Booking Trips in this stupid "COVID" Era has been nothing but a nightmare.

After a late night dinner last night and having nearly all of my things packed and ready for some special event I have been wanting to go to, I found out last minute from a "Third Party" Manager that the event was canceled, also thanks in part to the way the Venue "books" events, and it turns out they are known for scamming people and also randomly canceling if not enough tickets are sold.

Yet all the other parties and event managers said nothing about this in the days leading up to it.

Even planning for this trip was the most difficult in my life, especially with how much hassle it was on websites to get them to function properly since some of the ordering systems and itineraries, because of the stupid FUCKING Millenials / Gen Z programmers and web developers who now promote "Minimalism", love to Hide Pricing Details until the last minute with surprises, and even stops and layovers get "hidden" on trips now thinking it's just cool not to show details up-front.

Even during the checkout processes both for my trips and the hotel, I was bombarded with all kinds of random pop-ups and add-ons / upgrades they wanted to include like I've never seen in my life, and with lack of clarity about finalizing my transactions.

I also ended up getting charged extra for some unknown reason on my hotel, which I am currently fighting.

I also got locked out of several accounts of mine for various reasons, since the upgrading of the systems for these websites get "changed", then they forget you as a customer, but also where I still had customer accounts, because there are stupid "SHOP" code popups and other stupid prompts and triple verifications, it makes me enter the password wrong because there is a character off when I type it out.

What idiots design this fucking shit!

In 2024, it has gotten WAY WORSE with this nonsense, and this year 2024 has been nothing but utter garbage and nonsense!

Considering how difficult booking and planning this trip was, I am almost not even sure about planning my last trip to Europe, namely to Sweden at this rate, because I'm even more despondent about it and also because there is less and less staff members you can talk to now about refunds, booking changes, along with more unclear details.

Almost everything now is done through e-mails exclusively, but especially through account "systems" or "chat bots" which then forward your credentials or claim to someone who is expected to respond to you in such a period of time.

I never remember life being this complicated and ridiculous to get things done, coupled with the fact now that if you talk to anyone in public now, 90% of the time you are met with a "deer in headlights" look and broken cognitive functions in the staff members at ANY public establishment, because their brains have turned to mush from the COVID Vaccines.

Everything in the past was so much simpler, easier to do, and jut seamless.

Even trying to rectify my situation this morning, I had gotten locked out of my accounts again and need to change to new passwords that I'll have to remember for the next time.

I can barely deal with this stuff anymore.

It's unreal to me how much people's lives are also saturated online, because while I do spend time on some very specific things, I still yet find that other people, and especially WOMEN have even more time they cater to in certain things, even hobby groups I follow from time to time.

They put "likes" on everything long before I can ever get around to it and it's every little single thing / detail, and with every smiley face or emoticon, they memorize them all, and they do it for every app.

I am really astounded how people, especially Women have all this time! Then again it goes to show to what extreme degree of losers they are, with their heads buried in their phones! I have seen what average phones look like these days with notifications and dings, and mine looks "bare" compared to theirs!

You have to be some real true sore loser and a total geek to be that involved in this world online like that! Women think being a "geek" is sexy, and I'm here to remind you ladies, NO, being a geek or nerd is NOT sexy!

On top of it, I cannot keep up with all these apps / websites for monitoring details and changes.

And apparently, neither do these event venues or organizers! I shouldn't have to chase them down, from Facebook, to Instagram, to WhatsApp or who knows what, to see where they announce their presence for a cancelation of an event, because it turns out I was only able to see this on Facebook by a Third Party and had to then call the Event Venue to confirm it!

I don't use all these apps and websites, and I was forced to create a "sock" account for one of them, and even after I had put my name on a list as an attendee for someone who manages a special after-event, they didn't even put my name but instead used the "Alias" for the sock account!

What Retards!

Not a peep from even the Ticket Seller or anyone else that an event was canceled, and at first I thought it was a hoax or a fake account suggesting the event was canceled.

Honestly, this is not a world for me anymore, I really want nothing to do this world and this ridiculously retarded society we now live in. This stuff was NEVER this way years ago, I bet it wouldn't have been this bad in 2019, but I am even MORE CERTAIN that before about 2010-2012, this would have never been an issue!

Seriously this stuff just makes me want to withdraw more and more from this society and especially with anything to do Online, it's all just too complicated, nobody knows what's going on, nobody has control over anything, and you can't get easy answers or information.

Why even bother anymore!?

Even as my trip has been canceled, I still may hold off on posting more for a few days, we will see, you can check back on the site, I am really in a horrific mood right now because this was something very special I wanted to do, and the level of devastation for me is actually on the level of "breakups with an ex", and I am really really upset over this fucking garbage.

Then there are people who travel all the world all the time without problems.

Years ago, I could at least use the websites and plan my itineraries without issue, however every trip I have ever booked to Europe was not without some asshole fucking up my trip one way or another and wasting my time out there.

So this makes me even more hesitant to even return to Europe one last time, until or unless other people have everything planned out / guaranteed for me in some sort of way.

Tired of waiting around, constant changes or cancelations, miscommunications, change of heart and on-going disappointments.

This world is a fucking joke!


  1. Welcome to the new age where common courtesy is dead. No more basic etiquette, comradery, consideration and thoughtfulness of other people.

    We truly live in a ME, ME, ME, ME world now.

    The pop-ups on every website are infuriating. One asking if I want to subscribe is more than enough. I don't need one every ten seconds.

    I'm with you. There's nothing in this world left to enjoy. It's all been corrupted, perverted or destroyed. I'm ready to move on from this place.

    If the powers think they can control me through threat of death, they are sorely mistaken. I welcome it at this point.

    1. Yes, exactly. You can't really talk seriously with anyone anymore about anything, and all you get are scripted responses from people anyway.

      Also notice with pop-ups these days, how almost NONE of them will allow you to minimize them or select to not ask again, compared to times past. It's having a mental effect on me, even when I had initially booked everything for my trip, I got up feeling dizzy and full of anxiety from everything. This is not normal!

      It's truly amazing how gone everything really is, but yet few people want to accept or realize that. I mean just look at how everyone and everything is. And somehow people still are "hoping" or "seeing" some kind of future in all this.

    2. All the endless pop-ups are making the internet borderline unbearable.

      It's fascinating that people actually believe this system is going to continue on indefinitely. That shows a level of stupidity that I would have thought impossible. I mean, basic math dictates that you cannot make debt into wealth forever. The piper must be paid.

      The trumpers who think Trump is going to "make America great again" display a level of delusion that baffles the mind. We are a society lacking integrity, honesty, loyalty, strength, wisdom and courage. You cannot have a grand society without those basics.


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