Wilted / Rancid Food, Shrinkflation, Rodent Infestations, Collapsing Bridges, ETC.

The List goes on and on...

Anyone who sees how much America is declining can notice this, especially in the last few months.

While it is not entirely unusual to see a mouse or cockroach at certain public establishments, before "COVID", most establishments went to great lengths to avoid or minimize these problems with pest control plans and extermination services.

We have to assume that the budgets of many of these companies can just no longer afford it.

I have even tried to by butter in a place where I have seen that mice have eaten into it.

Food packages are shrinking more and more, along with tricks to sell "less" meat for "more"

The quality of American food has always been one of the lowest in the world, but it has been getting absolutely disgusting with what they are now selling out there, most food cannot even be classified as "real food" with what America has the nerve to sell.

Also, from what I've been even seeing out and about, they are even skimping on "salad ingredients" or cutting the ingredients all that much smaller for prepared food for people who consume them, and we all know salad ingredients are worth nothing and cost almost nothing.

The power failure on the freight ship that hit the Key bridge in Maryland, even after having been formerly "serviced", shows just how much the US is really a Third World [Actually Fourth World] country, underneath all of its fictitious wealth and façade.

In fact, I have had 2 train trips recently, in which on one trip, they weren't even sure if they had enough Diesel to complete a trip, and one can only wonder how they so happened to be short on Diesel?

Another trip I had recently taken, one of the two internal locomotive engines had "failed" which also left the entire fleet without any power or heating, and the other remaining engine that was stressed, ended up failing literally 5 minutes before arriving into a Station.

Also, in any modern situation you might be in if there is an issue with a company or some risky scenario, the staff is almost useless, nobody has any answers or control or oversight over a lot of things, and therefore you cannot get any critical information or efficiency.

In the past few months, I have also noticed that getting returned phone calls of ANY KIND for needing something, is extremely rare now, and if they ever do respond, it's usually at least a week later.

Infrastructure is becoming out of control with failures and also public works accidents, sinking asphalt in roads, too much road salt also being used in the winters, and noticeably less cleanliness of the big cities. Most big cities, since "COVID", also removed many trash receptacles and public benches to sit on, or even places to place one's "goods" on that were easily memorable from the past and are now long gone. Cities like NYC, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco and other cities are also starting to use the "Bird Spikes" they use to discourage pigeons and fowl from roosting or nesting, now being applied to certain structures to prevent the homeless from sitting or sleeping.

The food conditions here in the US are absolutely abysmal and unacceptable, and I take it as a direct reflection as to how ugly and fake the American people are themselves, the fact that they've tolerated such food.

70% of the American food supply, as I've stated before, is grown in underground labs and vats.

This is how they are able to have so many huge Club Warehouses and Gas Stations full of mass produced food, between canned foods, frozen foods, candy bars and potato chips or boxed grain-based products, almost all of it from artificially manufactured sources from these labs and they add Corn Sweetener and Corn and Soy Preservatives to give these products shelf life.

It gives people cancer, makes them obese and get diabetes and wrecks their hormonal systems.

Americans eat Frankenfood, to supply toxic waste to their Zombified Brains.

The tactics that companies are now using to hide shrinkflation is unbelievable, along with measures of where they are trying to further substitute or decrease meat.

Many of the conditions that had existed through parts of the USSR, especially towards the end when things had gotten pretty bad, they even had people brainwashed to think it was normal to purchase and consume rotten produce, and these conditions now exist here in the USA.

Many of the Meats in Supermarkets are sold already heavily "browned" and not from the exposure to oxygen, but because of being past their prime. These places just don't care anymore.

Things like Avocados, Limes, Onions, Garlic or even Potatoes and other items are often sold past their prime and sometimes rotting or moldy that appear in many conventional supermarkets these days.

Day by Day, there is less to enjoy and not even a point in many cases to go out to a lot of places to do anything, and even if you do, you will almost inevitably be bothered with poor and grumpy service by the most unsavory type of workers.

It's amazing that people think that there will somehow be a turnaround.

During the Great Depression there may have been soup and bread lines. But I'm pretty sure this next time around, there will be no Soup or Bread even to be "had". Nevermind meat.

The food quality is so disgusting at this point, that I don't even look forward to buying meat or anything at a lot of places.


  1. Food quality is the absolute worst in America the only thing good in grocery stores is their wild seafood.Even their bananas have been off lately they are all mushy.The young kids today don’t even have access to good quality food maybe that’s why their skin is really bad.My grandpa told me when he was a little boy he was drinking raw goat milk and his mother would cook with butter never these plant oils like people today use.

    1. Yeah it's disgusting! I can't even believe the stuff get's sold or put out, but then again the whole idea is "Nothing must go to waste." It really is discouraging and yeah I've noticed that with Bananas and all kinds of other things. The Chinese seem to be selling even much superior food products at their markets and restaurants these days inside the USA, unlike American Establishments.

  2. Getting anything accomplished from a business is borderline impossible.
    I took a pair of boots to be resoled last September and they still are not done. Everytime I call them and actually get an answer they either tell me they call right back and never do, or they'll say I just have to finish this up and they'll be done this weekend and never are.

    At this point I just consider them lost forever.


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