A Video Which Shows Why All Non-Germans Are Barbarians


I really do like the fact that some cultural differences were illustrated in this video, because it really does provide a contrast to show just how bad Americans really do have things and how they do not realize how suffocating and toxic their business-oriented, career chasing money obsession culture really is.

When people make their entire identity to revolve around what they do to earn a living and their career, they cease to become interesting or relevant in how they can relate to people in any other way outside of this, even if related to others by blood! This is also why the Dating Scene in America is all that much more broken than even the rest of the West by a large factor, because the people have no way to know how to navigate anything, establish rapport or boundaries, and to communicate on a common level.

When one's identity is entirely engulfed in something that is dedicated towards servicing others rather than servicing a personal hobby or part of your own personal life or persona, you will have nothing to offer someone because you have spent your entire available hours busy worrying and serving the needs of others who are of no interest to you, while ignoring your own needs and desires, and so what is there left to talk about or engage in or relate to with another Human Being?

At least, this is the story lately as to what is going on specifically in America and Canada, more so than anywhere else.

Americans do not realize how bad and poor quality of a living standard they have, because most other countries can at least afford their standard of living, yet often higher, and even pay less in Insurance and Taxes, and pay Less for food than Americans do, and they work less hours and less jobs, and still have fun to live life and "smell the roses", unlike Americans.

Americans pay ungodly amounts for food, and over 70% of their food is Fake and Lab Grown Toxic Waste, while other countries have Cheaper Food that is grown or raised Fresh on the Farms and are delivered daily straight from the Farmland to the cities. Every Single Day!

As one individual in the video put it, Americans are highly a tech-obsessed culture or "digital culture", and they do not realize that much of the rest of the world, even though they have this technology, they do not rely on it as much and instead keep more true to their cultures and social ways and do not depend so much on technology.

Americans, as a people, are completely soulless monsters.

Incapable of using common sense or even having the knack to come up with an idea on their own, so they have to borrow what are actually normal cultural practices and etiquette from other cultures, since Americans don't have a culture of their own. So Sad and Pathetic!

That being said, what made me most interested to publish this video is the part at the end where they interview the German Man who is dating the Argentinian girl, with what she speaks about in terms of how unusual Honesty is for them, when in fact it is the only way we Germans, and also many of our Germanic relatives can understand or see the world.

Understand, once again and for all, that ALL NON-GERMANS are 100% Barbarians in our eyes. Meaning there is something inferior in their characteristic, that makes them inferior to the civilized and superior nature of the German.

This translates down to everything, including the need for order, punctuality and honesty, even thoughtfulness, which are very specific German Traits.

For every other people on Earth who are not German, Truthfulness and Honesty are not prioritized or held to the same esteem and sense of moral cause as it is for us Germans.

For example, as a German, you view anything that does not involve honesty or the truth, to be false, invalid and non-existent because false things are not real. We understand this.

Barbarian Races, do not. In the mind of the Barbarian, they are quite content with accepting the normalization of lies or dishonesty even as an operating mode or social lubricant of their culture, and this is why they are Barbarians.

Germans underestimate too much, just how normal lying and being dishonesty or shady in general is truly a part of most cultures in the world, and this is true even about the Arabs, Russians and Chinese, even the Japanese as well, frankly.

I cannot tell you how many times I have had encounters with Asians, for example, that lie about the most stupidest things, and then try to pass off a difference answer, as if they "forgot" something./

It can even be over a simple question about when their business will be having a grand opening. The reason they lie is because they have a sick and twisted idea about "Saving Face" and trying to conceal any possible negative outcomes or perceptions, idiosyncratic nonsense which runs in their cultures.

Many cultures try to also over-promise and under-deliver, as a strategy to also maximize "faith" in others too, yet do not see what they do as dishonesty and shameful.

You will often find people from Arab countries and Former Communist countries who do this too, and even when they come around to tell you the "real" answer, never forget that the person is a scumbag and a Barbarian.

These people do not value Truth and Honesty to the level that Germans do, and they never will.

Also, it is a part of their culture, because most cultures in the world are based on perpetuating and exploring any possible opportunistic outcomes with others and keeping the doors open at all costs, rather than building social and economic activities on the cornerstone of Truth and Honesty.

The poorer the country, the more that this is the case with them.

It is seen, actually, as an impediment and burden or obstacle in many of these countries, in fact, whereas for us Germans, the only way we can believe in our own form of Freedom is by the means of Truth.

For Barbarians, Truth is inconvenient and stifles their Freedom.

If most Germans had any idea to how frequently most Barbarian Nations and Cultures lie, and about what silly and stupid trivial little things they lie about all to protect their image, you would want to end your life by morning! Believe me, it is that bad.

In the Latin-speaking countries, everyone will call you "My Friend!" even though they don't even know you from a hole in the wall. It is a gesture of false politeness. It would be one thing if it were authentic, but rarely is it ever authentic!

Even todays Greeks and Italians, are also Barbarians, not the Master Races they once had been in Ancient Times, their blood has been polluted from being conquered too much.

What disgusted me about this video, is you can see the Entitled Fat American "Blob" in just how much of a Bratty Feminist she is, wallowing in her disgust from a Man flirting with her, nonetheless, the fact that an American Obese Woman like that even has that type of sentiment, who isn't even remotely attractive is getting hit on the way she is in Argentina, shows just how desperate the Argentinian Men must be.

A girl like her shouldn't even be recognized by any Sane or Healthy Man who knows a beautiful woman when he sees one. Whether American, or a Latin Lover from Argentina.

Argentina is indeed, a Feminist Dictatorship, much like the rest of the Latin America and elsewhere.

The only Women in Latin America who generally would be the least likely to harbor the most Feminist Tyranny over Men, are the Women in Ecuador, but if you know the story of why, you'll understand why that is the case there even more so than a country like Argentina or even Brazil.

But, Americans are actually the biggest losers in the world, because they do not realize that the fact that all they identify with in life are their Careers and Making Money, and whereby the fact that they only identify with others on the basis of "what they do for a living" and how much Money they earn, this means that there is no common culture or glue that bind any of the people on any common level in this country where they can have anything unique or redeeming in qualities about them as a people.

I believe that this consciousness is rapidly expanding, and it's why many people are suddenly realizing how long gone America is, because I can tell you for a fact, that people will judge everything you do and don't do in this country and be suspicious of you.

Case in point, many of my neighbors drive "Volvos" and because I don't drive one, I am viewed as "suspicious" because I am not part of their Vehicle Cult.

If anything, I'd rather drive a Vulva than a Volvo...

I have no interest whatsoever in my neighbors, and yet this is a very unnatural way to be living, because nobody would want to be living around people they have no common ground and interest with, who are not of their own Blood.

Make no mistake about it. Even a country like Argentina or anywhere else is chock full of NPC's, but their breed are nowhere near as Money-hungry and obsessed with careers like Americans are.

Only someone really boring would be obsessed with having a career anyways, or taking interest in someone else's career.

But the thing which Men need to realize more and more, is the fact that Women will never snap back into reality or their role. Because the gender they are born into is a container, and they are NPC's, and they have a very limited consciousness which is only geared towards parasitism at any cost, no matter what it takes, and that means Extraction of Pranic Energy and Loosh from Men along with his Wealth.

Let this video serve as an example with just how much of a Money-Oriented Culture America is, but that Germans should take heed to the implications that come with dating Barbarian Women.


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