The Meaning Of This Holographic Universe


If you are someone who is involved in any form of Metaphysical or Spiritual work, you may have heard from time to time, about the Holographic Universe, or the fact that everything you see is a "Hologram", the only problem is that most sources which discuss this topic, due so from a New Age perspective, and often apply Egalitarian Nonsense, such as "We Are All One" or a false message of unification, and these are actually applied to create and continue the cycling of traps used to keep Mankind enslaved, and to actually prevent the Real evolution that is supposed to occur.

Part of that of course, also means the traps set when one dies and is tricked into choosing to reincarnate here.

As I have stated before, the vessel you are born into, determined by Species, Race and Gender, serve as a container.

For example, if you become really weakened from this incarnation and lose immense energy, you could end up reincarnating in your next lifetime as an animal.

While animals have a wider access to different frequency ranges that Humans do not because of their container type, it is essential to realize that access to the frequency spectrum is a completely different feature than the molding of consciousness.

Animals are not aware of their own mortality, for example. While they do know they "can die", they view this as just a danger of which they try to avoid, where they witness it happen to others, but they do not know that one way or another they will die.

You will often see animals which will either show confusion or try to fight their reflection in a window or in front of a mirror, because they do not understand the concepts of windows or mirrors.

These are some examples of the limited consciousness of animals.

However, animals are able to detect benevolent or malevolent energies / intentions in Humans and other species.

Overall, animals do have an inferior form of consciousness to Humans, however this by no means suggests that a Human is necessarily superior either, because Demonic-Human Hybrids, along with the higher level life forms that serve Demonic Energies, exist on an even higher level of consciousness than Humans.

This means that Demons, including Human-Hybrids, exist not only from a different dimension but have an even greater connection to be able to carry out things they do, but also that they exist on multiple dimensions while humans usually only generally exist on about 2-3 dimensions but have no control except for the main 3-Dimensional physical matrix they live in, which is the Material Plane we live in.

This is why you cannot control yourself for example, in your dreams, and may find that you violate your own principles or agree to things you never would on the Astral plane.

Demonic forces, have total control and ability on those realms, whereas Humans do not, hence it is why they can so perfectly manipulate and control Humans in the way they do.

But, the focal point of this topic is to explain how exactly this Physical Matrix is run, because the truth is that every living being, including the NPC's, are "Piloted" which is the term I use to describe it, from another realm.

The difference with NPC's however, is that they are not Piloted from a Spiritual Origin, whereas for example, Spirited Humans have a direct connection from this Matrix that is piloted from their Soul Consciousness, that exists in an inaccessible dimension.

NPC's are Piloted from Artificial Intelligence Implants which are connected to Host Computers outside of our dimension, and these "Thought Implants" allow the NPC to simulate Human Behavior, Human Emotion and Human Responses, however none of it is original or creative such as in the case of a Human who has a soul.

Many Remote Viewers, those capable of seeing things outside of this realm, have often been able to come up with their own interpretations of this reality and the forms by which Souled Humans exist here, and often times it has even been termed as seeing "Light Forms" trapped inside of a Glass Jar.

Therefore, the body serves as a prison vessel for the consciousness, and this is why Spirited Humans usually will find themselves roaming this planet feeling spiritually "homeless" and not identifying with other people or this creation.

The mechanisms by which Humans are "Piloted" into this physical existence, is through the means of energetic fractals being converted through a Firewall of sorts, which bridges this world to the outer world, but in this world, the Fractals are converted into an Atomic form or Mass.

This is why you often hear statements such as Humans worship the Shadow of the Flame rather than the Flame itself.

You could also think of it as if you were born into the "Heat Exchanger" of a Furnace, whereby you only know the Heat and Hot Water or Noise that emanates being stuck inside of the Exchanger for your entire life, but have no knowledge or perception of what causes the Heat or the Water, or even the fact that you are in a Chamber. You would have no knowledge of what Fire is, or that it is Fire an a High-Tech Machine [Furnace] which is causing everything that you know exists inside of the Heat Exchanger, to be the way it is.

Everything you see and experience in this world, is not a miracle, it was not created by God, it's not special or anywhere near as beautiful as you think it is. All of it an arrangement of Light Particles / Fractals that are energetically arranged and piloted, but left to its own devices, all of these particles would remain dead, stagnant and inert, and in fact that is the destiny of this existence, because it is a closed system which lives off of a finite source of energy.

