially Bankers and Capitalists had seized on some notion thinking it would be a good idea to invest in Women and cater to them and even Market to them on the basis of using them as a Model for Economy.

Right now we are watching before our very eyes, that whole world unfold, and what grim consequences are to manifest from these poor decisions that were executed between 1968 - 1971 resulting in this rapid change.

I will repeat myself over and over until it's accepted even by shame of the most Egotistical Man out there.

If you are a Man who feels compulsion to Provide and Protect for Women, it is because you are programmed to do so on the basis of fear, guilt, insecurity and also because you feel inferior yourself as a Man to the Beauty and Existence of Women, that you are "not good enough" and therefore most prove yourself on the basis of financing her in some sort of way.

What's worse, is we have Sitcoms and Media shows on TV for DECADES that have spun the narratives of a seemingly "behind-the-times" Man / Husband who was made to appear not on top of his game, and like a total loser who just guzzles beer and dresses like a slob.

Then they will have these Men make statements to their wives such as "What is a beautiful woman like you doing with an old fart / fat slob like me" or whatever other variation of it.

I have even seen such things in Childrens Cartoons as well, dating back to the files of the "Flintstones" where Fred feels constantly inferior to his wife Wilma.

All of this is programming, and it has been engineered to slowly chisel away at Men's sense of self, defiance or rebellion to anyone challenging his own value.

For example, keep seeing this pathetic Meme around the Internet Lately where they say "Women are born with value, but a Man has to create his own value."

I say this is RUBBISH. And to what extent it actually exists!? That is only because you continue to believe in it.

You can't tell me a "consumer" born with XX chromosomes who has a functional role of a parasite down to the most basic genetic level in society, is somehow something of "value", whereby someone born with XY chromosomes who is capable to build, design and engineer is somehow born "without value" and yet must prove himself, when he also happens to consume the least.

This is fantasy thinking! Fantasy thinking of scoundrels and debased Judeo-Christian sloth, and especially that of the Capitalists!

The sooner you give up these pathetic prejudices and notions, the sooner you become a Free Man, at least on SOME level, maybe at least in terms of anything to do when it comes to the opposite sex.

Weak Men are the ones who see Women on the basis as a "commodity" and one that should be assessed a price tag, with the exception of Auctioning them for Slaves or War Booty, since that's more of a condition of necessity during War-time and Barbarism.

I'm talking about the Men who price in prostitution or who have commodified Women to the point now, where Women expect 6 Figures from Men, whereas such requirements of the past never were required of Men, even corresponding to the wages and inflation of earlier times.

Women need to learn to "tough it out", and you should stop catering to their economic whims and special desires, up to and include Free Private Jet flights, First Class Airline tickets, New Cars and all kinds of other extravagant things. They did nothing to deserve this anyway!

Even if they "put out", they still didn't give you anything to deserve that either, STOP viewing her giving you "Sex" as a favor! It's not.

Mark my words, between this time we are living in, and not just in America or Europe, but all over the world, Men are going to HEAVILY regret providing and protecting for Women or continuing to follow this crumbling institutional idea, and also the Western Men who are now in Foreign Lands who are lavishing and spoiling those Women to death, they are bringing not only the Western Degeneracy but the Western "Pricing" in with them too, which will inevitably price even their own Local, Native Men out of the market forever!

This will anger these Locals and the Governments, and inevitably it will result in a crackdown by Governments on Foreigners either by restricting migration, or other types of austerity moves that will punish Men, even Married Men in these countries who are not Ethnic Nationals.

This will only further fuel the hatred of Western Peoples all around the world, and create even more hostile future conditions for Western People existentially, not only in their own lands, but even if they just so choose to travel Internationally for any reason that does not involve meeting foreign Women.

I've heard of many reports so far of Local Men from various countries, not just in Asia, but also Latin America and the Middle East and Africa where the Men are getting absolutely fed up with Western People, but especially the "American types" the most who come to these countries and flash their wealth to their Local Women.

Once these Local Women of these countries get used to the higher standards, they will never go back to anything less.

Men who are Protectors and Providers for Women are essentially LOSERS, and it doesn't matter how much you can make or if you can afford it, because your relationship or marriage with your lady is FAKE and she is only with you for conditional terms.

If you truly value yourself as a Man, and especially based on current and emerging trends and conditions and with the economy in mind, and where things are heading, you would be wise to completely spend NOTHING anymore whatsoever on Women for any reason.

When Women Like a guy, they will pay for everything anyway, plus we now live in a time where more Women have money and will also shift the balance between what Men have in the next 5 years, they will completely surpass Men here in the West.

You are foolish if you pay them anything! As I've stated before, Women need to learn the lesson of "giving back", and if they don't give back, it's time to begin the process of "pilfering" them by methods that you can use your imagination with.

Recognize that the Men who are paying for all these things for Women, new clothing, new shoes and pursues, Lavish cruises and vacation trips, are your ENEMY.

These Men are artificially making Women FAR more expensive and unavailable for the large swath of Men, because of these activities.

Many Men today underestimate the growth in how many more things Men have been doing for Women especially in financial terms to extremes in the last 15-20 years, compared to previous times, and that has been EXPONENTIAL and UNPRECEDENTED.

In the year 2000, very few Male Business Owners even owned Private Jets.


  1. I think a lot of young people won’t even be around by 2030


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