If I Had A Second Offer To Relive My Life, Including All The Great Years and Experiences All Over Again, Would I Take It!?

I will tell you for fact, and that is a RESOUNDING NO.

I've eaten some excellent food, visited some nice countries, and listened to some great music and other things I've gotten to experience in this life.

But would it all be worth it to live it all over again if I could have a rewind switch or another chance at life!?

Absolutely Fucking NOT.

The worst part about the reincarnation cycles as well, is that the more times you reincarnate, you become more "exhausted" even though most of your past memories are erased into the new incarnation, but you take on burdens and effects or trauma that has accumulated from your many past lives.

Every New Incarnation you take, you will have lessened energy levels, more residual trauma from past lives, and less ability to deal with or manage stress, and just overall malaise and exhaustion especially at a very early age with life.

Ever since I was born in this incarnation, I remember already being tired of this place even though I had yet to live my life.

No matter how good any experiences I've had on this Earth, none of them would convince me to want to relive it again, and I would absolutely decline the offer.

Pleasure has its limits, and that's by design of this Matrix system, whereas the Pain and Suffering have no limits.

I find life to actually more tiring than anything, especially as you get older and past your mid-life.

Everything you look back, you realize it was all just pointless and a waste. Most people will deny this to you, but I'm telling you the truth about it.

This realm is worthless, and I have to say that even over time, and all that I've done in my studies and reflections especially about Humanity, History, Human Behavior and other things, that I have become more and more disinterested with Humanity and Life than filled with a sense of intrigue.

The more you learn about this world, naturally, the most disgusted and repulsed and hateful you become of it.

On top of it all, I am really tired of the POST-COVID Era we live in now.


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