The transformation of these Light Particles into the Physical Form, also allows Malevolent beings, including Humans, to be able to go undetected, because if you saw them in their true energetic forms or incarnations, a Pure Soul would recognize just how evil and disgusting they are in the realms that exist outside of this reality.

Therefore, it's not hard to see how this place is setup as the perfect slave plantation, and as a perfect farming place for harvesting the energy from Humans.

This is basically how I would relate the Human Existence on our physical plane, and it is also the very reason why people can often be deceived so easily by other Humans who have very ill intentions against them, but can come across as nice, unless they have access to other dimensions which feed them information or intuitive warnings about someone.

The problem is since most beings are connected with AI elements and are piloted from that outside of this dimension, the AI elements are always screening and gleaning information from Pure Humans, and so they know the Pure Human even better than they know themselves, and use this to their advantage to manipulate you to ruin you.

People are living through the projection of this reality based on what they see projected onto the wall, rather than what is taking place in the projector or even better, the activity itself that had been performed which had been recorded onto the projector film reels.

Humans may find things like Electricity and Magnetism fascinating, but the truth is they really are not fascinating when you understand them, and especially because Electro-magnetism is what enslaves us, and it is actually is a very important component in what pilots the Physical Bodies we live in through our lifetimes here. It is detrimental to us, and it also empowers the Demonic forces to live and operate the way they do, discreetly.

Electro-magnetism is also responsible for how this realm operates by any form, including all forms of movement, planetary function and the water, however it is yet all enslaving.

Without Electro-magnetism, no ability of movement would be possible, you could not start a fire or even a car engine, you would not even be able to walk, rivers would not flow, etc.

Even what we would call "gravity" or whatever can be made as the understanding of what allows objects to fall to the ground, also enslaves us as Humans, and often overlooked, because a lot of injuries, inconveniences and problems in life are caused by this force.

It is hard to imagine an existence where one could use their "will" to "will" something to remain in a fixed spot, however this would be possible outside of this Matrix system.

Destruction always remains much more powerful than Creation here.

This realm, is a losers realms, and it's not hard to see that as being the case.

It is also important to understand, that while Spirits can incarnate into Hundreds, or Thousands or Millions of Specimens, that just because these spirits "die" does not mean there are that equal amount of them somehow remaining somewhere in the Astral or Ether, life and energy does not work that way.

This is why, for example, you can debunk the notion that there are somehow Trillions or Quadrillions of Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Ants or Humans that somehow "exist up in heaven" which most people would like to believe, it is a hopeful aspiration of the delusional or those who believe that "All Life Is Precious" and that this realm is run by God, and that heaven exists. But there is no heaven here.

Life forms which exist as separate entities, can be thought of as random droplets of water which rejoin the pool of water, or the primordial void of the energy source, which can be one public body.

There are some incarnations of Humans on Earth, from particular ancestral lineages, which may have up to 1000 similar spirit / physical bodies, but this does not mean that when those 1000 die, that they will somehow magically be 1000 different people in another life.

The evils of this system makes it seem that way, because of how it splices energy and abuses resources.

I really tire of hearing how many times Humans love to feel "empowered" or how great they think life is, because these are just ridiculously foolish and childish notions, since they have no outer awareness of the Heat Exchanger they live in.

Much of what Humans have achieved here, has been achieved with a lot of stress, danger and loss of life, for even the most very basic, tedious and primitive technology compared to what is actually possible outside of this realm.

For example, it's interesting to note for example how much that Car Culture plays a pivotal role in Human Sexuality and Status, which goes to show how retarded and undeveloped Humans actually really are as a species, because if they had any concept or understanding not only of technology or abilities that can allow instant transport from one location to another with even higher forms of vessels, including the Anti-Gravity devices, nobody would look back at how primitive something like a Car, Train or Motorcycle is.

In fact, there are cleaning technologies that would make one even question how much they marveled over the invention of the Washing Machine or Dishwashers, which do nothing but waste precious resources.

But they will not release these technologies for the public, or at least not at this stage.

