Proving Reproduction Is Worthless, A Function Of The Matrix / The Real Waves Of Anti-Natalism Have Yet To Begin

A True, Unbiased Reflection of Reproduction, demonstrates that the fact that the people who value reproduction, are basically just Slaves to their own Biology.

Reproduction is perhaps one of the most fundamental prerequisites for the Matrix System, due to the existence of Mortality.

The fact that Reproduction plays such a huge role in the body and all life here, is proof that the existence is designed for a different purpose, and one that doesn't suit your own desires.

I actually view Reproduction as one of the most worthless attributes of this world, and I place no value or appreciation towards it. When you fully accept and see this world as it is, you too will feel the same.

In many ways, I find it all disgusting, between the fact that reproduction plays a role in also the food chain and that every life form must consume other life forms to exist, and then we all eventually die off anyway. People who don't find this disturbing, have serious deep-seated issues, and they are the enablers of the Matrix system.

If we were all Immortal, there would never be a concern about the species "dying off".

If Humans were actually Immortal, and if there was Infinite Energy, Resources and Space, this would immediately solve at least 50% of  the problems associated with Life in this existence, and could even at least more justify bringing life into this world.

The fact that you, if you choose to reproduce, will nearly need to "give up everything" for the sake of your children, including your own freedom and personality, and even though you will do and give everything for your child, that "child" of yours will also be forced to give up everything at some point too, only to keep the "cycle" going.

On and On and On, just for the sake of having the species to continue "surviving" in a place that isn't really worth living in anymore, and never really was anyway, because it's pointless.

Almost the entire push for having Children, actually is influenced based on the Decisions, Choices, Needs and Challenges of at least the past two generations.

You are giving birth to children to combat personal challenges in life / society, such as breeding a new generation of workers who will constantly "work" to fight against Nature which is fighting back against you constantly, to return things to a state of its original state.

At the point we are living at with humanity now, even with what type of language is coming from Governments and Institutes, they are obsessed with the notion of having people to have "children" all for the basis of saving Economy, Health Care and the "System".

It doesn't take into account whether or not the children who would be born will have a better existence or future ahead of them that makes life worth living.

The Proof that the Human Body, like any other Vessel is a "Container" is that even as a Soul reincarnates into a Newborn, there is a lack of Development of the Mind, Body and Functions that cannot be properly expressed.

Your life here, even if you live for precisely One Century, is merely only a tiny "snapshot" or sample of life from the span of many Millions of years of life and existence that has been here with Human Development.

And when you die, you will very soon be forgotten, none of what you do on Earth will really matter in the long scheme of things, or whether you did anything at all.

With the changes and complexities of society, including technology, especially in these times, there is no way you can possibly just enter this world and naturally feel a part of it.

Pure Humans are not synchronized with the timing, events and routines of this world, so the thing is from a very early age, this place should seem like a foreign existence to you, and even one where you feel like you were just "planted here".

Anti-Natalism would be FAR greater in the times we live in now, if it were not for the Irrational Optimism that most Humans have that things are about to turn-around or the delusional idea that things are "cyclical" and once again someday will improve against for future generations.

Most Humans do not take seriously, the advancements of AI or the notion of the NWO and the Dystopias that are going to forever change the way the Human Species exists.

Another fact about having children in the type of world we live in now, is that the chances of you having a child that comes out being someone you don't like or adopts values or ideas that you are against, is higher than ever, compared to any other Era of history.

People who are purposely deciding to have children to day, are mostly scum of the Earth and Narcissists, and are doing it for their own security or needs in life.

The fact is that even the Hallmarks of what had made the Human Species remarkable, did not make it into the 21st century.

All of those lineages and types are extinct now, never to be born again.

So what does that tell you about our Modern Existence?

Something needs to be said that the "dead" are in a way speaking to living to prove that this World is no longer worth living in, with the fact that for many decades now, only the worst of the worst and stupid people are breeding, and Intelligent people are not breeding, and that reincarnation cycles have nearly come to a complete halt since 1995.

If the world was so worth it, and if reproduction had such value, they would still be reincarnating here, and such figures would be identifiable in the populations, regularly.

The other telling fact is that, Anti-Natalism and Birth Rate issues are not just a problem in the West now, but are also existent in every single country on Earth, including countries like Albania, China and India, which are 3 prominent countries that should not be having so many children.

Even their birth rates are tapering, and growing amounts of populations on Earth, no longer want to have children.

You know, this world is an absolutely shit place.

Even the moment I step outside to have to confront the levels of traffic I see out on the road, which is only ever increasing year by year, with more noise and pollution, and it is enough to even ruin the start of my day and throw off my energies.

If someone wants to go to an event or even a restaurant, the place will be CHOCK FULL of the losers and dregs of society occupying every seat or space, with none left open.

Why would I want to have children to force to live in that?

You have to be insane for not seeing something wrong with this.

Yet almost all people accept and tolerate this world, and then they believe the solution to all problems is that we need to bring even more children into the world and overpopulate it all that much more.

If I have children, I also know that the racial discrimination they will receive will be even WORSE than what I had experienced in this country, not only for being German but also for being White, and I can only imagine what they will have to endure. There will be endless hordes of Brown-colored people who will torment them constantly.

I know for a fact that my child would inherit this issue, because I've received more discrimination about my heritage and being "White" than even everyday White people have in my own lifetime.

Retirement Ages will also be even later and later in life, as Workers will be expected to Work as Slaves for much longer in their lives into the future.

It is important to understand that unlike Humans, all other Animals and Creatures including Insects, do not have such a dependent role up giving up their life and health the way they do to reproduce, in the method that Humans must do, especially because we also build things like cultures and civilizations, and have a socially complex society, even more so than other Primates.

Therefore, the demands and pressures for Humans are even all that much greater.

In a world where Pain, Suffering and Boredom are more prevalent than Pleasure, Enjoyment and Beauty, how can it ever be worth it to suggest the solution is to bring in more life here to endure this?

It's time for it all to go...

Governments are even in a rock and a hard place to try to have any solutions for it, and completely underestimate the effects that their policies of many last decades have had on the fate for humanity, even if the intention was to keep Humanity going for much longer.

Right now, I'm even being challenged in life by someone who recently had a child, and it's unbelievable in what ways them having the child has "taken away" things, including an extra seat, and that one day, things will have to be done that always from now on include the child. It's a lot of work and a lot of effort.

What if we don't end up liking what that child becomes or who they are or what they are all about someday!? And also the fact that Myself, and others, are forced to share a "destiny" with that person "added" into the mix...

Natalists generally operate on the idea or notion that their children will somehow "fix" or "confront" the challenges of their time, and this is a very irresponsible and immoral notion of theirs, since their real motive of having children was to use for Slave Labor and/or as a Retirement Security Plan altogether.

It's all a way of "passing on the bag".

The world that exists in the 1990's and earlier, is a world that is long and  far gone right now. Even better if we were to suggest the world before 1914, but let's use an outer limit of the 1990's.

There is absolutely nothing worthwhile to live for that came out in the 21st century that can whatsoever justify to continue living in this hellscape, or bringing more life into it.


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