Rants / Updates Of the last few days.

\So, the last few days, I was really in a bad state from the lingering shock factor and upset from the event getting canceled, and also that I lost some money from it, but I did recoup some of the amounts. But this was an event I've been wanting to do in my life more than anything and it only comes around sporadically and soon may not again, with the way things are going especially, so I had become really bummed out on, and it even affected me as much as bringing back the trauma experiences of Exes who had "change of heart" or wasted my time and especially from booking trips and other nonsense they created for me.

It triggered all the same symptoms and problems, and I realize how much less tolerant I've become of anything that can even remotely disappoint.

I lost a lot of sleep and went on an eating binge from the event getting canceled, just as I had with the exes, but my sleep is getting back to normal now and I'm mostly over it but still won't be fulfilled until I do get the chance to attend the event.

In other news, I am having daily issues with the Internet and this constantly getting "locked out" of accounts, and the stupid ways the websites function that make you have a tendency to over-attempt the logins and you can get locked-out from that, or they won't show you the stupid click for a Captcha or "I'm not a robot" option until it's late into the log-in re-attempt, and then this not being fulfilled will also potentially lock you out of the account.

It really is so pathetic! They do this stuff to annoy the piss out of us!

In the last few days, but really even weeks or months, I've been noticing an ever increasing slow-down out in public at any locations, whether a Supermarket or Cafe, anywhere really, there is a lot less flow of customers, however no shortage of traffic on the road.

A lot of houses getting foreclosed upon, and more homeless, to my happiness, I see more Homeless Women everywhere, which is a beautiful sight to see!

However, the prices are going up ridiculously, I mean even on food items.

Even a coffee or something I've found even to be over $1 change in price within one week! Then another week, they decide to up it another $1!

A Seafood Soup I usually like getting went from $9 to $11.

It is getting much harder to find and obtain Wild seafood like it used to be, and I despise getting Farm-raised seafood, and the only farm-raised seafood I'm willing to consume are Mussels.

I've also noticed that pricing competition, pretty much between any Retailer or market for a lot of items, especially when it comes to food, and even the take-out places, that there really is NO price competition anymore whatsoever, and that's a bad sign, because it means that the profit margins are slimming from the sources, and it also is a surefire sign of what a Socialist / Communist Economy ends up looking like once it's fully implemented.

What that essentially means, is that "Market Pricing" is coming to an end. And I believe they will present it this way to the public based on forced pricing due to constraints or supply issues, or what the Wholesale Distribution chains demand, so that is likely to become permanent.

So without price competition, nobody can ever really be free to run a business the way they want or at a really advantage if they have some ability to offer pricing at a reasonable rate.

You will not believe how many businesses later this year will declare bankruptcies, it's inevitible.

It's more like Capitalism eating itself, which is always what happens anyways! Someday, even the people who support Capitalism today, will recognize this flaw about Capitalism, and will be forced to rethink their initial opinions about this type of Economic system.

So there really are no deals to be had anywhere for the most part, at least when it comes to Food.

Some Items I've bought in just the previous months, have also gone up drastically.

More money also being re-committed to Israel and Ukraine, so without a doubt this will also have a majorly compounding effect, and my records show that June/July should be absolutely pivotal months for Inflation kicking in a higher gear, and also the Escalation of World War III.

The general public are becoming even more and more of a menace to deal with on any level.

There is this "thing" people do commonly where I am, in which they mumble or never speak directly in how they vocalize their language or even a greeting, and I am finding it's getting much worse with it, as people have become totally lost and they no longer have any social skills or etiquette, and do not know how to even get the attention of others or hold a conversation.

Not a day goes by where it isn't like this, and I am not sure if it's like this country-wide, but it's a huge thing here in New England.

Also, the "Pajama Wearing In Public" trend has been increasing especially since the end of last year, and it seems that so many people especially the youth mostly, are wearing pajama bottoms everywhere in public!

So many Women are wearing pajamas, and I just see so many loose associations with others and activities that they engage in, which makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to me.

They are smoking marijuana constantly, hanging out in their cars blasting rap music, and some of these Gen Z specimens get out of their car randomly to do a dancing "spin" just out of nowhere, only to get back in their car. Totally off-the-rocker shit!

I really cannot make any pure sense of this society anymore, figuratively speaking of course, because it's just so schizophrenic and senseless, and it really drives a person like me MAD.

On another note and also to make up for the disappointment of the trip that got canceled, I have at least been able to distract myself from dwelling on it as I've become totally obsessed with Kanonenfieber, along with the other projects offered by this artist who refers to himself personally as "Noise"!

I have been having having their Music on repeat over and over, and I just cannot get over how talented they are and how absolutely dark, morbid, doomy and rich this Music is, by far one of the BEST new Metal Bands I've been introduced to recently, and it's incredible to me to see that there is some talent still out there like that.

Nevertheless, the history of the band itself even shows promise, but, as they are a German Band, coming from Germany, and even more so the fact that they cater to the WW1 History / Era and Imperial Germany, just makes it all that much more wonderful and close to home for me!

This band is GENIUS, and I implore any German or anyone who appreciates this kind of Music, especially Militaristic Music and Metal to check them out.

I love how they also made a mockery of  "The Yankee Division March", which was an American Patriotic Song during WW1.

Just total perfection! No words even are needed to describe it all! Yet, powerful in your face lyrics!

It's like a dream come true! Never thought I would find a band like this!

I cannot stop listening the music.

This band just might be one of Germany's best up and coming bands, and of most innovative of all times, I am not kidding either! They have some ways to go to get there, but the potential is absolutely there for them, they really are that amazing, and are even much more unique than some National Socialist or Nationalistic Metal and Punk bands I even know of that are from Germany.

I wish Kanonenfieber all the success they can get in this world!!! You guys are absolutely remarkable!!!

You have made a very Happy Prussian over here in the States, and I shall be grateful forever for your work!

Germany is in its most desperate hour of need, and the fact that in the limp-wristed status it has become today, that a group like this exists and is Marching forward! May it lead to inspiring other Germans and reconnect them to our history and volk!


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