To accept all these things, would also mean however, that Evolution would have to exist in order for Humans to move beyond their most primitive state as as species, and Evolution is a very complicated topic because it's also a process, and if it actually did exist and if Humans were truly on an evolutionary course, they would then recognize with what such technologies do exist, how dangerous, unnecessary and foolish they were for ever glorifying and judging others by what cars they drive, and would question the notion of ever flying on an airplane.

Humans cannot have evolution on this plane, because their entire life existence, experiences, environment and the stage they are at in their life, entirely determine their worldview, and they cannot see outside of that.

This is why most Humans identify with their pain and trauma, and see a purpose in it, even when there is no purpose, but it actually is their platform of enslavement.

This is of course exactly how the Controllers of this system want Humans to think.

This is not to say that I too do not transport myself on vehicles, trains, and airplanes, of course I do, but I do not glorify it, and I view it as an evil necessity / burden, not something which is advantageous, and I find them to be very restrictive and unhealthy, which of course they are.

In general, I despise travel.

This is just common sense. Anyone who cannot see that vehicle transport devices of all kind are dangerous and unhealthy, has a serious mental problem.

Everything you use, even down to your Computers and Smartphones, are also Aeons away from even the most advanced technology that exists, so it is so amateur and foolish in the course of Human Development, for example, whereby one judges another and bases them on whether they own an "iPhone" compared to another brand.

This is how Corporations want Humans to think and operate, however. Plus, it also stifles them to ever become an evolved species, or to have any understanding of life or their reality, outside of what controlling forces, including the Corporations, want them to understand.

Almost all concepts by what modern humans live by, are artificially formed, for example the idea that a Man is to be a provider and protector. This is entirely based on programming, but it's not actually some eternal truth about Nature of this reality.

Confusing, Brainwashing, Guilt-Tripping, Shaming and Gaslighting Men into believing they are to be the Protectors and Providers of Women, is how the Demons get to continuously run this realm and feed off the Loosh energy of Humans, since most Demons incarnate in the form of Women. A few Demons incarnate into the form of Men, but not very many, as Masculine Traits are far too Dominant and Overt and would make Demonic activity appear much more visible.

When Two Humans meet, regardless of whether they belong to the Demonic, NPC or Pure Human types, they are both being piloted from a different dimension, and their interactions here are also meeting together in that different realm, even energetically although you may not be able to see or perceive it.

There are some abilities to perceive some of the residual energetic notions of this, for example, because you may feel or be affected by the presence of one's energetic resonance (for better or worse) when you interact with them there.

As time goes on from where we are right now, only greater levels of darkness will engulf this existence because the Demonic activity is increasing, and this is also why it appears that time seems to be speeding up.

The more time speeds up, it means that things are falling to an even lower vibrational state and whereby very malevolent forces are becoming much more powerful.

Time and Space are also illusions and enslaving forces, and the reason they are part of this creation is because it manipulates you and makes you unable to be fixed in a certain timeline, if for example that you wanted to "Freeze" an experience or something you enjoy in the timeline, in another existence, you would be able to do such a thing, but here you cannot.

Here, time needs to keep moving "forward", so-to-speak, but that also is a quality of this evil place and part of the Law of Entropy.

More and More Humans you interact with will use even more complex facades as time marches on, because Evil is engulfing the world, and ironically even at this late stage, many people are skeptical about the existence of Evil or what it really is, and this is also by design as well, from the Religions.

The fact, however is that things which are both Good, or both Evil, share various shades of their opposites, and this is why often something or someone which is Good, can also be deemed Evil, and as I've said, Evil's greatest power is in its faculties of trying to come across as Good, or properly, "Benevolent" and well-meaning.

Evil only expresses itself overtly when it is an environment or situation where it has obtained so much power and monopoly, that it knows nobody will challenge it or create opposition.

This is why for example, you might find Women alive today who show no shame for using Men for money and don't even hold back to even overtly describe the evil things they do to Men or how they talk trash about Men, because they have such a monopoly on power and so many Men are cowards to fight back.

The truth is, however, the only correct course for the Good People in this existence is to wear the cloak of Evil to the Evil ones, and to shed the fear of fighting fire with fire, or of becoming a dragon to fight a dragon, or any other nonsense designed to get them towards not responding back.

