Why There Is So Much Money Out There, Yet You Still Feel Poor or Poorer Now

The majority of Wealth Ownership that exists in most hands today in the world, but especially in Western Countries, no longer has any connection or correlation to productive value, and did not come into existence on the basis of any actual wealth, but is the result of speculation, investments, stocks, gambling and even crypto-currencies.

Since 1971, the West has decided to plunge not just itself but the entire world into a totally fictitious but risky financial experiment, where the world monetary system would no longer attack fixed exchange rates for value, or what we can call "like for like" in all forms of economic dealings, and the thing is while most people would never think much about it nor understood those implications, it even affected the economic underworld in the same way, with so-called "Black Markets".

If a point were to ever have been reached in mankind where the most logical or rational reason were decided to no longer bring children into this world, both 1945 and especially 1971 remain the most prominent years for such stark decisions, on the basis of what is implied.

Conditions vary by country to some extent, but the fact of the matter is that most countries along with their Central Banking apparatuses, dance in line with the US system and dependency on the US Dollar.

Any child which has been born after 1971 at least in the United States, has a Federal Debt allotment that is "measured" to their existence as an entity in the system, and what this means is that if there were a time of distress for this system, that the government or even by proxy with the Federal Reserve System, could at any time hold any body born after this date as "ransom" for a fixed amount of debt to either be settled by labor or their body to fulfill that Debt Obligation.

This "Debt Obligation" changes by the year, depending on the Federal Debt of the United States and along with the level of the Population and what their corresponding obligation "would be", and it has zero to do with whether the Individual possesses any Personal Debts of his/her own.

At the time of writing this in 2024, I believe that "Debt Obligation" number to be somewhere around the level of $96,000 per person born from 1971 onward.

Even the notion that a government or any kind of body of power has such abilities to proclaim such things as that or even the power to enforce it, is absolutely stunning.

Although not the primary focal point of this entry, it still ties in to the ever greater consequences that arose in 1971 when Richard Nixon passed Executive Order #11615.

Nixon was forced to pass this Executive Order, under the pressure and direction of the Jew "George Shultz", whom many people don't even know about.

This in fact, had severed the Post-War agreement as far as the US Dollar being the primary vehicle for driving global economic growth but also in terms of honoring all kinds of financial obligations for foreign countries that did business with the United States or transacted in the US Dollar.

The measures of imposing this order were multi-fold, but it also came from a place of Greed by Corporate Financiers in the US, along with the desire to not only make ever-greater profits, but recognizing the pressures of mounting costs such as Vietnam and an ever-growing population in the United States.

This Executive Order actually is what led to the necessity of off-shoring manufacturing.

Ever since this Executive Order, it basically has become the total Liquidation Sale not just for America but also largely for Europe as well, because these economies are inter-twined and highly connected.

Most Wealth today in circulation whether paper or digital, as difficult as it is able to be seen, actually has negative consequences to it and has its existence sprung from the actual process of Debt creation, rather than Credit attached to Productive labor.

More and more of the people being born and especially the younger someone is, the more of their life has likely been saturated in earning wealth fictitiously, through fictitious means rather than productive work, even if they do work an actual job. Their jobs do not usually correlate with economic realities which include the actual true value of their Dollars, especially when adjusted for Inflation and without any kind of Price Controls or Interest Rates that manipulate its perceived or actual functional value.

This of course is already too much for the average mind to comprehend and process, and will begin to make their heads spin and plus the fact that they cannot be bothered to think much more than what their daily dollar buys them, even if it does cost more over time, they just believe Inflation is somehow "natural".

All they care for example, is if today that $3.50 buys them a cup of coffee, and that paying their utility bills means that the electricity stays "on".

Monetary systems and even policies, have a lot more power, influence and even ill-intended consequences that are not often thought of by most populations, and the fact is that the US Monetary system in particular has crafted a system whereby the worst specimens are allowed to breed and thrive in this country, and whereby less and less do people exist that are necessary for the grounds of having a civilization.

I believe that things like Crypto-currency and also the notion of Fictitious ways of earning wealth such as on Social Media platforms by advertisements or sponsors, including the large increase of Women who use OnlyFans or other platforms, that all of this has spurred a very undesirable faction of society that has become enriched by it that you will soon feel the devastating effects of what this has for the future society around you.

The people in this sphere have very specific types of personalities and traits, and they are the ones being empowered, at expense of people who actually perform productive and valuable work.

Very few people, especially laborers themselves, understand just how much the value of their labor is diminished because of fictitious wealth schemes, but also this Internet world where people can make money for bogus things.

