Women These Days Are Just Running Their Mouth

It's absolutely incredible just how worthless and empty nearly all Women really are.

I see so many countless videos of them online with new strategies they try to use with their propaganda techniques to try to "Lure Men back", all of which are failing.

I really get a kick of watching videos where Women try to talk about having accountability.

What's really happening is Women are just getting desperate because Men are totally cutting them out of the picture and from access to their Wealth.

But Women are relentless, meaning that they refuse to change or be humble, or even admit they are the problem, and they have no intention to ever do anything or to please or satisfy Men.

I love watching them cry. Wait until 2025 comes, and you will see even more how hysterical they will become as they really begin to face poverty and total destitution, and starvation.

They are an annoying species, really, when it comes down to things.

Thankfully, more Men are realizing that you cannot take anything that comes out of their mouth seriously, because all they ever do is lie and virtue signal. And they look pathetic in the process.

They talk and talk and talk, yet they manage to still say nothing real and don't do anything. But talk.

They really are not likeable people.

Always remind yourself that when you ever find yourself admiring a Woman, that Women have mentioned to me and other countless Men many times over, "If Men ever knew what Women really think about Men or what kind of thoughts go through their head, Men would have absolutely nothing to do with us no matter how pretty we are."

And many variations of basically that same statement.

Also, there are Many Women who even admit that if they were born a Man, that they would have absolutely nothing to do with Women if they had been born that way.

It is also important to understand that Women do not identify with or understand the Male Sex Drive and Sexual Impulses outside of the fact that Men "want it.", because Women are Organic Containers.

The Female Container has very limited consciousness, because its essence belongs of the Demonic Realms.

The people, especially "Men" who obsessively try to claim that Women are the way they are because it's just "Nature" or "Human Nature" or "Evolution" or somehow wired into the species for our survival or role, are coping MAJORLY.

They do not want to accept the darker truth that there is something far more sinister about Women, and everything that is of the Feminine Essence in this existence.

It's not to say that Femininity outside of this Universe would inevitibly be evil, but it indeed it used as part of the tool of the Evil Essence in this closed system by the Demiurge.

Even the so-called "Divine Feminine" is a huge hoax, and it's basically a psyop that exists to serve the interest of and loosh feeding by the Demiurge.


  1. It's fascinating. Men are walking away from women and instead of becoming agreeable, feminine and just being someone a man would want to be around they double down on their duplicity and manipulation. The very thing that caused men to walk away in the first place.

    This is just mind blowingly stupid. No matter how good they get at manipulation, it won't work. Men are realizing that everything a woman says and does is lies and manipulation.


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