Where The Problem All Starts With Simps Who Constantly Lie To Women


And this right here is a perfect demonstration of the problem. Clearly she is not strong and agile enough to pull these levels.

Yet this Man, if even being facetious or polite, feels the urge to tell her she would make a great Switchman.

If a Man was here to demonstrate this same task and he pulled it correctly in one pull for the track, he wouldn't even get any recognition at all.

This may seem like such a trivial matter, but this is where it all begins.

Women are PERSISTENTLY told how perfect they are, how right they do everything, how great they are, even when they demonstrate inferiority, incompetence, laziness and ineptness in almost everything they do.


  1. Women are just overgrown children, that's why throughout history they were never given too much freedom or authority. In the West today, they all get treated like princesses no matter how hideous, stupid, obnoxious e.t.c. they are....And that has given them a false sense of self importance...In the cucked UK, in the workplace; women and third world immigrants can be completely useless and yet still get hired, promoted and given praises, whereas much more competent white men are being pushed out of the workplace....

    1. The historical wealth produced by the productivity of white men is being syphoned off through non-productive jobs and quotas. Wherever further productivity is still necessary is done by ai, robotics, chinese, indians, arabs, africans and whenever necessary white men who are hired for the lowest age and highest requirements possible.

    2. It really makes me sick, because they treat them like little children [that they are] who need to be coddled and catered to, and it means even forgiving them for anything, just like a child who might make up an ugly drawing, and calling it "cute and precious".

      It disgusts me to no end that people will permit that, and allow lowering the bar / conditions of life just to get Women in there, and denying quality Men who have the skill or experience, and instead will show either indifference or even shame to Men.

    3. Recently I had a group corporate induction at my new job and out of a group of around 30 new employees, only three including me were Caucasian males, everyone else was either black, South Asian or female.

    4. And that is one of the main reasons why East Asia will surpass the West in the following decades, they don't have any of this affirmative action bullshit in their societies.

  2. I have a relative who is falling into this trap. He tries to compensate by buying everything for his girlfriend, it really makes me sick. After that, his girlfriend one day mentioned to him that they shouldn't see each other so much because it was suffocating her and she needs her space.


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