
Showing posts from October, 2024

While Women Reject THOUSANDS Of Men, They Then Marry This "Thing", in place Someday...

Apparently, this is the "POST-COVID" Style Wedding, and what it's all come down too. And "reading a script" is accepted / considered as "True Love" in a proposal. Totally epic! Two very ugly people pretending to "desire" one another... And an ugly pig that does their marriage ceremony. 3 Years Later... " @CarniBarbie 20 minutes ago (edited) Yes but some of us suffer more from other people’s sin. My husband is a porn addict and that causes me incredible suffering. This world is shit! I’m financially stuck with him. I don’t believe in any God. There is nothing good here. He doesn’t seem like he is suffering…just making me suffer. He is an NPC for sure."

Another Very "Strange" Idiosyncratic Aspect About Americans

You can never doubt, that Americans will "ALWAYS" astonish you not only with their ignorance, but especially their pre-conceived notions or suspicions, ideas or beliefs about something, and where they lack any imagination but also leave no room for any other possibilities except what they believe is the right option in their head. Then, they take "offense" that you didn't go through with their idea or suggestion or idea all along, even if it just doesn't fit your own situation. An female employee today in the supermarket noticed when I picked up a package of meat, that I picked up "two" of the packages instead of the double "family value" package which, doesn't really save you a lot, maybe about 20 odd cents. I'm pretty strategic about things I buy in a certain quantity based on what I will consume or how it will be stored, and I even have a stacking strategy for the freezer where I stock this one particular meat item, so the smal

Once Again, I Got "Dropped Off" Today Far Away From My Stair Ledge After A Grocery Haul

I'm really getting fucking tired of this bullshit, and it absolutely has to be the vaccine these dumbasses have taken. Otherwise, can people really be this stupid? Since at least the beginning of this year, almost every random driver I get assigned, does NOT drop me off where the intended spot that makes absolute logical sense to park in front of! What I notice about these "specimens", is the more you try to clarify something or point to something, they go further away from it and make it even worse! When I tell them "Right", they go "Left" or think the opposite. This issue is apparently becoming more problematic, every time, with a total lack of common sense. If I point to my location, and explain that I am bringing in the groceries and want to unload them onto the steps, why would you choose to drive down further, or go across the street? As I explained the situation more, this lady then wanted to park illegally on the wrong side of the road at the h

A Video by Alexander Grace shows clips of Women Trolling Men

So this is wheat it's now become. And as I've said, Men are absolutely FOOLISH for playing into Women's height obsession, because you see where they now "raise the bar" even higher? You hear two horses talk about needing a Man over 6'5" Tall. And they of course only do this to compete with and make other Women jealous, so they are looking for "Trophy Husbands". It's not because they have a fetish or specific "desire" or liking for a Tall Man as a personal preference. Seriously, how many Men even exist who are 6 Foot, 10 Inches!? It's ridiculous. It's important to remember the source of where the whole obsession with 6 Feet Tall Men came from: Like most British Propaganda and Studies, American studies and findings are very much in the same methods used, so where they cite that Tall Men tend to be wealthier or more successful, it

The Truth About The Programming Of Natalism and Existence...

As I've said, I view most Humans as nothing more than a "flesh bag of chemicals". It's mostly chemicals that influence them and what they decide to do. Not any kind of semblance of "purpose" or "spiritual" aspect. People who "live for their children" are just empty inside. Some of it comes from guilt, for bringing them into this world. Remember what I've said in the past about ensuring that a Woman who likes you for you, and your genetics, likes you for the sake of yourself, NOT for the children she can taint your bloodline with. There is a keen difference. I can also tell you from my own experiences, that only Women I've been with who did NOT want children, did actually take interest and attraction to me as a person, without the objective of fulfilling a biological "role" for the children. But because of head issues and complexes of theirs, the relationships could not have been maintained. Let me give you another exampl

This Is Exactly What's Wrong With Our World... Notice how all the NPC's go along and cheer. This is because they are all controlled by algorithm scripts. If the desired outcome is for some guy like this to be worshipped or at least under the banner of social acceptance by everyone endorsing him with their praise, then the system will give the green light. It's alarming how far away we are from Natural Selection and the fact that there isn't even one person to shout out utter disgust in this. You would think the people would want to get up and leave the room. Imagine what kind of real sheep you have to be to be able to sit their pretending with a smile on your face in the audience, and to even applaud... But this is how Humans usually are. Humans always try to "make light" of any situation and will even lie or do anything to save face so long as the behavior is deemed civil and appropriate for the occasion.