For example, the Switch to "Social Media" as a way to make money and grab so many viewers, was something that was purposely engineered, and done so in a way by demoralizing and destroying the public.

By the year 2000, even if this technology were made available to users, it would not have spurred enough interest to become profitable whereby people would make a living from it.

The public had to be decimated and demoralized, especially by the means of further destroying the family units, friendships, even relations between Men and Women along with other issues in life that essentially broken people down, atomized and isolated them further, and also creating an environment where public life was hostile between most Human interactions, one whereby Public Trust has continuously eroded, and there would in turn be less human conversation or interactions in public.

The CIA and DHS have actually played a very strong role in the creation of that reality not just for the USA but also in Germany and elsewhere, along with many other Agencies which work hand-in-hand with Big Tech.

But this just goes to show you how much things have changed, and how they created the "demand" artificially.

For example, the perfect timing of when "OnlyFans" and "TikTok" exploded in the United States during the "COVID" Agenda, had also been deliberately engineered, even with the former creation of Dating Apps, because most of the creators behind these platforms in some direct or indirect way are coordinated with the CIA and Data Miners, along with other prominent globalist organizations which are trying to continue more engineering and behavioral control of populations, and one of the reasons these platforms exploded in the way they did, also had been artificially engineered because the Platform Developers and CIA had an interest in mitigating what otherwise would have been a sudden "poverty explosion" of Women, especially Single Mothers and others, because they are well aware about how Men's lives have been destroyed and how many Men are throwing the towel in.

The CIA and these other Agencies and Tech Moguls, all have their own plans they work on behind the scenes in order to destroy and fully render a people broken and disposable, and so this necessarily meant to give some "carry-over" time for Western Women in particular by giving them ways to artificially subsidize themselves in a way that would not have taken on a storm in such a manner in earlier times.

In the long run, yes the Women will be the biggest losers from all of this too, but it's being made not to seem this way as the West is further and completely hollowed out just before the right moment that they are willing to bring down the entire house of cards.

So you now are living in a world and environment, where not only are the younger generations who exist in the West and even other parts of the world increasingly who are known as "Bastard Children" or offspring from their parents, in the most truest sense of the phrase, but that these same specimens have both been born into a time and era where they have embarked upon the fictitious economy and that the futures and destinies of everyone are being shaped and carved by the means of which these people subsist.

All of this is why Wages have stagnated since the 1970's and that this period is always recognized as the "pivotal" time when things have changed.

It is crucial to also recognize the fact that the Boomers are not "unaware" about how things have come to where they are today, it's not as if things developed this way on accident or that it was unintended, because the Boomers know exactly what they have done, collectively as a generation of people.

It would have been one thing, say, if they were just born into success and made everything to do with that in life to enjoy it, but they did not stop there.

If you ask me, the biggest crime of the Baby Boomers is the fact that they used their wealth and influence to build up institutions, protectionism, retirement programs and policies along with other advantageous scenarios that would benefit them in a compounding way, where they would be required to do less and less, but whereby the dependency of their influence and staying power, would depend on depriving the future generations to perpetually fund and sacrifice their entire lives to satisfy.

The reason that Baby Boomers, for example, are living longer than ever, has actually nothing to do with any improvement in the Human Species or so-called "Healthcare / Medicine improvements", those have been in decline and the Baby Boomers are very unhealthy, but what is keeping them so artificially alive for so long, as these Economic Policies, Institutions and Protectionist programs they created that give them literally THOUSANDS of benefits that the younger generations will never have for themselves, even as they reach old age.

The Boomers also had fore-knowledge that the coming generations they would bring on, would also have less worker morale or desire to go to war or participate in the same things that previous generations did, because of how much disruption the Boomer programs would call for.

It has been a wild gamble on banking on using all kinds of methods of "Sophistry" for years and years to make younger generations duped into ever figuring it out, telling them things like "Oh, you just need to try harder" and "Nothing comes easy in life" so on and so forth.

Meanwhile the Baby Boomers actually had everything given to them easy in life, unlike the Silent Generation and the Greatest Generations, and perhaps more than any other generation in world history, at least from what we can observe.

One of the most disgusting things I also find that the Boomers have "crafted" is the Speculative Housing Market, and it is because of the Baby Boomers that one today can make more money using their own Homes as an ATM or Cash Cow, with all kinds of refinance or equity schemes, along with the housing bubbles they create and other insane things in the Real Estate Markets, so that one can even make more money fictitiously from Real Estate, than you ever can with doing honest work.