It is important to remember that Demons have a streak of trying to constantly appear "righteous", and this is why you will notice that Jews, Women and a large handful of NPC's will describe someone like Hitler as the most evil Man ever, and why there are "Clarion Calls" to confront Evil and Demonic Forces by the Demons themselves!

This is why for example, someone like Eliot Rodgers was deemed as "evil" or anyone who challenges to fight back against being wronged.

If you are a Pure Soul who grew up in this existence, you will notice that any time you try to defend yourself in any situation, the arbiter who comes in, whether it is your teacher, a police officer, or any kind of authority figure, will NEVER have a vested interest in resolving the conflict, but will almost always show intolerance of you defending yourself and no sympathy for your situation yet will on the other hand become very passive about trying to talk down or shut down the aggressor or one inflicting the abuses.

They will just try to sometimes play out the act, but very seldomly, and it is an extremely rare circumstance that you would see an authority figure just randomly come up to the aggressor as telling them "Hey I saw what you did, you are getting what you deserve, deal with it!"

The whole notion of trying to "keep peace" or "stop the conflict" is not about establishing fairness, but about perpetuating the problem, and in almost all of these circumstances, the actual aggressor usually gets off easy and often with no punishment, while the victim remained harmed or does not receive justice, and may still have their own existence under threat.

Demonic Forces, including the NPC's who follow Demonic activity, spend their entire lives making mockery and humiliation and spreading rumors about people who come from Divine Origins, and making their lives a hellish existence. Creating all kinds of caricatures as well.

And they always seem to have endless hordes of followers that just gravitate like bees on honey.

If you notice, you will always see as well that there is total harmony, unison and tandem of thought, spirit, laughter and execution that just seems to always be in perfect operation between these people, even if they are all strangers, or it could be your entire classroom.

This is all by design, and the AI systems also ensure of this, and it is why Pure Humans find themselves constantly under perpetual assault in this reality.

The AI systems ensure that a Hive mindset is possible and is executed in a manner where all particles behave in an orderly fashion, in lock-step.

While we experience this in the way we do at the present time, in the future as Mankind is merged even more with Machinery, the extremities with how this will exist in our reality will become even more pronounced.

It is the same way that Witch-hunts of the past were carried out against innocent people, or for example how the "War On Terror" was able to be executed to get many people in the West cheering on the ethnic cleansing of people in Iraq or Afghanistan, almost in perfect unison, without any evidence of wrong-doing by these people, but everyone just went along with it, it is because of the AI thought implants via programming.

Since you are living in a Holographic system, everything here is automated, augmented, scripted and planned out, and so anyone can be programmed to do anything, even against logic or truth.

Near Total Extermination of the Human Species, for example, should be a primary goal of people with the Divine Fire in their Soul, as no honest or decent Human being could possibly be optimistic or happy with the current Human Condition.

If you are a Man, it is important that you recognize that 99.9% of Women are absolutely Evil and connected [piloted] from the Demonic realms.

Never feel guilty for any levels of extremism in hatred you possess for Women, because none of it will ever be equal to the level of Hatred and Intolerance they have for you as a Man.

Women hate Men just for being born a Man, even for existing and want you dead, and they view Human Men as a "mutation" of their chromosomes.

So, do not spare them any Mercy.


  1. Hello, I'm F and RH-, also was born with marks on my face like moles and a port wine stain on my jaw. I just feel this contradicts what you're saying are the markers of evil because I identify with you and what you say about pure experiences way more than the evil and toxic people you use as examples. Actually, I hate those types of people and one reason I love reading ur blog is how u rip them apart. For example, in your blog about the female youtuber who manipulates men--- who you identified as evil-- I also immediately disliked her. I saw her on tiktok before seeing anyone's commentary and I immediately blocked her lol. To me, she has BP manipulator in her eyes, she seems toxic and I don't trust her; girls like her are abusive. She is also not a girl's girl, which she pretends to be. It is refreshing to read your take, you hit the nail on the head- which is how I feel when I read your writing. But I have the same markers she has yet I'm not toxic. I've actually isolated myself from most people bcz I can't stand the fake, games, toxicity. I've also been targeted and bullied. I identify with you and 'pure' experiences; but doesn't this contradict that the blood and the marks are causing the evilness? Thanks

    1. All people who have RH- Blood type without exception, belong inevitably to dark forces, whether or not one may see or believe it to be the case that way. But as I've also stated, Demonic-Human Hybrids have a higher awareness than do NPC's, so that probably would explain why you would find yourself agreeing with statements published on here.