Stoicism To Loser Men is what New Age Spirituality Is To Loser Women

  Stoicism is one of the "dumbest" religions out there, I would call it a religion, because while Loser Men who subscribe to this will try to always sell the benefits of it or try to reinterpret it to their own meaning, Stoicism is just another unhealthy bogus ideology like "Semen Retention"and Veganism along with Trauma / Suffering. I remember some years ago that some of the same Younger lads who were trying to promote Stoicism on me, were also into Veganism and "Retention". Stoicism is yet another reason why there will not be a revolution. Men are guilted about Watching Porn, while Women not only Watch More than Porn, but serve as the Main market for Porn and Selling their bodies, but the Women are never blamed for those actions. While we hear countless Propaganda to suggest to Men the consequences for not engaging in Semen retention, I never heard of any Conspiracy stories about Women and the dangers of using their "Dildos". You see, the way a

Even on a Monday Morning like today, Women irritate me with their lack of Preparedness

I have to service an Asian girl this morning who works for some company... For starters, she "pressured" me towards holding an Appointment for Friday and to have preparations ready in place... Claiming that she would need everything done by then and be ready. Of course no response and that never happened. I hear first thing at Dawn today that she is ready, and she claimed everything was already ready for me to check out, and not only is this not the case, but she didn't even charge the battery. One thing I find CONSISTENTLY with Women and never with Men is they never learn to fucking watch their Gas Tanks or Keep Batteries charged! They don't even understand what an Oil change is for either! To Women, even the notion that a Car needs "routine maintenance" is like this mystery to them that they don't fucking understand! What puzzles me further is how any Men would ever THINK that it would be a great idea to hire Women for their company! Unless you hire Wo

Hey Ladies... Who call your Female Friends "Bestie"...

Shockingly, I didn't really put much thought of this until recently, but did you know the word "BESTIE" in German, means "Beast"!? I can't simply believe this comes down to a coincidence... But rather a discreet codeword for who and what you really are... Because you Women really are BEASTS! Remember that, every time in the English language when you call them "Bestie". Apparently, the use of this slang term "Bestie" in the English Language, comes from where else, but from the British!

Speaking Of Russian Women... Look who posted a new video!

Her cheeks have aged and gotten "puffed up" it looks like from maybe some botox or something in even just the last few months!!! Honestly her cheeks and face structure is so horrible it makes her utterly unattractive to me. One of the worst "smiling faces" I've seen out there... A smile you want to forget! Also her eyebrows look "funky" as if she styled them in some really bizarre way. Not a good look! This girl is so outrageously insane and a pathological liar it's insane she tries to coax people into thinking anything she says is true! The only think she might even be "remotely" honest about, is that perhaps she might have gone out on a "date" with a Billionaire by being introduced to one, maybe only once in her life, and I'm pretty sure a Billionaire wouldn't be foolish to get with someone like this or spoil them. Believe me, even as far as Russian Women go, and they are pretty worthless, this one is truly BOTTOM OF T

Dissecting Sophistry Methods Women & Snake Oil Salesmen Use...

  On the point of the statement by Richard Cooper, it is interesting how he brings the equation to whereby only about 10% of Women remaining will have anything to do with Men where Money is not involved. He is absolutely correct about this, and this translates back to what I stated that at any given time, the World only has about 10-15% of Women in it who are "visual", and it's only these types of Women who will even be "direct" with you on any level, even especially as far as sexual attraction and desire goes. It is absolutely true that almost ALL Women in the world are only having Sex with guys for Money and Security, but even out of the 10-15% of Women who are visual, it also does not mean that they are not dangerous or out to destroy you, so therein lies the problem with Women overall. What does this all mean!? It means that only that roughly a potential of 10-15% of Women worldwide will have sex with you for the same reasons you want to have sex with her...