It just absolutely makes no sense, yet they love this reality, and they use these schemes to buy more houses, swap one house for another and make hand over fist.

The Boomers had early access to houses when they were cheap back long ago, but if that was not bad enough, the US Wars that artificially boosted the housing Market in 2003 and beyond, have also been decisively timed so that the Boomers would benefit, but not the younger generations for the most part.

Another great tactics Boomers have taken advantage of to brainwash and perpetually confuse the younger generations, is to look or judge "numbers" from the nominal standpoint, especially as it reflects in terms of Wages versus the Cost of Living, rather than paying attention to the "SCALE" of the pricing and increases over time!

When one looks at actual data, charts and statistics, you would see that the costs of everything have way outblown the wages over all these years, despite any wage increases.

The Data also does not account also for the "high-paying jobs" that Boomers or Gen X may be either retired or soon to be retiring in which those "high-paying jobs" disappear by the job being cut up into part-time or low-paid versions of those jobs to be filled by Millenials and Gen X with usually either less hours and/or less pay.

That issue will especially continue severely over the next 7 years in particular!

Soon, there will be nothing but total wage slaves.

I can tell you first hand that I remember how much the Minimum Wage was from the time of around 1999-2001, and even how there were so many hiring freezes during those times, and for the longest time, Employers never wanted to raise minimum wage much over $4-$5 per hour, and even only up until the recent years especially because of "COVID", Employers had not wanted to pay people more than $8-$9 unless some State or Local Law demanded otherwise. It varies a bit depending on location, but the point is that even the Minimum Wage, has been FAR BELOW the actual point of being livable for a very long time compared to decades past!

And the Boomers are trying to gaslight the youth by telling them "Oh, WELL, jobs that pay Minimum Wage are not careers, you should have known that going in and not expect to be paid so much for a job that anybody can do."

The design of this statement is not debate or justify what is a fair wage for said amount of work, but to shut down the grave notion of even "livability" from that wage.

These modern wages are so unlivable, that they don't even work for say a young student or someone trying to "save up extra cash" on the side, even if living with parents to supplement something they want to do before getting some actual career! There's just no way!

And if anyone were to even give a moment's doubt about just how great the wealth disparity and unaffordability grows, and yet somehow expects that the younger generations are just somehow "lazy" and "should want to work" or are "ungrateful for what they have", take a look at these telling charts below, and especially with the noticeable "changes" after 1971!

The first chart below, especially shows just how great the wage stagnation has truly been since 1971, when in times past, wage growth has at least more or less been somewhat in line with Inflation or Price Increases, even though technically prices or the cost of living should not always just be "automatically rising".

What most people don't understand, is that the value of their labor is being diminished and diluted because of the combination of Usury and Fictitious / Non-Productive Forms of wealth, which would even include YouTube Influencers and OnlyFans and so forth, but also because of the existence of Stock Markets, Crypto-Currency, Real Estate Profits and also Government Spending especially for Wars and Social Welfare.

In addition to your labor value being diminished, on top of all that is the icing on the cake. You have to pay more and more taxes!

It is also important to note, that under a "true" or "honest" system, if people actually are working more hours and if their productive value or efforts are increasing, that this actually would make prices come down on all kinds of things because the value is reflected in their high productivity, meaning life would become so much more affordable.

Notice that this is never the case! People now put in far more productive value, while the prices of everything goes up astronomically, and you are told to "DEAL WITH IT", "MAN UP" / "TOUGHEN UP" and "NOTHING COMES EASY IN LIFE / GET USED TO IT"!

The Generations beyond the Baby Boomers, pretty much only exist for the sake of funding and fulfilling the obligations so that Baby Boomers can live and thrive. Not for building society or earning money for themselves, but only to pay into the pool for the Boomer survival. This holds somewhat true for Gen X, but it is especially Millenials and Gen Z which are absolutely footing this bill for the Boomers!


  1. It really pisses me off when boomers say "it's not supposed to be a livable wage, lol".

    If you not making a livable wage you're exponentially worse off then if you were an out and out slave.

    1. It really is messed up! And at least 75% of them have that mentality, word for word. I mean they are really insulting statements, because they are a major form of psychological warfare and like a "stab" at making you think you have a chance to ever make something out of life. They know exactly what they are doing every time they utter those words, trust me...

    2. Oh, I've no doubt they know precisely what they're doing. Boomer bosses are the most greedy, totalitarian, sociopathic people on the planet.

      The one positive thing about the complete destruction of society is getting to see these scumbags loose everything.


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