      It is hard for me to convince you of that, but what I can tell you is that someday a different source will inform you about the truth about all creation forms, even the ones that exist in Human Incarnations, of which I have identified at least 16 forms or subspecies.

      Which female are you referring to in particular that you also disliked, is this thewizardliz or Keira Lhotan or a different one?

    2. Interesting... have you written about the 16 forms or subspecies? I'm interested in checking it out.
      I'm referring to the Philippine one, Manifestelle. I don't like her & wouldn't even risk acquainting with her in real life, I wouldn't even talk to her. It's something about her eyes especially, and she reminds me of someone evil I met before. But that's just my gut feeling.

    3. Yes, I am currently reworking that list however because if they are redefined or broken down a different way, it can change around. One example of classification for example is that the Negroes belong to one separate group among themselves, since although they are a Hominid type, they are from a very different grouping than the rest of Homo-Sapiens. There are ethnic components but also spiritual and other defining factors behind the various identities, however the majority of the Human Species across all Races, are indeed NPC's, and all NPC's have very limited form of awareness about anything. They are more akin to robots.

      Ah yes, Manifestelle. She is so fake and diabolical, even down to the way she calls her viewers "bestieeee" and has these deadpan zombie eyes. Truly a very horrible person, and I really hate her vocal cadence.

      I agree with you very much about her eyes.

  2. So, that includes me as a "demon-human" being a woman even though I consider myself different from the rest of modern women? I have no interest at all in fucking with men. In fact, sometimes I have come to think that we are an erroneous creation of this universe, since we do not serve as what we should be: companions of men. I would like for a spiritual revolution to occur that would change the genetic pool of women and thus reverse everything that should not have happened. I firmly believe in this, as I feel guilty as a woman for having to play a role that we were supposed to do and didn't do. Why did destiny and life have to be like this! I am not very interested in today's comforts other than to stop suffering from these spiritual deficiencies. There is a boy that I have loved for 3 years. However, I haven't had enough courage to be with him. And also fear because of the divergence between men and women. It's horrible for me. He was the reason for my life but I don't want to have to face that he's not for me. It's either him or no one else. Part of this is due to my childhood, as it was dysfunctional thanks to my parents. Because in fact, I haven't spoken to them in a while. I don't want to have those kinds of people in my life. My mother was the kind of example we should never follow. She was very bossy, irritating, inconsiderate, unfaithful and problematic. And it was precisely the reason why I decided to be a woman different from the rest. WHAT SHOULD I DO THEN! I only want a man in my life, unconditional, whom I will love forever and who will be a definitive company in this life. What we are going through is very painful, and I have even come to think that the only solution is to abandon this life. Could I be a new beginning to change the decadent feminine spirit? ~ERA

    1. You have to keep in mind that I only go by Facts of things, and that I have access to a lot of classified material and other Extraterrestrial knowledge about our Universe, and especially as it pertains to the Human Species.

      So, I don't really play favorites with anyone, but the objective is to provide disclosure.

      A point will come, when a higher authority of sorts, will inform every living being as to who and what they are, and where they came from.

      I do appreciate the honesty where evident, for example in the admission that Women to not operate as Companions of Men.

      My own reflection on it, along with my genetic understanding of the Human Species is that Women were not created as precise companions for Men, but this was a myth invented by religions to give Men hope and to make them participate and sacrifice for Women's cause, outside of the civilization that Men build.

      Everything that is demonstrated about Women, shows that they do not identify with or have empathy, concern, or compassion for Men, at least not outside of what provisions and benefits are to be obtained by her from him or his welfare.

      Generally, Women view any sum of money that is earned by a Man which he spends on himself, as Money that she is entitled too, and as Money that could have potentially be spent on her rather than himself.

      Women do not see Men as a Human Being, and do not understand Men's Emotional Processes.

      Even Science has discovered that Men's emotions are more complex and deeper than Women's, whereas Women's are superficial, fleeting and superfluous, because they have no grounding in reason.