A LOT of People Are Aging Rapidly Around Us...

Between a combination of stress, and I believe from their COVID vaccines... There is no better time than ever to be more rigorous about preserving your youthfulness at all costs, and to maintain your vibrant nature and appearance. Especially if you want to be ahead of the game and way beyond all of these losers around us. In just the last 4 years alone, while I know even people well past their prime, the thing is the last 4 years look like they put 20 or more years of aging of them, and the thing is so many of them look "sickly". Even young or middle aged girls I know, are aging in the most ungraceful manner. Eat Good, if you have to drink Alcohol only drink the Top Tier stuff, don't drink cheap garbage, even just because it's "around" or "everybody else is drinking it" at the party. Bring your own private stash of good stuff. You may think what's the difference!? But the truth is that, many extremely industrial agents such as stabilizers, pres

Imagine Navigating Myra West's Head Issues :D

  A so-called "Shy Romantic" who constantly denies her attraction towards Men and tries to do everything "opposite" of showing she likes him, and laments about kissing on a first date, but somehow is still "Romantic". She's even against "flirting", citing it as "fake". Also, she thinks that a life of "hunting, fishing and beer" is "boring"... Let's see if she thinks the same when she is starving! Hunting, Fishing and enjoying a beer has been a past-time of Men for THOUSANDS of years, and will remain so. Hunting and I would say even more so in a way with "Fishing" is like a form of meditation for us Men. Fishing and even a day of Barbecuing for Men is like therapy for us, and this girl hates Men into that! Can you imagine how much full of hatred this girl is towards Men!? She might as well just make things simple and come out as a Lesbian. But the funny thing is, she's not even self-aware enough


  See just how much Women can just make this stuff up in their head on a whim!? And try to convince the sisterhood of some idea of this... When in actuality, the future for Women is one where they need to work their FUCKING ASSES OFF! This is the type of stuff women mentally masturbate over all day, and then they seek common consensus within the "sisterhood", and so long as all of them are in agreement, they believe these ideas and their feelings are facts! By the way, all this sort of stuff about Earth Energies shifting or something to do with "Heart Consciousness" all of that stuff is nonsense, absolute bunk! What amazes me is that these Spiritual Gurus can try to pretend that all this stuff is somehow simultaneous occurring, along with the so-called "awakening... When in fact, people are brainwashed zombies more than they ever were, and there is no "love" coming from any of them...

My Dream Job

You guys have no idea how much I would love to have a job of rating people's faces, bodies and genetics all day long and critiquing especially what I might love about over and over. Seriously, if there was an actual job for someone who could sit back and do this, I might even be willing to consider working a 40 hour workweek.

Women are actually Pathetic Losers and Nerds, but the Matrix, Governments & Institutions Make Them "NOT" Appear That Way

As hard as it might seem to be the case, if the Matrix system we live under, including how Incarnation cycles work and utilize Female Templates as the preferred Container Type for Demons to Inhabit this realm, and if it were not for Policies, including those both Governments and Banking Institutions, you would see Women for who and what they are. In their native "state", Women are full of nothing but Poverty and Disease and they would smell like fish, and be equivalent to any actual "Bum" or "Vagabond" that you see roaming the streets. You would actually be alarmed at how likely it is for Women to catch "fleas" or "Lice" especially since Women are less adept to naturally understanding hygeine than Men are, especially out in the Wild. The only reason Women appear so "Chic", "Dominant", "On Their Game" and as if they have all their shit together in life, is only because of the Men, Governments and Institution

Women Are Reluctant To Accept The "New Future" For Them. Still Holding Onto The Past

