Americans are 100% The Biggest Scum Population On Earth

It just isn't yet realized, and when judging or assessing other population, other Metrics such as IQ rates, corruption or crime are measured.

Money also hides corruption.

Soon though, the world will recognize how pathetic and immoral and absolutely putrid scum that Americans are and they will wish for them to be dead.

I cannot wait for it. It won't be just the Arabs or Chinese either.

Americans are a people that need to be wiped out and paved over.

Once their currency collapses, rest assured you will see the hatred of Americans rage around the world.

By every metric, Americans are wholesome garbage.

Americans are the most conditioned and socially retarded and complacent lusers as a population in the world, and they even deserve to be publicly flogged for humiliation and torture for their hypocritical ways and complacency, especially as a people who claim to love and defend freedom but yet do the opposite, instead. Americans promote tyranny and destruction for all, in everything they touch.


  1. Americans LOVE to blow other countries to rubble, yet when the people of that country defends themselves they are OUTRAGED. "How dare you not let us kill you".

    People actually believe we live in a free country. Mind boggling indeed.

    The expats are in for a rude awaking. They think they are escaping the collapse. Oh no, when the dollar dies they will be targeted by the people in these countries. They're only excepted now because of money.

    1. @Here for the apocalypse, Indeed, America is nothing but a meat grinder. A genocide machine, it exists to turn every Nation into rubble. What is most interesting is that in the 1800's, many intellectual circles from Europe began to quickly recognize the "error" of America's founding and existence, and also foretold / saw how it would one day be responsible for destroying every Nation and its form of government and culture.

      I also agree about the expats, because the political instability and eradication of the Dollar will have a two-fold effect. First of all, if they even live off of their retirement and pensions or any savings, that will all be dried up.

      Secondly, they will most DEFINITELY become political targets, and that means they will be completely unsafe!

  2. I absolutely hate Americans! They are disgusting ugly people who talk about money all the time.I really can’t stand the males in America they are ugly fucking simps who make women think they can have any man.I have been told by many ugly women with filters online that they can have any man LOL! These are American women saying this nonsense.No they cannot have any man but they can have ugly simp man if that’s what they mean.American women are very sick in the head they promote lgbtq and participate in peanut butter doggy time. Overall this country is filled with very sick people and the food quality is just becoming worse and worse all around.

    1. It's sickening, man! America is slowly becoming the land of the uglies on top of being sick in the head. And the way I see it, there isn't any hope left for this country.

    2. @Rey's World, From what I see, this "trend" to make everyone ugly is rapidly accelerating too, between Bad Food, Social Media Trends, Anti-Social Personalities and I believe from taking the jab.

      I am really starting to see a lot more people in public, who you can tell are "younger" than they look but have aged with some kind of acceleration due to some factors, and it makes them not look at right, it's weird because you can just see they are really younger, but still look WAY older because of their bad aging. Case in point, I saw what looked like a 30 year old Woman today come out of a supermarket, who had the aging and decaying body of what looked like a 60 year old, and her whole body was just deteriorating.

    3. It's scary how that shit is happening, especially the woman in her 30s. I recently watched a bodycam video where some guy was 19 at the time it took place (May 2023), but he looked he was in his late 30s or early 40s. There were people in the comments of that video bringing up his age and the fact that he looked so old for being 19. The dude got tased by the police for stealing and operating a bulldozer at some beach.

      In regards to the jab, I regret ever getting it. I feel like I'm a bad person for it. Whenever the next virus comes along and there ends up being a vaccine for it, I will not get the jab for it.

    4. Here's the video for the incident if you want to check it out. Someone told me about it on YouTube:

      You can skip to around 11:20 to see his face if you want.

  3. im my self italian american and im pretty evil and egoistical my self but geust what... who cares? we already fucked and in the same time at least im not a degenerate like the majority of humans that i don't even care and the jews especially


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