Western / White Women Are Going To Fall So Hard

It may not exactly feel like it's coming.

But, believe it.

The White Race is finished.

The handiwork behind its finishing off has all been part of the Kalergi plan all along, and with the designs behind it to keep most Caucasian people docile and to respond in a manner where they believe such things are a "conspiracy theory"

The idea behind the Kalergi Plan, which also the CIA and other Intelleligence Agencies crafted, was to silently launch the attack on the Caucasian Races in ways they would not realize and be too distracted to see what's happening over a long stretch of time, to the point where they would not realize the carnage and rot until long after the damage is done, and too far into it to the point where nothing can be done about it.

The Tavistock Institute also played a large role as well as British Intelligence, since they largely worked with the American authorities, and in giving them directives.

The compounding effects and backlash in store for Western and other Women is accumulating rapidly and you will be shocked just how fast a scenario can manifest where they will be attacked en masse, if even by foreigners.

Illegal Immigrants may even do it, if not for the organized occupying contenders.

Western Women are an International Danger, and they will be treated like a cockroach infestation.

Women have a lot of explaining to do, and payback that they owe. Many will lose their houses and have their entrails laid out everywhere without mercy.

The process of this has already started in certain parts of the US and Europe. But it will actually become much more normal.

To give you an insight to what Western Women are in store for, take a look at how animals are treated in industrialized slaughter houses and you'll get the idea.

Say your last goodbyes to them. It is really over.

When the consciousness of what is happening reaches the rest of the female population, watch how the suicides will spike.

God will not protect any Women.

There will be no negotiations with them, no forgiveness or mercy or second chances given.


  1. Western white women are slut bags! They are disgusting! What about the western black women they are also very attention seeking and annoying.

    1. @JunkieAmerican, yes the Western Black Women are definitely totally gone. And they are the most aggressive in trying to latch onto anyone. Most Western Black Men have completely given up on them and many are going abroad now.

  2. You're right, it is starting in places. Black men in NY are punching random white women. Instead of taking their head out of their phone they instead run to social media for attention like the vapid narcissists they are.

    1. Indeed! It sure has started, as you can see. Lots of it happening in California as well. After the Blacks, the Arabs or Muslim groups will probably be next, especially ones who are Illegals or Migrants. I will be really curious to see what kind of primal instincts this may trigger in Caucasian Men, if there is any primal instinct left, because while a Man may despise a Woman, even of his own tribe, it's a whole other thing to let a Barbarian have his ways and the pleasure to ruin her of his own volition and violation in any way he pleases. But that will of course be the consequence for inaction. This was all baked in the cake from early on.

    2. If/when the Arabs go off it will be brutal. They are one of, if not the most barbaric race. I don't think Caucasian men will do shit. The one thing the last 70 years has taught us is that Caucasians have become absolute cowards.This is quite astounding and depressing as Caucasians used to be the toughest, most badass people. Our ancestors would be discusted at what we've allowed ourselves to become.

    3. @here for the apocalypse I am so surprised at how far Caucasian men fell as you are right, we were the most badass people. A Caucasian man from 100 years ago would absolutely be able to emasculate a modern Caucasian man. Our ancestors would be so disgusted at what happened.

  3. @PSA when I saw you write about this in January time, I was heavily sceptical as women being beaten and not "white knighted" is a far cry from what society looks like right now. Men are too afraid to even talk to women in public in case they get in trouble with the law. But like users here mentioned, I also saw the news about women being punched in the face in NYC. Hopefully more and more female parasites are dealt this way and I hope that this is the beginning of better things to come. I hope what you are saying will become truth.

    1. @Kyle, it's definitely coming. Also look out for random "disappearances" of Women. While that is not always new news, there has even been a major escalation of Women going missing even here in Massachusetts. And all of them are always usually mongrels or mutts, often with many piercings or otherwise degenerates in addition to Upper Class White Women:


      These occurrences will increase everywhere in Europe as well, including the UK. It's just inevitable.

    2. Disappearings will necessarily start going up significantly. After all, there is little risk in "disappearing" a woman who threatens to use social media, police and courts to destroy your life.

      The end result if you get caught is pretty much the same.


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