      A Woman can easily say she "feels" something or a certain way, but does the way she live and her reality demonstrate? Hardly ever.

      "There is a boy that I have loved for 3 years. However, I haven't had enough courage to be with him."

      If this is truly the case, why not? I don't take too well to Women's claims about not having the courage to pursue or make things happen with Men they don't like, because all forms of covert attraction are not authentic.

      Men and Women are largely parting ways, and this is also happening on a global level although not as evidently yet in some other countries, but as far as all Western Countries, including South Korea and Japan, Men and Women no longer want anything to do with each other because we recognize that we do not have anything in common or harmony outside of the reproductive capacities which exist solely for the purpose of perpetuating the species.

      The problems that Humans will really have a hard time accepting about their creation form and this reality is that they have been reduced to have no greater goal than reproduction. Some of them willingly accept this, but, there's a problem.

      With them living solely for the sake of reproductive urges, it's almost as neurotic as to believe that our focus on life should only be on the fact that we need to breathe and blink, and to ignore all else or view everything else as auxiliarly.

      Of course, Humans cannot imagine any kind of other arrangement than this, because the concept or notion of "continuing the species" as something that is just a "matter of fact" like the sun rising every day, should be more of an afterthought than the pinnacle of existence.

      Nevertheless, the fact that Humans only exist for perpetuating their species, proves that they are being enslaved by a greater force, but a lot of them don't give much thought to this.

    2. The truth is that I have no interest in continuing a lineage either, especially nowadays when things are going backwards. I would not want to have children so that they are educated by institutions that only teach them to promote addictions, idiotic language, the retrogradation of sex, and other things involved.

      Honestly, I'm already tired of this. Sometimes I feel the impulse to wish that every institutional circle would be eliminated. However, I think that it would be a superficial and too cruel decision on my part.

      I also don't feel much connection with other women. I feel like they are more envious. And the truth is I find boys friendlier than girls. All despite the fact that I feel like I'm in a kind of cover of nihilism, or nothing.

      Things also changed for me when I decided to read the book "The Ego and its Own" (El Único y su Propiedad, because I'm a Spanish speaker), Stirner's main and, if not only, work. Because that's exactly when I started to see the idea that, in today's rotten society, it is no longer worth continuing the typical moral traditions that religions and institutions instilled in us.

      I chose to leave, but not without maintaining contact with some. Literally having nothing to appreciate about what I see and dislike. Now it is simply work, get home, rest, use the internet (without using social networks) and browse forums on topics of interest or some old blogs, etc. The truth is that I have almost no contact with my family either, other than with a grandfather who lives very far away, an uncle and 2 cousins ​​who I rarely write to them.

      The truth is, I don't see posterity at all, that's why I don't worry about future generations who no longer have anything to offer. Everything is lost.

      The only thing that matters to me now is having this boy with me. I just want to spend my last years (I don't intend to live longer) with him. That's why I have given myself the task of achieving that goal.

      In fact, I was not very explicit in giving details about it, because although I was shy during this time, I had distanced myself from the idea that all women should be sought after by a man. I recently decided to start looking for him.

      Sometimes it makes me think I'm the only woman who has sexual needs or desires about a man or wanting what a woman wouldn't normally want with a man.

      I don't know what kind of sources on metaphysics you are informed about, but I would like to know more about it.

    3. @ST,ERA I wish more Humans had better perspectives on life, but the fact is that Life after 1945 technically only exists as a Privilege and an Experiment, rather than a Right and with a Foundation. Since WWII, the entire world has been hi-jacked and living off of borrowed time, and this "time" was not supposed to last much more than until about 1950. Only through heavy machinations in manipulations of Economics and War, have the Western powers, namely America and England, been able to keep up this circus freak-show. What is being experienced now, was supposed to happen around the 1950's, actually.

      Most people are not in touch with reality and are confused on the notions about things like Suffering versus Pleasure, because their reality is augmented for them and the designers of the Human Species know how Human perceptions can be thwarted or rearranged for them to not see or understand their responses.

      This is why for example, it is controversial whether or not we live in such better times, because one will argue how much technology, freedom and options a Human being has. But there is also more stress, and because people are so connected through technologies, they are no longer connected directly offline.

