When America's Economy Collapses, The People Here (Including The Scum) Will Despise Stock Markets / Crypto-Currencies, ETC.

The large reason that most people in a country like America or even people around the world may look up to Stocks, or believe in the Stock Market or see things like Crypto-Currencies as "great opportunities" and alternatives to building wealth through work, is because these instruments or institutions are presented as seemingly "superior" alternatives to work.

But that is because most people make decisions and look at the world from the standpoint of current conditions, and ignore how things got to where they exist in the present moment.

The thing is, stock prices or crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, only look "pretty" until the actual cost of items and living expenses begin to accelerate to a point where the numbers no longer matter.

All stocks or any fictitious financial instruments like Crypto Currencies, Annuity Funds, IRAs, 401K's, Retirement Plans, or any type of item where interest is earned or involves making money on money, are some sort of Ponzi scheme or other type of racketeering scheme, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

All of them devalue wealth, because the so-called "revenue" or "capital gains" that are earned from these investments or programs, funnel money into the system that was never earned based off of production.

This always makes everyone poorer in the long run, and devalues one's labor.

In the long run, it always leads to enslavement, and stocks are nothing new, they existed for thousands of years with the Jewish Moneychangers when they used these things to dupe populations and then eventually deprive them of all of their wealth.

We're at the point now with stock and crypto valuations, that the greater gains that people derive and use from these items, will have a major compounding effect on how drastically the inflation will be increased when they redeem and spend their earnings.

These instruments essentially punish the ability to have the freedom to work, or to make a viable living off of honest work, and what good is it if the day arrives that your stocks, investments or crypto-currencies rise thousands of points, if you can't hardly buy a week's worth of food or pay for any other expenses?

A lot of people do not look at this way.

You would be hard pressed to find a Western person alive today who would agree or acknowledge that all forms of Stocks / Investments / Retirement Funds, Cryptos or any types of programs along those lines, are a form of Usury.

When this whole system comes down, even the people who largely have fed into these programs, will seriously resent themselves for ever getting involved with it, or ever thinking they were a great alternative.

You Bozos! If these things did not exist and if you were not taxed so heavily by an oppressive government, you would actually be able to have plenty of money from even performing the most measly type of labor out there and even have plenty of savings left over to live off of and even retire on!

Retirement Programs and other schemes were largely invented to dupe people out of their short-term wealth and leisure, so that financial hyenas could reinvest this money to shine their own portfolios and those of others, because all of them know that VERY FEW actual retired people, actually have much "leisure" or "wealth" by the time they retire anyways, so they will not even be able to enjoy any money left over EVEN IF they have it because of poor health or other conditions!

Retirement Packages have always been a joke, except for some very very few privileged people.

The Jews have all the power to control the value of money and markets, even perceptions of things, along with de-incentivizing productive work while making it appear that the stock market or crypto currencies are better alternative to work.

But in reality, they are just setting you up for the future enslavement, and they have the power to even buy back all of your wealth you earned in stocks, crypto or retirement, and leave you with nothing!

People just lack the intelligence to understand these things because of how short-sighted they are, and how appealing money and instant gratification is to them, so of course they take the shortcuts in life!

For someone who actually thinks, it's not hard to see it! Ask yourself, even with the Gambling Casinos and the Lottery systems. How else do you think these businesses survive!?

They can afford to make such large payouts now and then, but in the long run and scope of things, THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS.

I've never seen a Gambling Casino in my life that wasn't totally extravagant and full of luxury carpets, decor and architecture, along with luxury services. How else do you think they can pay for all of that!?

If you participate in any form of gambling, you actually have a "functional role" in the economic system of redistributing wealth in a way, where you are actually assisting the role of "Socialist" Economics!

Incentivizing Usury over REAL WORK, means that the quality of life for people in the real economy will suffer, including their access to quality food, housing, energy and other essentials they wish to buy.

Many Western People are also so dumb, that they think Stocks and Crypto-currencies are actually true storehouses of wealth or value in actual terms, that they account for actual real value.

A Study was even done to estimate the actual "true wealth value" of what Wall Street probably is actually worth without the fictitious elements of its perceived value in Trillions of dollars.

The result? Wall Street and all of its stocks are estimated to have an actual real value of somewhere between $1000 - $10,000 USD. Which is peanuts!

How can someone not see how usurious this all this!?


  1. The stock market is just legalized theft and therefore immoral by any decent persons standards.

    I've told many people this and they just balk at me and look at me like I'm an alien.

    I don't know what is so hard to understand about that. If you gain without doing anything, you did it at others people's expense. Something cannot be gained from nothing.


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