  Women are absolutely going batshit psycho over the fears that are now plaguing them of the fact that Men are not going to come to their aid, nor protect or provide for them, and the fact that even their twats are not enough to even inspire or catch the interest of Men nowadays. Believe me guys, these panic is about to reach even more of a fever pitch once the real reality shows its ugly face to their ugly faces, and when they have got bills to pay and appear as the broke bums they are on the street. You see, Women haven't been taking this stuff all too seriously in the past decade, because Women are used to having an abundance of Men in the rotation, or always figure there are plenty of other Men to come along who will be the suitable provider, and could never imagine a "shortage". The idea of a shortage of a Man who is a Protector or Provider, is like almost a "Frequency" that doesn't exist in the Frequency Definition Book of Women's programming makeu

Reviewing A Swedish Guy On White Men's Need To Become Tougher

  So this guy reminds me a lot in many ways of Uncommon Sense (Youtube Channel), but maybe a little bit more level-headed. I unfortunately must report, that I had a little bit of a "falling out" with Uncommon Sense and he is just going way too off the deep edge it's unfortunate, but not surprising, considering the state of the "Swedes". Unfortunately, Sweden is a lost cause at any rate, it's way beyond salvation. This is just telling the truth. This is absolutely the case. In fact, I notice in his other videos that he has also been called an "Incel" and been accused of being "Gay", which is quite typical these days, but I would like to also emphasize that Nordic Men more than ever, even among most other White Men are the ones who are bearing the brunt of constantly Homosexual accusations, especially the lighter your features are. Obviously, our enemies and critics don't literally "believe" this themselves, it's done as a

Women have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what kind of Effort and Approaches They Will Need To Take To Court Men

 Let's be quite honest about this... Women don't even 1% of the Dating or Courtship Challenges that Men are presented on any level, coupld with the fact that Women never need to pay for anything and end up receiving net benefits on dates or courtship measures with Men, whereas Men get absolutely nothing out of it and are on part with a "Net Negative" by anything he does for and with Women. Even with a Man showing Women some cool new place or even some hidden gem in their city or some place in the outskirts, this takes energy and work, and it will drain the Man. What Women don't realize is the hubris they live under, and the resultant damage they have created in every aspect of Society, and the fact that Women have absolutely violated Men's trust on any level, even down to being willing or wanting to hire Women in the workforce and having Women deal with confidential information. In the future, Women will have a really really tough time to even court the attent

On-Going Archive Of Apocalyptic / War Music, Military Marches & Death Music

I am trying to create an Online Compilation of various Military and related Dark themed music that expresses sentiment of things related to what we Germans understand and relate to. I want no "try-hard" stuff. Only authentic, hard-hitting and ruthless pieces, and hopefully we can expand this as an archive of all kinds of Masterpiece Music that promotes Violence, Hatred, Intolerance, Racism, Extermination of Humans, War and Battle, Gruesome themes relating to Death and anything Apocalyptic, but hopefully along the lines of either Marches or Battle Hymns or any Metal songs anyone wants to share. It needs to be a highly impressionable piece and I prefer German Music or if it's not German, paying tribute to the German spirit and struggle, German conceptions of Freedom, and also anything that honors the German Reich. The more extreme it is, the better. Also anything that mocks, insults or makes blasphemy of God and especially "Jesus". Someday, I hope we get to tell t

Feli aka "Girl From Germany" Explains how America Is A Slave Country... Without Realizing It's A Slave Country

  The Thumbnail of her video even speaks for itself, because basically that's what becomes of "Women" once they come to the USA, they begin to dress and act like Men, even down to wearing a lame baseball cap. But what she doesn't understand about our Homeland issues in Germany, is that the "Customer Service" issues and other problems that plague Germany and even Europe, are a result of its current position and the disatisfied lives of people, including the cascading damages of Both World Wars, which still remain as "unfinished business". While I do agree that Bureaucracy in Germany is a bitch, the thing is there are some things that "are done" in Germany the old-school way, or which otherwise might seem like a drag, but they are for GOOD REASON. Even despite being an Orphaned State run by a Foreign Enemy and in a Permanent State of Occupation, that will of course be how things are. If we had the Reich, these old "methods" would