No, It's Actually Not A "Positive" Trait If Women Only Like You Genetically For Her Offspring's Sake

Human NPC's always love to justify their existence and behavior exclusively by their most lowest vibrational activities and instincts, and the desire to reproduce, to procreate or continue one's lineage on the biological level over a rational or external level, is also of very low vibration.

It serves no other purpose than fulfilling one's end-game in this world, by which they will not be around to see it anyway.

It's often said about how attraction to the opposite sex is based on their desire to carry on the traits to their children, but what good is this if the whole process of engaging in sexual passion is only based on that, but not about enjoying the sake of the other person?

The fact that Procreation is tied in with Sex, is actually the curse of our Species, not a Positive thing, and Not a benefit.

And the proof of this, is that if Baby-making were a choice and not tied to sex, nobody would ever really choose to have children or least not for a reason outside of a wilfull logical or rational reason and intention, other than biological drives.

even early on in my life, especially in High School when I saw Women (of all races) in how they got pregnant, I noticed that the objective of it was always self-serving, and that they put little to no consideration whatsoever on whether they had children with Men they actualyl desire or love.

All of it was to fulfill some sort of value for them as an empty vessel, someone to live vicariously through and to take care of them later on in life.

It would be one thing if most sexual activity was entirely pleasure-based but where it was just a "matter-of-fact" attitude if people ended up having the children, but notice this is rarely the case, unless it's an accident, but an accident is usually "unwanted".

So, it is a very negative thing if a Woman sees and bases a Man's attractive features and genetics based on the outcome for her babies, and I suggest steering clear of such Women, especially the types of Women who gossip with their other female friends about wanting to have children that look like him, or comparing the features of other babies and what not.

All of those traits are negative, and they only serve selfish ends, as the obsessive biological drive to continue one's drive for the sake of itself, is parasitic in nature and pointless.

I don't even have such a desire in me, and all healthy Men also do not really care about that, it's only for ego-driven specimens who obsess over it.

Whether they be Male or Female.

What is the point to exist solely for the basis of continuing the species, because the specimens you have will also be under the same impression to do that, not having a life of their own?

It's completely pointless.


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