      From a completely unbiased standpoint, I declare that the world is officially no more a properly habitable place or one that someone should bring children into or to see any kind of future in, and although this has been true since the time of 1945, there were still a few fumes left of things to enjoy. Not any longer.

      By 2031, people will see the full commencement of the hell that is intended for them, if they get to live that long, because not only is the NWO to be cemented in place by then, but it's also the final year of the Boomers retirement era completing.

      Women, as a species (gender), but I refer to them as a species more so, have the tendency to heavily police each other, and are not welcoming of other Women unless they fully sing and dance to the tune of the other Women in the clique.

      Among Women, there is not much diversity in character or personality or substance, because few have the guts to be themselves and face ostracizing from peers, since social currency almost means everything to them.

      One thing that is very different about the Male Experience, in a Male Container which Women are largely unaware about, is that Men are to a larger degree either more forgiving or open-minded for a lack of a better term of accepting or acknowledging differences including various tastes and are not as hellbent on Policing one another, except when it might come to work ethics or unification for some purpose.

      Women will always sit and criticize and pick with a fine tooth comb over the Men that their Female friends are dating and also persuade them to break things off over the most idiosyncratic nonsense.

      The reason I question why a Woman would hesitate in pursuing a Man she likes, is because Women instinctively know that they can almost have any Man that they want, even above and beyond any pre-conceived social norms or taboos.

      I also believe that people who are completely in their Primal mode of life, routinely reject Social Norms, Man-Made Laws and other ridiculous ideas and follow their Primal instincts first.

      Much of the information in my awareness in Metaphysics comes from my own abilities, I did study it for some time, but a lot of my views are from information I've received.

    4. You suspect something is coming by 2031? What makes you think that year? What type of event do you suspect it will be?

    5. @T345, Year 2030 is the time when the UN wants the NWO cemented into place by, but the last of the baby boomers will be retired by 2031, meaning that the remaining Earth inhabitants come from generations which are utterly broken and failed, and so this will spell great consequences and implications for existence, to speak nothing about the Economic Collapse and World War which should commence long before that.

    6. Do you expect an economic collapse and world war before 2031? I know many things are happening right now but how is this different than before? It seems like there's a war scare and tension every decade, but nothing changes. And, if a world war does break out why would the people running things destroy America? Isn't America their god hand? America would have to be either stupid or intentionally self-destructive to really breakdown. But both alternatives seem to contradict the idea that America serves the elite or that there is some greater power and plan because why on earth would America be destroyed if it's so powerful. Surely the US is a great power source for those who have it. It doesn't make sense to me. And what's the guarantee that these signs and the differences in the new generation will result in destruction and collapse? America is powerful and rich, with the best weapons, military bases all over the world, global influence, millions of people, is it even possible to destroy? Even if the people degrade, you'll probably find someone who can still run things or they can always just important a million immigrants for the jobs. This is already being done all over the west- tons of foreign workers keep the West's economy going- healthcare, military, IT, bank, at least 20% and at most 80%+ foreign workers in some areas. If not for money they wouldn't have any extra support & the West would've been declining way more decades ago

    7. @T345, Yes, both, the Economy of the West, especially as it pertains to the Anglo-American Economies are already in total collapse, and this will become more evident in the months ahead, you will see. World War III officially started on February 24, 2022, yet it is undeclared in the Western world, however interestingly enough, the Russian Federation recognizes that as when World War III had started just as we declared it right at the same time, and a few other countries have recognized it, and the CIA also recognizes that as the start of World War III. it's just that we are not in the expansionary stages yet where much more countries get involved. There seems to be a concerted effort to keep the graveyard pits of these wars confined at least for the time being to Ukraine and Israel/Palestine as the meat-grinders, but yet are using Proxy methods to have other powers pool resources and artillery along with AID to these countries. Mark my words though, once civil order and economy breaks down even in the EU, you will see the reality of expansionism where country will begin to fight other countries and also break any and all treaties and simply only be concerned with self-preservation.

      Mass die-offs of the Western populations including Japan, are expected in 2025 into 2026.

      America is as stupid as you can even begin to imagine, and even all that much more stupid to be willing to self-destruct. I mean look at what they do!

      The USA is nothing any longer, it's a total joke. I'd argue it was always a joke, but at one point they did have a little integrity as far as their Industry and society would function, but today they don't even have that!


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